Pets and A Good Night’s Sleep
Hello and Welcome to My World! Well, today I want to talk about a good night’s sleep. If there are many of you out there like me, you haven’t seen one in a while. I always wake up during the night. If i can get 4 hours straight sleep, I consider that good! Can’t remember the last time I slept thru the night… This seems to be what happens when we get older and there isn’t much we can do about it.

Can this cute little guy help you sleep better?
Hope you’re all doing great today! It is supposed to be 100 degrees here today so it HOT, but when in Texas, just wait until tomorrow. and it will be 100 again 🙂 . This is summer in southeast Texas. Wish we would have a front coming, but that is laughable in August…
I found this interesting info
about inviting your pets into bed with you for a better night’s sleep. I know

You can watch funny cats or dogs. The laughing helps relieve your stress, but when they begin their nightly routine of play, charge, attack whatever is available, well, it gets to be a bit much for me so I close my door at night..
many cat and dog owners that do this and sleep well. I am a cat owner, but I have more than one so I close my bedroom door at night and they have run of the house. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with this picture? 🙂 But this is the way it is in My World. Since cats are nocturnal, as I am sure you already know, they don’t want to sleep with me at night, but rather jump on me, thinking it is time to play, hence, the closed door! I know I won’t sleep better with the door open…
Here’s what the experts have to say,

Do you sleep as good as your pets? I sure wish I did.
and if you’re are a dog owner, or if you sleep deep enough not to be bothered by cats jumping on and off you and your bed, this may work for you… (I have a friend who can’t sleep without her cats in bed with her.) There are many nights when I wish I could sleep as good as my cat does…
For me, I guess the key here, is “pet” (singular) not plural, as in my household.
Single With Insomnia? Invite Your Pet to Sleep With You
Chronic insomnia and sleep apnea can cause major health problems.

Do you have a little cutie like this? Does he share your bed at night?
Personally, one of my goals for this year is to get more sleep. It’s the one area of my health that leaves much room for improvement.
My seven year old black lab, is all up for supporting my goal. She loves to cuddle with me during naps; and after reading info about a new study, I just might be inviting her into my bed more often for full nights of sleep.
Board certified sleep medicine physician Joseph Krainin,

This cutie has no sleep issues.
the founder of Singular Sleep, used to advise his insomniac patients to remove their pets from their bedroom before retiring at night. That all changed after he conducted a study with over 1,000 participants. While smaller studies on the topic had been done by the Mayo Clinic, this was the largest study on the topic of pets sleeping in bed with their people. Participants were gathered from around the globe via social media.
56% of pet owners allowed their pets to sleep in the bedroom; 87.5% of those people allowed their pets in the bed with them; 32% more people without bed partners reported better sleep with pets in their bed than those without bed partners. Over twice as many participants (41%) reported that their pets had either no effect on or some benefit to sleep.

Mickey purrs so loud at times, I believe he’d awaken me just by purring.
“For those without a steady bed partner, our results suggest that pets may provide a comforting effect,” Dr. Krainin said.
However, if you have cats, you might want to think about their nocturnal instincts. They love to play at night, with their favorite person who just happens to be lying next to them. Besides the fact that they are nocturnal, they also might make your allergies worse (if you have an allergy to cat dander).
Personally, I find the benefits outweigh the risks. This time of year, Gina, my Lab, is a welcome bed warmer. However, she’s welcome by my invitation and never forced to be my bed partner. Sometimes she prefers to sleep downstairs with my other dog, who just isn’t the cuddly type. I couldn’t pay him with treats to sleep with me, and that’s fine too.
How about you? Do your pets sleep with you? What are some of the benefits & downsides that you have found? Thanks for sharing your experiences in a comment to me.

Mickey, my handsome fellow, is getting up their in age, but he is still a love and purrs his head off often.
I have mixed feelings about this; not because I think it’s unsanitary to sleep with your pet, but their nocturnal activities won’t benefit me, personally. I love my cats and they sit on my lap or sleep next to me in the evening when I watch a bit of TV and they are used to this routine so I believe we are all happy! My cats are “indoor” Only, so they have the run of the house at night…
Have a great healthy day and night!
