Welcome to My World – Got The Blahs?

Hello World!  Today I’m sharing some info about curing the “Blahs”. We all get them from time to time. I know I do, and after our unwelcome visitor “Harvey” overstayed his welcome, I sometimes have trouble shaking them. How about you? What do you do for the “Blahs”?

Exercise helps me get rid of the "Blahs"

Exercise helps me get rid of the “Blahs”

Feeling Blah? 3 Things to Power Up Your Cells

Whether you’re just feeling blasé or have a full-blown energy management disorder like chronic fatigue syndrome, your cells may need an energy boost. After all, let’s face it: managing millions, if not billions of cellular and chemical functions in your body takes a lot of energy.

Within each of your cells there is a microscopic energy factory known as mitochondria. When your energy factories lack the raw materials they need to function properly, your cells simply won’t have sufficient energy to perform their daily functions. So, what can you do to give your mitochondria, and by extension your cells, an energy boost? Here are three things that can supercharge your cellular energy:

B Complex Vitamins

There are several vitamins collectively known as B-complex vitamins.

A variety of vitamins & supplements can help you get rid of the "blahs", lower your BP.; & B vitamins can help your brain stay young.

A variety of vitamins & supplements can help you get rid of the “blahs”, lower your BP.; & B vitamins can help your brain stay young.

These nutrients play a critical role as helpers (coenzymes) in your cellular chemical processes. They also play an essential role in your cellular energy production. Without adequate amounts of even just a single B vitamin, your cells will lack the energy they need to perform their many functions.

The main B vitamins involved in energy production include:

thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5) and B12.

You can take iron in supplements.

B Vitamins can cure you of the “blahs”

The latter is frequently called the energy vitamin. Most people notice that adding a B complex supplement of either 50 or 100 milligrams daily to their health plan is enough to experience a boost in your energy levels. Some of the B vitamins, like B12 for example, are measured in micrograms instead of milligrams. Supplement manufacturers adjust accordingly. If you’re taking these nutrients individually, be sure you adjust accordingly as well. In other words, take 100 micrograms instead of milligrams. B complex vitamins are found in many of your foods like green leafy vegetables, brown rice, root vegetables, pumpkin seeds and beans. Don’t take B complex vitamins too late in the day if you’re prone to insomnia since they do have an energizing quality.

The mitochondria of the cells depend on CoQ10 to boost energy

for every cellular function in your body. Unfortunately, this nutrient can become depleted as we age or experience health issues. Coenzyme is available for you in both supplement and lozenge forms. Most nutritional practitioners recommend 100 mg daily; however, those people suffering with energy management disorders (such as chronic fatigue syndrome) or brain diseases may need higher amounts.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

One of the most powerful antioxidants, alpha lipoic acid, is able to pass

Alpha Lipoic Acid can help you cure the "blahs"

Alpha Lipoic Acid can help you cure the “blahs”

through your fatty cellular membranes to protect the cellular power centers from damage so they are better able to function smoothly and efficiently, cranking out the energy your body needs to function. As if that wasn’t enough reason to love alpha lipoic acid, this powerful nutrient is also the queen of recycling in your body. It recycles all of the other antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E to ensure they are able to protect your cells long after they would have normally expired. A typical dose of alpha lipoic acid is 100 mg daily—ideally in divided doses morning and evening.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

In the same way that B vitamins act as coenzymes to ensure the smooth

CoQ10 can help you in a number of ways, including curing the "blahs"

CoQ10 can help you in a number of ways, including curing the “blahs”

functioning of most of your body’s cellular processes, so too does CoQ10.  While coenzyme Q10 helps boost the energy of many of your body’s cells, it has strong validation for use as a brain energy rejuvenator and even shows promise in the treatment of brain diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

I find this to be excellent information, and it amazes me daily how wonderful many natural supplements are for us. Do you take any of these supplements? I already take CoQ10 and B vitamins for energy. CoQ10 is also supposed to help lower blood pressure…

Have a great healthy, energy filled day!

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Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!
