Welcome to My World – Found Your Soulmate? – Metaphysical – Science – Relationships
Hello World! Hope your great today! All’s well here & today I’m sharing info about “soulmates”. I take this with a grain of salt as I’ve not found mine & this seems to take the “romance” out of the process… Let me know what you think…

What Science Has To Say About Soulmates
There tend to be two kinds of people in the world: those of us who believe

that there’s one perfect partner out there for us, and those who think soulmates are a bunch of baloney. But no matter which camp you fall into, there’s one thing most of us have in common: Whether we believe soulmates exist or not, what we’re ultimately looking for is sustainable relationships.
So is it likely that there’s a soulmate out there for each of us? I haven’t found mine, but what does that mean? Have we never been in the same place at the same time, or did I not see him? Here’s what experts have to say on the subject.
The Theory of Soulmates
If you’re a believer in metaphysical energies, souls and the like, you’re

probably aware of the general concept of soulmates. Historically, the theory stems from an ancient Greek belief that men and women were once a complete entity. This entity was split in half, resulting in a female and a male being brought to earth, constantly feeling incomplete until they’re reunited again.
Other theories abound too. Some people claim that soulmates are simply people whose energies align with one another on a deep, spiritual level. According to this camp, soulmates can be romantic or platonic, and there are probably many of them out there.
In his book, The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle states that, being male and

female, we are indeed two halves of a whole, which is why we seek union with a mate. But, he also explains that we have the same connection to our mates that we have to random strangers on the bus… it’s just that our mates are more compatible with us, and therefore reflect love back to us at a higher intensity than anyone else.
Of course, many of these traditional soulmate theories completely ignore romantic love between people of the same sex, polyamorous relationships, and basically anything other than hetero romance.
What Science Says
Let’s leave the metaphysical realm for a second to talk about science.

soulmate or science?
Mathematically, if you’re looking for one person out of all the beings on the planet, it’s highly unlikely that you and your soulmate will ever cross paths at all. Ahh, so maybe this is why I haven’t found mine 🙂 …
“Let’s suppose you lock eyes with an average of a few dozen new strangers each day,” writes author Randall Monroe in his book What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions. “If 10% of them are close to your age, that’s around 50,000 people in a lifetime. Given that you have 500,000,000 potential soul mates, it means you’ll only find true love in one lifetime out of 10,000.”
But of course, for the romantics out there who tend to believe in soulmates, odds aren’t exactly the point. And besides, those of us who know a thing or two about metaphysical concepts like these are familiar with the theory that we choose where and to whom we’ll be born. Who’s to say that, prior to our current lives, we didn’t select a location near our soulmate, or put ourselves in a position in which we might run into them someday? I didn’t do this?
What Psychology Says
On the other end of the spectrum from improbable metaphysical concepts

Be Kind to Yourself!
or potentially irrelevant mathematically calculations lies one field of study that may actually hold some real bearing in the soulmate situation: psychology. Psychology offers a window into what does and doesn’t make people happy, and how deeply loving couples often stay together. So what does psychology have to say about soulmates?
“While I do not believe there is such a thing as ‘finding your perfectly matched soul mate,’ I’ve seen plenty of evidence that we can become each other’s soul mates as the result of a deep and lasting love relationship,” writes Shauna H. Springer, PhD, for Psychology Today.
When two people with strong emotional and physical chemistry meet, they tend to hold one of two beliefs: Either they decide that they’re destined for each other, or they begin to suspect that, if they work really hard at making the other person happy, they could’ve struck relationship gold.
And there are very different outcomes between the two camps.
People who consider themselves soulmates tend to be much more likely to break up, or suffer through emotionally turbulent relationships that end up being toxic, according to a paper by researcher C. Raymond Knee. These individuals tend to view relationship trouble as a sign that their partner isn’t “the One.” Therefore, they usually end up breaking it off so they can get back out there and look for the perfect soulmate.
Meanwhile, those who Knee defines as “Growth Believers” are less quick to jump to judgement. They will probably take relationship problems in stride and, rather than considering them red flags, consider how they might be a better partner and avoid similar situations in the future.
Over time, this mentality makes for much healthier relationships.
“…ultimately, it isn’t the couples who had the most movie-worthy courtships that have long, happy unions,” Springer says. “It’s the couples who consistently try to see each other’s viewpoints, responsively listen to each other and maintain a mutual respect that are going to last.”
So, is there really one perfect partner out there for everyone? No one knows for sure, but you’re probably better off believing not.
I find this to be interesting information, but it sure takes the “romance” out of finding your “soulmate”; that is, if one really exists. I still haven’t found mine, but if taken with a grain of salt, this info makes me smile. What do you think about this? Did you have a smile on your face when you finished reading? Leave me a comment to tell me what you think…
Have a great day!

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