Welcome to My World – My Online Store – My Winding Journey
Hello World! Hope you’re doing great today! Have you ever had one of those days where you have a million things to do; so much that you feel overwhelmed & end up doing nothing??? When I have these days, I turn to writing, but the other “stuff” doesn’t get done… 🙁

More research needs to be done about Natural Remedies…
My Journey
I’ve decided to share a bit of my journey with you today as I haven’t done so in a long time. When I started I thought I’d share my journey at least once a week, but some weeks there aren’t very many changes to share with you… It is still a long & winding road that I travel.
Added to my blog, I need an “About Me” page so you’ll know more about

Empowered Lady with an Attitude!
who’s writing these posts. Sometimes, I think that people don’t really care about who I am, but I also imagine you’d like to know who is writing about “Healthy Living”, & if I’m qualified to do so. I’ll start on the page this week.
I have 2 other pages that I did a while ago; one is for my online store & the other is an online shopping resource page where I’ve listed places I shop at & I’ve also noted how good the sites are:pros & cons. I don’t know if anyone has looked at either of these pages…
If anyone has any suggestions as to what other pages I should add, please let me know. I’m always open to suggestions since I’m relatively new to this &, who knows, if I’m “missing” something…
I sat in on a webinair this weekend & finally did some tweaking to my

Pin It!
Pinterest account, but it will be a while before I can see if it’s made a difference. I still need to do more tweaking as I figure things out… I finally figured out how to find Group Boards, next challenge is applying to some for my Pins. from what I’ve read, this should make a big difference in my traffic.
Another challenge that I must tackle soon is beginning an email list. I

I can do It!
need to add a button (OPT IN) at the top of each page that I post. There always seems to be something new for me to learn & implement. Considering the fact that I’m “tech challenged”, this can sometimes be a real challenge.
I must also find more affiliates related to my niche of healthy living. I have a few, but I’m afraid a few are irrelevant to what I talk about…
I also want to share my online store with you. It can be found at
There is also a link at the top of each post that will provide you with a link to the my site. Please check out what I have & tell me what you think. It isn’t fancy, but the prices on all my items are very reasonable! (I can keep prices down because it isn’t fancy.) I currently have 375 items listed for sale…
Here are a only few of what I have there. Besides what I’m showing here, I have many sunglasses for adults & kids & all my sunglasses have FREE SHIPPING! All my vintage books from 1970’s & 1980’s, purses & dresses from the 1970’s are one owner (ME) & all the vintage Avon bottles (also from the 1970’s) were owned only by me so they are in great shape!

Aqua Straw Hat with Silver Threads

Vintage 1970’s Hippo Avon Bottle

Vintage Salvador Dali Book

Lovely Vintage 1970’s Burnished Gold Metallic Evening Bag…