Welcome to My world – Hacks to Improve Your Memory

Hello World!  Hmmmm, how’s your memory? Mine’s so so. I guess as we get older there’s just so much stuff in our heads…. Well, that sounds good anyway 🙂

How's your memory? Does it still burn bright?

How’s your memory? Does it still burn bright?

Hacks to Improve Your Memory

As we age, the fragility and flexibility of our memories becomes clear. Many of us fear losing our precious memories and wish to combat growing forgetfulness. Fear not. These six lifestyle hacks can assist you in improving your health and keeping your brain healthy well into old age.

Keep your body moving.

Physical activity stimulates your neurons and proper action of the synapses.

Walking in nature with your child or grandchild is more relaxing than a food fix... And it's great for your brain as well.

Walking in nature with your child or grandchild is more relaxing than a food fix… And it’s great for your brain as well.

This means regular exercise is paramount for your healthy mind and memory capacity. Not a fitness fiend? You don’t have to be—you just have to get yourself moving. Your best bet is to find activities that you enjoy. Whether it is gardening, yoga, long walks or tennis, your body will thrive if you let it move.

Be lighthearted.

Stress, in the form of cortisol, harms the body and hinders its capacity for

Laughter is good for your soul at any age!

Laughter is good for your soul at any age!

memory. Laughter is an obvious stress deterrent, keeping your brain out of a state of cortisol-induced panic. So don’t be afraid to crack a joke now and again! Joking, smiling and laughing also all improve oxytocin levels in your body, the feel-good love hormone that has been shown to strengthen your emotional memories.


Getting a good night’s sleep on a consistent basis is integral to your

Do you sometimes feel anxious or depressed? Or find it hard to remember things? Or do you have the joy of sleeping like a baby? Strength training may help you sleep better.

Do you sometimes feel anxious or depressed? Or find it hard to remember things? Or do you have the joy of sleeping like a baby? Strength training may help you sleep better.

memory health. Sleeping protects the formation and storage of your new memories from the distractions of wakefulness. This means your brain is able to power down and begin to file and process all of your new data it received that day. In memory studies, groups who experienced a full night’s sleep fared far better on memory tasks than those who were skimping on sleep.

Eat the right foods.

To start, your increased consumption of vegetables and berries have been

Do you eat Healthy Food? Antioxidants, vitamins & minerals come from our food, & some will lower your BP ,as well as keeping your brain & memory healthy.

Do you eat Healthy Food? Antioxidants, vitamins & minerals come from our food, & some will lower your BP ,as well as keeping your brain & memory healthy.

associated with lower rates of dementia and your improved cognition. Seafood, or supplemental forms of omega-3s, are also important. Healthy fat intake is essential for your brain to create myelin, which protects the fragile connections between your brain cells. Consuming a vast spectrum of minerals and high-quality protein is also incredibly important for you. Additionally, your eating high sugar foods, like sodas, is associated with early onset dementia and poor memory.


There are already 101 reasons why mediation is amazing for you, but here is

Be Like the Zen Frog - Meditate

Be Like the Zen Frog – Meditate on your issues, & improve your brain function.

another one. According to a study, a groups of students was asked to take the GRE as well as tests for their memory and focus. Students who learned about mindfulness techniques and meditation for 8 days prior to the test fared far better than students who took a course in nutrition for those 8 days. Meditation is a powerful tool in your arsenal. With the Internet slowing destroying our attention spans and memory capacity, it’s time to combat mental decay with meditation.

Snag a hug.

Again, hugging increases your oxytocin levels in your body. Oxytocin works

Snag your hugs! They'll make you feel good.

Snag your hugs! They’ll make you feel good.

to reduce your stress levels, which helps improve your memory.

In layman’s terms: hugs make you feel good. Feeling good improves your ability to remember things. Bottom line: snag as many hugs as you can.

Living a balanced lifestyle can do wonders for your memory and your brain health. Not only will you be happier and better off, but you’ll keep your memory churning at full capacity!

I enjoyed reading this. How about you? Let me know what you think by leaving me a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!