Welcome to My World – UTI’s & Natural Remedies

Hello World!  If you’ve ever had a UTI (urinary tract infection), then you know they aren’t much fun. Here are some natural remedies that may work for you instead of antibiotics, but it is best to check with your doctor first, just to be sure…

Have you ever heard of bearberry? Did you know it can help with a UTI?

Have you ever heard of bearberry? Did you know it can help with a UTI? there are so many fascinating plants in our world for us to explore.

Top Natural Remedies to Help Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Anyone who has experienced a urinary tract infection knows how difficult they can be to effectively treat. There are numerous infectious microbes behind these nasty infections but E. coli and E. faecalis are among your most common.

Fortunately there are many foods and herbs for you to eat that have proven their effectiveness against these bacteria and other microbes linked to urinary tract infections (UTIs). Here are some of the best ones:


I’m not referring to the processed, sweetened cranberry juice and other

cranberry juice is good for a UTI if it has no sugar added. Sugar will feed bacteria.

cranberries, cherries & other berries, Oh, My. cranberry juice is good for a UTI if it has no sugar added. Sugar will feed bacteria.

products found in most of your grocery stores. I’m talking about real cranberries—fresh or frozen—as well as 100% cranberry juice that hasn’t been diluted with sweeteners or sweeter juices (like grape or apple). Cranberries contain high levels of proanthocyanidins that help prevent harmful bacteria from attaching to the lining of your urinary tract. Additionally, they contain a compound known as arbutin that can also be helpful in your treatment of urinary tract infections.

A study published in the Journal of Medical Economics found that drinking cranberry juice was an effective strategy to help prevent UTIs. Ideally, drink one to two ounces of cranberry juice diluted in several ounces of water three times daily for a few weeks.


Those pesky lawn weeds should become one of your best friends if you’re

Dandelion may be a weed to you but it is good for your kidneys & urinary tract.

Dandelion may be a weed to you but it is good for your kidneys & urinary tract.

dealing with UTIs. That’s because the leaves are nutrient-packed powerhouses that help boost the health of your urinary tract but also because the leaves act as a diuretic to flush excess fluid from your urinary tract, thereby helping to flush harmful bacteria out as well. And, unlike pharmaceutical diuretics that deplete your body of important minerals like potassium and calcium, dandelion leaves contain them to maintain healthy levels of these nutrients. Of course, stay clear of any dandelions on lawns that have been sprayed or are close to busy roads. Choose small leaves in spring before the leaves become too bitter-tasting.


Green tea is one of your best super foods for its many healing benefits,

Green Tea has so many benefits for you; one of which is keeping your brain young.

Green Tea has so many benefits for you; one of which is keeping your brain young; & it aids your immune system.

including fighting brain disease and cancer, but recent research published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine shows that natural compounds found in green tea also demonstrate the ability to kill E. coli bacteria in laboratory studies. Green tea contains the potent antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is most likely responsible for the beverage’s anti-infectious properties as well.

More research needs to be conducted on humans to assess the antibacterial benefits of green tea, but considering the lack of side-effects and your plentiful number of health benefits from regularly drinking green tea, it might be a great addition to your UTI prevention or treatment strategy.


Often added as a flavor-enhancer and starter in your making of sauerkraut,

Juniper can help you with a UTI.

Juniper can help you with a UTI.

juniper berries are also helpful in the treatment of UTIs. A study published in the journal Molecules found they demonstrated effectiveness against E. coli bacteria, which are your primary bacterial cause of UTIs. A tablespoon or two of juniper berries are best boiled in a quart (or liter) of pure water in a pot on your stove. After the mixture reaches the boiling point, reduce the heat to simmer and cover for 45 minutes. Strain and drink your tea a few times daily.


I jokingly tell my clients that oregano kills everything in its path except

oregano - Here we have another healer

oregano – Here we have another healer for us & our pets.

healthy tissue and beneficial bacteria, but it’s almost true. Oregano, particularly the essential oil extracted from the plant, has demonstrated antimicrobial action even when antibiotics fail thanks to the highly potent plant compounds known as carvacrol and rosmarinic acid. Research in the journal Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease showed that oregano was effective against multiple strains of Klebsiella bacteria, which can sometimes be implicated in urinary tract infections. Choose a high potency product specifically designed for internal use and follow package directions.


While the most common advice among health professionals is to take a

Yogurt is a good probiotic for you... but in the case of a UTI, you want specific probiotics.

Yogurt is a good probiotic for you… but in the case of a UTI, you want specific probiotics.

broad-spectrum probiotic for whatever ails you, that’s simply not effective in dealing with specific health concerns like a urinary tract infection. Most probiotic strains have little to no effectiveness against the infectious microbes implicated with UTIs. It’s a far more effective strategy for you to supplement with the strains that have been identified in research to demonstrate effectiveness against UTIs. The two main probiotics that have demonstrated their ability to prevent UTI infections in women include: L. rhamnosus and L. reuteri so it is best to make sure your probiotic supplement includes these two strains.


While thyme is mainly used in your cooking of meat dishes and stews, it

thyme will help our UTI or heal your sore throat

thyme will help our UTI or heal your sore throat

warrants a broader place in our lives, including in your treatment of urinary tract infections. That’s because it is a broad-spectrum natural antibacterial agent that has shown effectiveness against E. coli bacteria.


Research in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry found that the

Do you want to grind your own turmeric? Your coffee grinder will work for this task. Your food will taste great & it is so healthy for you too.

Do you want to grind your own turmeric? Your coffee grinder will work for this task. Your food will taste great & it is so healthy for you too.

active ingredient in turmeric—a common curry ingredient—curcumin, is effective at reducing your inflammation and damage to your urinary tract, including the kidneys. Add a tablespoon of turmeric to your favorite curry or take curcumin supplements (follow package directions for the product you choose).

I find this to be great information! Do you use any of these regularly?  I do. I use turmeric when I cook, take probiotics and eat Greek yogurt almost daily so hopefully, it’s doing me some good. Let me know what you think of this. I’d love to hear from you so leave me a message below…

Have a great healthy day!

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Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!