Welcome To My World – Anti-Aging Herbs

Hello World!  If you’re like me, as we get older, we think more about aging and the effects it has on our bodies (from head to toe). We start to see the lines around our eyes, and the lines around the mouth. With age comes wisdom, but so do wrinkles; and a host of aches and pains from things like arthritis, etc…… 🙁  I hope you gain some useful information from reading this. I already take some of these herbs, but not all.

I’d love to hear what you do to slow the aging process, and you can message me below to give me your imput…

Laughter is good for your soul at any age!

Laughter is good for your soul at any age! Laughing makes you feel younger…

Anti-Aging Herbs and Nutrients

Are you trying to maintain a youthful appearance, but don’t want to undergo the knife, Botox or some other invasive procedure? I don’t know about you, but I hate needles, and surgery is not up there on my list of things I like either.

Natural herbs and nutrients can help you; and here are the best ones for anti-aging:


ALA is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your body from free radical

Alpha Lipoic Acid can help you cure the "blahs"

Alpha Lipoic Acid can help you cure the “blahs”

damage. It also helps to recycle other antioxidants like vitamins E and C, giving you greater protection against free radicals. Free radicals are to blame for aging and disease, including skin damage and wrinkling.

Research in the European medical journal Inflammation Research found that alpha lipoic acid not only protects our cells and tissues against free radical damage linked to aging, it also prevents the destruction of our cellular energy centers, known as mitochondria, which tend to become damaged as we age. Preventing damage to these critical cellular components helps to ensure adequate energy for cellular and tissue repair over time.


Packed with antioxidants, bilberry is potent medicine against many age-

Bilberry is another anti-aging herb for you to try.

Bilberry is another anti-aging herb for you to try.

related concerns. It is especially helpful to preserve your vision and prevent degenerative eye diseases. Research in the online medical journal PLoS One found that bilberry can help protect you against damage to your retina and nerves of your eye.


Declining levels of HGH are linked with many of the symptoms linked with our aging: fat gain, muscle loss, loss of energy, poor sleep, skin changes, bone density loss and a decline in libido. Supplementing with GABA, a natural amino acid may help to maintain levels of HGH naturally, lessening these unwanted symptoms. Avoid GABA if you are prone to seizures.


Garlic is renowned for its potent effects on viruses and bacteria, but it also

Garlic has antibiotic properties, makes food taste great & will help you keep mosquitoes away and lower BP... I eat it daily.

Garlic has antibiotic properties, makes food taste great & will help you keep mosquitoes away and lower BP… I eat it daily.

reduces our cholesterol levels, helps lower our blood pressure and prevents excessive blood vessel clumping, all of which can contribute to heart disease. The sulphur compounds found in garlic have been found in research published in the journal Molecules to have significant antioxidant activity against free radicals.


While we attribute our memory loss, reduced cognitive function and dementia to age, the use of natural medicines like the herb ginkgo biloba may help you to protect your brain from age-related damage or impairment. A growing body of research that supports the use of ginkgo to increase your blood flow to the brain and to protect your brain cells and blood vessels in your brain.

In a recent study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, scientists assessed the existing studies showcasing the role of ginkgo on your brain health and found that ginkgo may be helpful in your treatment of vascular dementia. A typical dose varies between 60 to 240 mg of standardized ginkgo extract per day. Follow package instructions for the product you choose.


Among the Chinese, ginseng is considered the Fountain of Youth. According

Have you ever seen the ginseng plant?

Have you ever seen the ginseng plant, & were you aware of it’s many benefits to your body?

to renowned late herbalist Dr. James Duke, it tones your skin and your muscles, improves your appetite and digestion, and restores your sexual energy. Ginseng comes in many forms including: raw herb, tea, liquid extract, tincture, tablets and capsules. Follow package directions for the product you choose.


Frequently used in India to improve your memory and extend longevity, gotu kola is excellent when made into an herbal tea. It has been shown in research published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology to demonstrate significant antioxidant ability, as well as to improve your cognitive function and mitochondria health.


