Welcome to My World – Natural Antibiotics vs Bacterial Infections

Hello World!  I am a big believer in natural remedies instead of prescription drugs, when they work; and many times they do. They also have few side effects – Unlike prescription drugs that have many harmful side effects. What do you use from your natural choices that are out there in nature?

Calendula or marigold has anti inflammatory properties for you.

Calendula or marigold has anti inflammatory properties for you.

Surprisingly Effective Natural Antibiotics

When you’re facing a bacterial infection, few people give herbs a second thought. But, considering their effectiveness at treating a wide range of infections, we might want to reach for herbs more often.

Here are four of my preferred antibacterial herbs.


Who wouldn’t love the taste of cinnamon in fresh baked goods or sprinkled

Ceylon cinnamon is the only one I use. It has some amazing properties for you to use for your health.

Ceylon cinnamon is the only one I use. It has some amazing properties for you to use for your health.

over a delicious almond milk latte? But cinnamon is much more than a delicious flavor—it also has potent, anti-infectious compounds. In a study published in the medical journal Pharmaceutical Biology, researchers found that cinnamon bark effectively inhibited MRSA, E. faecalis, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and other bacterial infections.

Sprinkle cinnamon over your breakfast cereal, on your latte or as part of a delicious Moroccan Inspired curry.

I eat a tablespoon of raw organic honey with 1/2 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon each morning as it not only prevents illness, but it also gives me energy.


Garlic is well-known for its wide-reaching antibacterial effects. In one

Garlic will keep mosquitoes away from you, has antibiotic properties for you, & as an added bonus, you won't have to worry about vampires either!

Garlic will keep mosquitoes away from you. It’s also an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal & has antibiotic properties for you; & as an added bonus, you won’t have to worry about vampires either!

study researchers assessed the value of a garlic broth and its ability to fight off E. coli infection. They found that the higher your dose of garlic, the more effective it was at killing E. coli bacteria.

This is another one that I eat daily. I usually chop a clove of raw organic garlic and put it on my breakfast each morning.


A German governmental organization (Commission E) approved German

Chamomile is another great one! It has many uses for you.

Chamomile is another great one! It has many uses for you.

chamomile as a skin treatment to reduce swelling and fight bacteria, as well as a tea or supplement to alleviate your stomach cramps. Researchers assessed the antimicrobial activity of an extract of German chamomile against the fungus Candida albicans and the bacteria Enterococcus faecalis. Candida albicans is a common fungal condition (sometimes less accurately referred to as a “yeast” infection) and E. faecalis is an antibiotic-resistant and often life-threatening infection that sometimes inhabits your root-canal-treated teeth.

The Indian Journal of Dentistry published an assessment of a high potency extract of chamomile against these microbes and found that it helped kill both. This study could help explain German chamomile’s reputation for healing dental abscesses and gum inflammation.

When I was a kid, my mom used chamomile as a conditioner for my hair.


More and more exciting research showcases ginger’s potency against

ginger is good for you & your pets.

ginger is good for you & your pets.

bacteria and viruses alike, sometimes even when antibiotic drugs fail. In one study published in the medical journal Nutrition, researchers found that ginger showed a strong ability to inhibit bacteria. That’s important news as we collectively cope with resistant super bugs.


Few people expect to see kimchi on a list of effective natural antibiotics, and

Have you ever thought about kimchi having medicinal properties?

Have you ever thought about kimchi having medicinal properties?

while the research is still in its infancy, early research published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology shows that kimchi contains probiotics with antibacterial effects. You’ll need to choose kimchi with live cultures in the refrigerator section of your health food or grocery store to reap the antibiotic benefits of kimchi. Add a spoonful to your favorite Asian-inspired soups, veggie burgers or as a condiment with your meals.


Is manuka honey worth the high price tag? When it comes to fighting

Honey is good for you as it's anti-bacterial & tastes great too! And, of course, we need bees for this wonderful food! Mix it with cinnamon & you've got a great combo!

Honey is good for you as it’s anti-bacterial & tastes great too! And, of course, we need bees for this wonderful food! Mix it with cinnamon & you’ve got a great combo!

bacteria, research suggests that it is. Manuka honey contains numerous compounds that separate it from other types of honey, including methylglyoxal (MGO)—MGO has been found to be effective against numerous types of bacteria including:  roteumirabilis and Enterobacter cloacae.

Additionally, a study published in the medical journal Wounds demonstrated the honey’s effectiveness at killing 6 different types of bacteria that are commonly found in your skin wounds. The researchers of this study found that manuka honey was even effective against some drug-resistant bacteria strains. That’s good news considering that bacteria have been finding ways to outsmart our best antibiotic drugs.


Oregano is a powerful antiseptic plant thanks largely to its constituents

oregano - Here we have another healer

oregano – Here we have another healer for us & our pets.

known as carvacrol and rosmarinic acid. Unlike antibiotic drugs that work only on harmful bacteria, these compounds in oregano work against bacteria, viruses, fungi and even parasites like worms, making it a well-rounded antiseptic to keep in your natural medicine cabinet.

Research in the journal Microbial Ecology in Health & Disease showcased oregano’s effectiveness against Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella pneumoniae. These bacteria can colonize your skin, wounds, throat, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and particularly your lungs, making oregano a potentially good option in a wide range of infectious conditions. Research published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology showcased the effectiveness of oregano against your antibiotic-resistant strep infections, which are most known for causing strep throat.


Few people incorporate the delightfully savory flavor of thyme into their

thyme - heal your sore throat

thyme – heal your sore throat

cooking so few of us actually experience its many health benefits, including its potent antibacterial activity. In a study against various types of food-poisoning-causing bacteria including Salmonella and E. coli, researchers found that thyme exhibited antibacterial activity.

These herbs can be used in making a tea or broth, taken in a tincture (alcohol extract), or taken in capsule form. A typical dose of tea is one heaping teaspoon per cup of boiled water, drank three times daily. Tinctures are frequently taken in doses of thirty drops three times daily. Follow package directions for capsules since they vary greatly. Always check with a qualified herbalist or physician if you’re taking any medications or suffer from any health condition before taking herbal medicines or discontinuing any medications.

This is great information for you to have and I regularly use a couple of these. They work for me! Let me know what you use by leaving me a message below; I’d love to hear from you…

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!