Welcome to My World – Air Pollution – Your Health

Hello World!   Today I’m posting my 2nd post about air pollution and what we can all do about it. I hope you get something out of this read. I know I did. It worries me that those in power now have no foresight as to what will be the consequences of what they are doing to our planet. It just makes no sense to me. What do you think about this?

Will we all end up like these kitties wearing masks due to air pollution?

Will we all end up like these kitties wearing masks due to air pollution?

If Air Pollution Causes Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Parkinson’s, Why Are We Still in Denial?

When you think of things that increase your risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s disease you probably think of genetics or traumatic brain injury. Even if you created a lengthy list of factors, you might never list air pollution, but more and more research shows that air pollution is involved in these brain diseases, which now affect 6 million Americans and 50 million people worldwide.

While we have known for years that air pollution

increases your risk of asthma, lung infections and lung cancer, we are

Why would anyone want our air to look like this?

Would you want our air to look like this?

discovering that it’s also linked to your getting heart disease, depression, obesity and brain diseases. In a study published in the medical journal Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers said effects of black carbon, a traffic-related air pollution, effected cognitive function and central nervous system of their male participants. The scientists found that there was a significant link between air pollution levels and a reduction in cognitive function. This is a troubling result, given our growing air pollution emissions.

Research also shows that coarse pollution particles tend to settle in your upper lungs,

making them a threat to your respiratory health, while fine and ultra fine

Is this how You want to do outdoor activities?

Is this how You want to do outdoor activities?

pollution particles actually travel through your nostrils along neural pathways into your brain.  That’s a scary thought… that smell of diesel or gas fumes we’ve become accustomed to can actually be going to our brains where they can do serious damage. Fine pollution particles can travel thousands of miles and ultra fine particles travel up to 6 miles, so what happens on one side of our planet can affect people on the other side.

It’s no surprise that Donald Trump’s decision to pull America out of the Paris Climate Accord

will have far-reaching and longstanding results. Even major corporations that aren’t exactly known for their commitment to clean air (like ExxonMobil, Chevron, Dow Chemical Company, DuPont and even the much-hated Monsanto) are asking The Donald to stay committed to the Paris climate accord, and for good reason: the health of humans and other species on our planet depends on clean air.

Aren’t we already seeing enough signs of this damage? Respiratory illnesses, heart disease, brain disease, depression and other illnesses linked to air pollution are at record levels. And the effects of pulling out of the climate pact aren’t only health-related;  the National Resources Defense Council, an environmental group, estimates that pulling out of the agreement will cost the United States close to $2 Trillion every year by 2100.

The Paris Climate Accord was a landmark decision

made by representatives of 195 nations in December 2015 to commit to our reducing climate change and ensure the health of our future generations.

While Trump makes his decision, the effects of air pollution are already

Is this what you want to wake up to each day?

Is this what you want to wake up to each day?

having disastrous consequences. Research in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found a link between our air pollution exposure and our brain inflammation and amyloid plaques (Amyloid plaques are one of two brain abnormalities that define Alzheimer’s disease) involved in both our children and adults.

So what can you do? In addition to contacting the governor of your state, and telling them to stay in the Paris climate accord, according to the California EPA Air Resources Board there are other things you can do, including:

  1. Reduce your travel on days with poor air quality.

    Maybe riding a bike to some of your closer destinations is a good option for you...

    Maybe riding a bike to some of your closer destinations is a good option for you…

  2. Avoid doing your vigorous physical activity on days that have poor air quality.
  3. Avoid using your fireplace on days that have poor air quality.
  4. Avoid using your leaf blowers and other dust-producing equipment.
  5. Drive slowly on unpaved roads and other dirt surfaces.
  6. Get involved with air quality improvement programs in your community.
  7. If you own or operate an industrial source of PM10 ( PM10 is used to describe particles of 10 micrometers or less) , comply with local rules that apply to your operation. Work with your local agencies to develop strategies that will further reduce these emissions.
Additionally, I would add:
  1. Encourage your employer to allow more working from your home.

    You can mow your lawn with a rechargeable electric mower and it won't create air pollution.

    You can mow your lawn with a rechargeable electric mower and it won’t create air pollution.

  2. Turn off your vehicle engine immediately after arriving at your destination—don’t leave it idling while you check your phone.
  3. If your community doesn’t have an anti-idling law encourage them to pass one.
  4. Eat a nutrient-rich diet and supplement with the vitamins that protect your DNA against air pollution. *Learn which vitamins play a critical role in my blog that I posted yesterday*…
  5. Contact your government rep asking for the removal of Scott Pruitt from the Environmental Protection Agency before he totally dismantles the agency responsible for improving our air quality and our environment.

Wow! Another very informative great read. I probably should’ve posted this before yesterday’s post, but it’s done and if you haven’t read yesterday’s post about air pollution and which vitamins will help prevent pollution damage to your body, please check it out now. If this interests you, it has more good info that you will want to read…

Have a great day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!







