Welcome to My World – Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink?
Hello World! I hope you’re having a great day and I’d love to hear what you think of today’s post about apple cider vinegar! Do you drink apple cider vinegar? Let me know by leaving me a comment below… It has health benefits, but you must use it properly. Enjoy the read.

did you ever drink apple cider vinegar?
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink?
Apple cider vinegar is one of the staples in my home. I use it to preserve

Healthy & Pretty Herbs in your garden… And, you can preserve them with apple cider vinegar.
freshly harvested herbs and add flavor to soups, stews, tofu (organic, of course!), and
salad dressings. Swish some olive oil and a teaspoon of crushed chili and basil, I have an absolutely delicious instant bread dip.
There is a growing trend toward drinking apple cider vinegar for its weight loss, digestive and many other potential health benefits. But, is it actually safe to drink? Well, the short answer is “yes” and “no” depending on several factors.
First, drinking apple cider vinegar straight out of the bottle without diluting it is not safe.
While apple cider vinegar contains many beneficial microbes—both of the

You should dilute apple cider vinegar with water if you want to drink it.
bacterial and yeast varieties—the natural sugars found in apples are converted by some of these microbes (acetobacter, to be specific) into acetic acid. That’s the chemical name of vinegar, which gives apple cider vinegar its distinctive taste, smell and of course, name.
The acidity of acetic acid is simply too strong for your delicate gastrointestinal (GI) tract with the delicate mucus membranes in your mouth and throughout. Once the acidity reaches your stomach, an organ that was designed to deal with potent acidity, your stomach can handle the acidity. But, prior to that, you can experience a burning sensation. It is simple to avoid: dilute no more than one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water before drinking it.
Second, drinking apple cider vinegar,
even diluted, is not recommended for you if you are suffering from ulcers or other gastrointestinal disorders, as it can inflame your GI tract.
Third, if you suffer from a diabetic condition known as gastroparesis
(which is condition of the stomach in which your nerves do not properly work, resulting in food staying in your stomach for excessive periods) than you are better off not drinking apple cider vinegar. That’s because apple cider vinegar has been found in research in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition to delay the amount of time food sits in your stomach, which may aggravate gastroparesis.
However, if you do not have diabetic gastroparesis but instead have weak digestion, this effect can be highly beneficial. That’s because the longer food sits in the digestive juices of your stomach, the more likely it is to be adequately digested by the time it leaves to move into your small intestines.
Now, that may sound like
drinking apple cider vinegar is not safe at all, which is simply not the case. Provided you dilute it and do not have a condition that could be aggravated by the condiment.
Apple cider vinegar boasts many health benefits.
including: regulating insulin sensitivity in diabetics or those suffering

Obesity is a big cause of your having high BP, & apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight.
from metabolic syndrome, killing E. coli found on food, improving weight loss. Helping with obesity and possibly even helping to balance your blood chemistry if you have heart disease thanks to its chlorogenic acid content.
But, as with anything, it is best used responsibly.
You can drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in an 8-ounce glass of water about 10 minutes before you eat your meals to help boost your digestion and reap its health benefits. And, if you’re not sure if apple cider vinegar is safe for you based on any health conditions you may have, check with your doctor first.
This is interesting if you are looking to lose weight, or aid your digestion. I don’t have weight issues so I’ve never thought about using it for this purpose; and I take digestive enzymes so I never drank apple cider vinegar, but I keep it in my house. Have you ever used it for weight loss? Let me know what your experiences have been if you have.
Have a great healthy day!

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