Welcome to My World – Mosquito Repellent Foods

Hello World!  Since we are heading into summer, and in many places, it’s also “mosquito” season, I found this to be interesting. I hope you do as well. we have tons of mosquitoes here in southeast Texas, as do most humid climates all over the country. Enjoy the read and let me know what you think…

I never knew catnip could chase away the mosquitos!

I never knew catnip could chase away these pesky mosquitoes!

Foods You Can Eat to Repel Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes find you primarily by your scent. Although, the chemical compounds that create your personal scent are very complex, and researchers have barely scratched the surface of what makes one person smell better to mosquitoes than another.

What we do know is that mosquitoes are extremely sensitive and can smell a

Are you a "Mosquito Magnet?"More & more people, are using alternative natural health remedies, including food,exercise & fun activities, Are you one of them?

Are you a “Mosquito Magnet?”More & more people, are using alternative natural health remedies, including food,exercise & fun activities, Are you one of them?

potential meal from over 50 meters (160 feet) away. We also know that the foods we eat can change how our bodies smell. Have you ever had a meal seasoned with pungent spices, then smelled them on your breath or skin afterwards?

Mosquitoes can also smell what you’ve been eating, and some foods are more likely than others to throw them off your scent. Try loading up on the following foods this summer and see if mosquitoes give you a miss.


Research suggests that the scent of garlic is able to ward off mosquitoes. In

Garlic has antibiotic properties, makes food taste great & will help you keep mosquitoes away and lower BP... I eat it daily.

Garlic has antibiotic properties, makes food taste great & will help you keep mosquitoes away and lower BP… I eat it daily.

fact, garlic is recognized as so effective that it’s included in various commercial bug and mosquito repellents. Garlic’s distinctive smell is partially due to its unique chemical compound called allicin. When you eat garlic, you’ve likely noticed the smell of allicin as it comes through the pores of your skin. Rest assured that you don’t smell bad, you’re simply protecting yourself against mosquitoes.

Incidentally, onions have been shown to repel some insects, but not mosquitoes. This may be due to the fact onions do not contain allicin.


The strong smell of apple cider vinegar is known to repel mosquitoes and

apple cider vinegar is an anti fungal & it will also keep mosquitoes away..

apple cider vinegar is an anti fungal & it will also keep mosquitoes away..

some other bugs. You can take advantage of its repelling action by simply wiping some on your skin. But, if you consume apple cider vinegar regularly, the scent may naturally come through your pores.

It’s recommended to consume at least one tablespoon (18 milliliters) of apple cider vinegar per day to have enough in your system to ward off mosquitoes. Apple cider vinegar has many other health benefits and you can add it to salad dressings, soups or other dishes. You can also drink a tablespoon of plain vinegar each day, but first check out guidelines on how to safely drink cider vinegar.


Anecdotal evidence suggests that vitamin B1, also called thiamine, can help deter mosquitoes. Many people have experienced a benefit of either using vitamin B1 supplements or eating foods high in vitamin B1. Unfortunately, research has not been able to support these claims.

Based on the many personal success stories, you may want to try including

Were you aware that beans may help keep away mosquitoes? And they help to build muscle?

Were you aware that beans may help keep away mosquitoes? And they help to build muscle?


foods high in thiamine in your diet and see what happens. Some of the best sources of thiamine include sunflower seeds, black beans, navy beans, soy beans, lentils, brewer’s and nutritional yeasts, macadamia nuts and wheat germ.

I hope you gained knowledge and enjoyed this read. You can leave a message below to let me know what you think about this.

Have a great healthy day!

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Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!