Welcome to My World – Winter Sources of Vitamin C

Hello World! Winter is upon now and we have our first “cold” snap here in southeast Texas. The front is coming thru as I write this and the temp will drop about 20 degrees, from the mid 70’s down to the 50’s. This is backwards temps, but I thought this an appropriate post today. Here are some good sources for your vitamin C in the winter.

Vitamin C can help you when you have a cold, or a UTI or a host of other ailments..

Vitamin C can help you prevent a cold or the flu or other ailments..

8 Winter Sources of Vitamin C

Let’s face it: most of us don’t eat enough fruits or vegetables this time of year. Yet these foods are essential to get adequate vitamin C and we need more vitamin C to ward off colds and flu and to keep our immune system strong.

You can still get your daily dose of vitamin C in winter no matter where you live. Here are my top picks:


While they’re not available in every grocery store this time of year, papayas

papayas are rich in vitamin C & you can find them in most of your stores in winter.

papayas are rich in vitamin C & you can find them in most of your stores in winter.

seem to be fairly accessible and affordable in most of your grocery stores. Obviously, if you’re reading this from Alaska you’ll probably want to move on to the next options on the list. But with a whopping 168 milligrams of vitamin C per fruit they top the list of sources of vitamin C.


You may want to start adding more broccoli to your diet when you learn that

broccoli is another vitamin C rich food for you to eat in winter.

broccoli is another vitamin C rich food for you to eat in winter.

it contains over a hundred milligrams of vitamin C per cup. Don’t boil it though since the vitamin C will be lost to the cook water. Instead, lightly steam it, eat it raw with your favorite veggie dip, roast it or saute it in a stir fry.


At 97 milligrams of vitamin C in a single cup of Brussels sprouts, these

Do you like brussels sprouts. These are also rich in vitamin C.

Do you like brussels sprouts. These are also rich in vitamin C.

miniature cabbage-like veggies make a great addition to your winter meals. Like broccoli, do not boil this or you’ll lose the vitamin C but roasting them is a great way to enjoy these vegetables. Chop in half, toss in a small amount of olive oil and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.


One medium grapefruit typically contains 88 mg of vitamin C, making it

Grapefruit is another fruit rich in vitamin C & easy to find in your store all year.

Grapefruit is another fruit rich in vitamin C & easy to find in your store all year.

time to add it back to your morning regime, afternoon snack or to enjoy as a delicious fresh juice. Forget the bottled stuff, most of the vitamin C is lost in the processing even before it gets to you.


Fairly inexpensive all year round, oranges are still an excellent source of

Oranges are great for you to get vitamin C. Eat the fruit & not the juice as it is healthier for you.

Oranges are great for you to get vitamin C. Eat the fruit & not the juice as it is healthier for you.

vitamin C. An average size orange contains about 70 mg of this important immune-boosting nutrient.


A single 2-inch long kiwi fruit contains 64 mg of vitamin C, making them

Kiwi is another vitamin C rich food, but depending on where you are may not be easy to find in winter.

Kiwi is another vitamin C rich food, but depending on where you are may not be easy to find in winter.

an excellent source of vitamin C. Availability and price varies widely depending on your location but in many places they are still accessible and affordable this time of year.


This much-maligned vegetable deserves some respect. It contains 54 mg of

cauliflower - another Vitamin C rich vege for you to eat.

cauliflower – another Vitamin C rich vege for you to eat.

vitamin C in a cup of the cruciferous vegetable. Again, don’t boil the vegetable, favoring instead roasting, raw, steamed, or sautéed. If you haven’t tried tossing cauliflower florets in a bit of olive oil and adding a pinch of sea salt and roasting in the oven for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees, you’re in for a treat. Even cauliflower haters often enjoy cauliflower when cooked this way.


Overlooked as nothing more than a garnish, it’s time for you to start

Parsley is rich in vit. C & would you ever think about parsley as a cancer fighter?

Parsley is rich in vit. C & would you ever think about parsley as a cancer fighter?

enjoying more parsley. It contains 40 mg of vitamin C in a half cup of chopped parsley. Add chopped parsley to some of your cooked quinoa, some mild onions, and tomatoes and dress with a garlicky vinaigrette made with lemon juice and olive oil and you’ve got yourself a delicious (and gluten-free) tabbouleh salad.

I find this to be a very good read since I believe in natural remedies over prescriptions any day. How about you? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this; you can leave me a message below…

Have a great healthy day!

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