High Blood Pressure & Nutrient Deficiency
Hello World and Welcome to My World! Good info for anyone who’s ever gone to your doctor and saw your blood pressure was too high. Many times, it is what they call “white coat syndrome” which is basically a real dislike of doctors, dentists, etc. This happens to me , but I primarily control my blood pressure naturally with the foods I eat and the supplements I take. Stress and anxiety don’t help either, and I have a tougher time with these as I seem to get stressed easily these days…

Is something in your life overwhelming you, causing your stress,, anxiety or depression? Can social media be making this worse? And do you eat healthy?
High Blood Pressure Linked to This Surprising Nutrient Deficiency
According to new nutritional science, there is great news for the more than

Do you eat healthy? Are you etting enough zinc in your diet?
100 million people suffering from high blood pressure (in the United States alone). Research shows that a zinc deficiency may be your missing link behind the condition known as hypertension. The new study published in the American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology found that a zinc deficiency can cause your kidneys to absorb more sodium than they otherwise would, thereby potentially increasing your blood pressure by throwing off your body’s delicate mineral balance.
Scientists have known about the zinc deficiency link to hypertension for over two decades thanks to studies like one published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology which showed the link, but it has been unclear as to the role of a zinc deficiency in high blood pressure. The new study shows that the mineral deficiency causes excessive sodium absorption in your body.
Blood pressure is the measure of force that blood applies to the walls of your arteries as it travels through your blood vessels carrying blood from your

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heart to the rest of your body and back again. When blood pressure becomes high, which is known as hypertension, it can damage your arteries making them less effective at moving blood through your body. It can be a risk factor for heart concerns like stroke, heart attack, and other heart disease-related problems.
Zinc is a mineral required by your body to make over 300 different enzymes—specialized proteins that are required for many of your body’s

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biochemical processes, which we now understand includes regulating sodium absorption by your kidneys. Without sufficient amounts of zinc, your body is vulnerable to attacks on its immune system, problems with reproduction, poor skin health and vision impairment. In addition to your kidneys, the brain, heart, liver, muscles and even your blood depend on zinc for health. Even a minor deficiency can have wide-reaching health effects and may be the missing link in regulating high blood pressure.
While sodium is an essential mineral, meaning that we need it to survive, too much can be extremely dangerous. Contrary to the advice I’ve been seeing on many health blogs on the internet, excessive amounts can be harmful. Sodium is one of the minerals that is known as an electrolyte which is a class of substances that regulate the healthy function of your cells and organs, particularly your cells’ ability to conduct electricity and regulate water.
Sodium is intricately involved in heart muscle contractions which help to

You should limit your salt intake to lower your BP.
regulate your overall heart function. Together with another electrolyte, potassium, sodium significantly influences heart health—for better or worse depending on the amount you ingest through your diet or drugs. To simplify the science, sodium increases blood pressure and potassium decreases it.
Taken in the right proportions sodium and potassium can regulate your blood pressure and significantly influence your heart health. However, an underlying zinc deficiency may cause high sodium levels, which in turn, may lower essential potassium levels, since the two minerals work together for balance: when one is high the other tends to become low. And, a high sodium and low potassium diet like the one most North Americans eat is linked to a 50% increased risk of death from heart disease.
Instead of addressing a zinc deficiency, many people turn to statin drugs,

This is not the Zinc you need to take for health 🙂
beta blockers or ACE-inhibitors to treat their high blood pressure, but these drugs are replete with many nasty side-effects. Statins are linked to weakness, dementia and muscle pain. Beta blockers can block compounds in your body that regulate the heart to slow your heart and are linked to dizziness, weight gain, cold extremities, depression and breathing problems. ACE Inhibitors have been linked to dizziness, fatigue, headaches, loss of taste and even death. Never discontinue any medication without consulting your physician first.
Nutrition experts estimate that adult women and men need about 8 to 11

Did you know that acne can be a sign of zinc deficiency in adults & teens? And you really are better off NOT popping those pimples; no matter how much it tempts you.
milligrams of zinc, respectively, on a daily basis; however, there really is no such thing as an average person, so our needs may fluctuate depending on our health and at varying stages of life. Men tend to need 11 milligrams daily since zinc is vital to male reproductive health. Infections, stress, trauma and your use of steroid medications can deplete zinc in your body, as can conditions like Crohn’s disease.
While oysters are the most known source of zinc, there are many others,

pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc for you.
including: legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, navy beans, pinto beans, Romano beans, etc.; beets and beet greens, Brazil nuts (other nuts too but Brazils contain higher amounts); carrots; dark leafy green vegetables; nuts and nut butters; onions; peas; pumpkin and sunflower seeds; sprouts, and whole grains.
If you choose to supplement with this mineral, zinc gluconate, zinc citrate

Do you eat healthy? Are you etting enough zinc in your diet?
and zinc orotate tend to be your most absorbable forms. Different nutrition experts have their specific preferences. Do not exceed dosage amounts indicated on the package of the product you select, as the mineral can build up to toxic levels in your body. Additionally, it competes with copper, which is also important for health. Keep zinc supplements out of reach of children. Do not take zinc supplements within 2 hours of high fiber foods like bran since fiber can bind to zinc and escort it out of your body.
Signs You May Have a Zinc Deficiency
There are many signs of a zinc deficiency. Just because you have one or

Spinach is great in a salad, & its another source of zinc!
more symptoms/conditions doesn’t mean you necessarily have a zinc deficiency. Conversely, you may not have any of the following health concerns but you can still have a zinc deficiency. The following list is simply a general guideline to help you determine whether you might benefit from boosting the amount of zinc in your daily diet.
Anorexia or low appetite
Brittle nails
Growing pains or stunted growth (in children or teenagers)
Difficulty conceiving children
Frequent flus or colds, or other infections
Late sexual maturity, prostate disorders, impotence or low sperm count in men
Loss of sense of smell or taste
Poor night vision
Sleep disturbances
Slow-growing nails or hair
Stretch marks
White spots on fingernails
This is excellent information for anyone interested in treating your symptoms naturally, but still consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure…
Have a great healthy day!

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