Loaded with the mineral silicon that often declines as you age, horsetail plays a role in increasing silicon in arteries, skin, bones, cartilage and

Horsetail is anotherHorsetail is another healthy plant for you to use... It'll help keep your bones strong.

Horsetail is another healthy plant for you to use… It’ll help keep your bones strong.

connective tissues. Researchers studied the effectiveness of horsetail in building bone and preventing infections that can be linked to fractures and osteoporosis. Published in the journal Cell Proliferation, the study showed that horsetail improved the bone-building ability of osteoblasts—cells that make bone by laying down a matrix to which minerals bind to form bone. Horsetail is also available as a tea., tincture and in capsules.


Since the liver has more than five hundred functions, including processing

milk thistle: it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful nature is to us ... We need to do our part to keep it this way so they'll survive for our future generations.

milk thistle: it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful nature is to us … We need to do our part to keep it this way so they’ll survive for our future generations.

and filtering your medications and environmental toxins, it can suffer from the stresses of the modern world, particularly over time as we age. Silymarin, an active ingredient in milk thistle stimulates your liver cell regeneration to help your liver rebuild after it has been damaged. A standardized extract of 140 mg of silymarin per day is suitable to help you protect and repair your liver.


In addition to helping with your digestion and gastrointestinal problems

You can plant peppermint in your yard to ward off those pesky bugs. It's good for your pets, & It also smells great, & energizes you. Make it into an essential oil for it's analgesic properties & it helps your aches & pains.

Peppermint Oil helps with your arthritis pain & you can plant peppermint in your yard to ward off those pesky bugs. It’s dangerous for pets as an essential oil, & It also smells great, & energizes you. Make it into an essential oil for it’s analgesic properties & it helps your aches & pains.

linked with aging, peppermint contains antioxidants that help you to prevent cancer, heart disease and other age-related disorders. It is readily available as an herbal tea.


Turmeric is powerful against many types of pain and inflammation

Do you want to grind your own turmeric? Your coffee grinder will work for this task. Your food will taste great & it is so healthy for you too.

Do you want to grind your own turmeric? Your coffee grinder will work for this task. Your food will taste great & it is so healthy for you too.

associated with your aging. A spice, commonly used in Indian curries, you can add it to your soups, stews and curries to benefit from this valuable spice. Research published in the Journal of Psycho pharma-cology showed that within only one hour after taking a supplement containing one of turmeric’s active ingredients, curcumin, study participants had a significant improvement in their memory and attention tasks compared to the placebo group.


Vitamin D helps protect against your bone loss linked with aging, as well as many chronic illnesses like diabetes,

vitamin D may help you prevent cancer. It also aids your body to digest calcium that your bones need.

vitamin D may help you prevent cancer. It also aids your body to digest calcium that your bones need.

cancer and heart disease. Staying free of these diseases can certainly help you live a longer, healthier life. Additionally, even the flu can become increasingly dangerous as we age.

Fortunately, in a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers assessed vitamin D’s ability to reduce your incidence of flu. After assessing the 167 study participants, scientists concluded that vitamin D3 supplementation reduced the incidence of flu. While the study was conducted on children, the results most likely extend to adults. Additionally, in a study of 1739 people published in the medical journal Circulation, researchers found that a vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Correcting your deficiency may help prevent heart disease and premature death due to heart attacks or stroke.

It isn’t necessary for you to take all of the above herbs and nutrients to benefit from their anti-aging properties. Even one or two taken consistently can help you. Start by drinking horsetail, gotu kola or peppermint tea regularly and eating more curries with garlic and turmeric. Follow the manufacturer’s suggested dose for tinctures, capsules or tea; and Consult a qualified health professional before taking any herbs or combining them with medications or for the treatment of your health conditions.

I found this to be extremely good information; and I already take garlic and turmeric on a regular basis. I also use peppermint regularly as well.

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!