Health Benefits of Cursing! (Especially in 2020)
Hello World! This seems so appropriate considering 2020 has been one very strange year so far… Today I’m going to share some interesting information about “Cursing” & how it may be beneficial to you. Interesting timing as I’m trying to teach myself something new with my blog & that is usually accompanied by some cursing. It’s good to know that it’s good for me!

So Much to Learn!
Now here is the info I am sharing today. Enjoy the read & let me know what you think about the benefits of “Cursing”…
Ways Cursing Like a Sailor Can Be Healthy for You!

Cursing like a sailor can be good for you! (I’m so relieved 🙂 )
When it comes to cursing, people tend to have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, cursing can make you seem super impolite & immature; while on the other hand, it can sometimes help you add impactful emotion or humor to whatever point you may be trying to get across.
From a young age, we’re taught that cursing is highly inappropriate, but like everything in life, nothing is ever so black or white. Here’s how cursing can actually have health benefits for you.
1. Cursing might help you share your honest thoughts & feelings.
A recent psychology study from the University of Cambridge found that people

Are you bleepable?
who curse more often tend to be more honest. In the study, 276 subjects were given questionnaires where they were asked to list the curse words they typically used the most & why. Following the questionnaire, these subjects participated in a lie-detecting test. Those who turned out to be the most truthful in the lie-detecting test were the ones who listed more curse words on their questionnaire.
2. Cursing can help you express your emotions better.
It’s healthy for you to be able to express your emotions as opposed to bottling

I feel better now!
them up, & while researchers still don’t entirely know why we swear, it’s possible that it could be a form of expression stemming from emotional arousal. In one study, 60 subjects were asked to play a first-person shooter game & a golf game as a control. After playing, the subjects filled out questionnaires that determined behavioral measures of cursing fluency. The researchers found that cursing was significantly greater after playing the first-person shooter game compared to the golf game, suggesting that cursing may indeed represent your emotional expression.
3. Cursing might help you manage pain better.
Ever wonder why a curse word automatically comes straight out of your mouth after

Cursing Helps Manage Pain
you stub your toe? It might just be a pain-relieving reaction from your brain. A 2009 study that looked at how long subjects could keep their hands submerged in uncomfortably cold water found that their choice of words seemed to impact their perceived levels of pain as well as their behavior. Those who chose to use curse words while their hands were in the water reported feeling less pain compared to those who chose to chant neutral words. The subjects who cursed were also able to keep their hands submerged for 40 seconds longer on average.
4. Cursing can help you bond with others.
You might assume that blurting out curse words left & right would turn people off

Are you irritable? Do you feel better after cursing?
from wanting to have anything to do with you, but in fact, researchers found that it can actually enhance your social relationships with others — particularly in a workplace environment — as long as it’s not used to bully others. Perhaps it has something to do with your links between cursing & your honest, emotional expression.
5. Cursing might give you a confidence boost & say something about your intelligence.
You may be able to empower yourself to feel more confident & in control of a

Don’t Quit! Success will Follow – Keep Cursing!
situation just by cursing. A study found that when you cursed more, you were not only more confident, but also more intelligent, too. Subjects had to name as many curse words as they could think of in one minute, followed by as many animals they could think of in one minute. Those who could name a higher number of curse words could also name a higher number of animals.
So next time you catch yourself shouting out a four-letter word, you don’t have to feel guilty about it. You may actually be doing yourself a huge favor without evening realizing it.
I found this info very interesting & bet that if I keep on cursing while learning all this stuff about blogging (if I ever learn it all), I will be a huge success, & it also helps me to determine that I am “smart”… 🙂 🙂 🙂

Empowered Lady with an Attitude says it is OK to curse & feel better after. Be Healthy!