Welcome to My World – My Journey – “Tech Stuff” got Me Down

Hello World!  Nothing gets me to feeling more helpless than knowing there’s still so much tech stuff I need to learn. I am so tech challenged, my head spins when I think of what I need to do, but if I don’t do it, I’ll never have enough traffic to my blog, and, heaven only knows, I need the traffic. What do I do? Should I say “uncle” and admit that tech issues beat me? I don’t think so, but what to do…… My 6 year old granddaughter probably knows more about this “Tech Stuff” than I do.

Journaling can help you realize your fears & then take action.

Journaling can help you realize your fears & then take action. So, maybe it’s time for me to conquer my “tech” fears this way?

Maybe I need to walk away for a few minutes, or an hour, and do some exercise (I know how to do that 🙂 )… A little cursing won’t hurt either as I’ve stated in a previous post, it is good for your mental health 🙂 and I do write mainly about healthy living… 🙂

Cursing like a sailor can be good for you! (I'm so relieved :) )

Cursing like a sailor? That’s what I feel like doing when the “tech” stuff raises it’s ugly little head! They say cursing is good for you 🙂

So, I’ve been posting every 2 or 3 days now. I no longer post daily as I haven’t found the avenue to get my blog out there so I’ll have traffic coming here to read what I write. I truly need HELP! I basically enjoy writing so I keep going, and if I even help one person, my blog is not for nothing. It did some good and I’ll continue, but it sure would be nice to get this “tech stuff” figured out. I really don’t want to admit defeat. I’m not young, but that’s no excuse for not figuring out this stuff…

I’m doing pretty good with Pinterest

(still need to use group boards, but have plenty of my own boards & pins & still

Pin it! I must tweak this more!

Pin it! I must tweak this more!

growing), and my writing is going well, but I still can’t get my opt in button with mail chimp to work (may need to switch to convert kit as I’ve read there are some issues between mail chimp and word press) and I don’t need this issue, in addition to all the other tech issues;

Google Analytics

And now I’m told I need google analytics to track my traffic, so I signed up, but there’s some code I need to put in someplace here to make it work, and I have no idea where to put it. I don’t believe I need to create a widget (I actually know how to do that 🙂 ) for this code, so where does it go?

Well, I figured this out & now I can see that nobody is finding my blog… so what’s worse, knowing no one reads what I write or being ignorant of this fact. Lord, the tech stuff sucks bigtime!   It truly is getting the best of me.    Aaaaggghhhh!!! Geez, do I need help…

Well, I’ve got Google Analytics working. If GA is working correctly, almost no one is reading my blog posts. It appears that the “tech stuff” is winning. Not good so what do I do? 🙁

Well, I guess I’ll continue writing and maybe one day the tech stuff will

Does your fear make you angry?

Does your fear make you angry?or do you get angry when you can’t figure something out as I am now?

work, or not (I won’t live forever and it may take me that long to learn this stuff), so I may never have an income from my blog, but I’ll keep writing. Isn’t life grand??? Not all the time. This is the real world, after all.

I do a couple of other little things to make some money

(not nearly enough), but I wish my blog worked like it should. I really don’t want to write about “How to write a blog” as so many others do. That’s not the way I want to make money.

I’ve done a few of the free courses online,

and of course, they then want to sell you something which I can’t afford. there are also those who really shouldn’t be selling their knowledge as it isn’t very good, or maybe it’s their writing skills that are poor; and I actually came across one person with a truly “poor” attitude (I’m being nice). What happened to “the customer is right?” It doesn’t exist anymore, I guess.

One woman told me I was “snarky” (didn’t even know what the word meant til I did a google search 🙂 ), all because I was honest with her about her lack of follow up when someone asked her a question. Well, she lost me as a customer, and her material wasn’t so hot to begin with (full of grammatical and spelling errors which bothers me when someone is charging you to take their course. To me, this says they don’t care enough to proof or have someone proof their work). Oh, well. Another life lesson learned, and I moved on…

Don’t get me wrong,

I’ve come across some really nice people out there, that are attentive and

You should trust instincts if someone is in danger & you want to help.

I’ve come across some really nice people out there in cyberspace.

answer my questions.

Some of the courses I’ve come upon are way too expensive for me. I can’t afford them, and that’s the simple truth.  A few appear to be worth it, but others aren’t. I’m not naming names for good, bad or mediocre. That’s not what this post is about.

I’ve been sitting on this post for a long time, and now is as good a time as any to post it.

Is this in the line of my usual healthy living posts? Well, in a sense it is. It’s about my Journey and My healthy living – my mental healthy living…

I hope you all have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!













