COVID-19 & The Healing of Our Planet
Hello World! I hope this finds you well today. I thought I’d continue to write about the Corona Virus & how it affects me, but instead, I’ve decided to write about how it is affecting our Planet. It is actually having a positive affect on Planet Earth, and it makes me wonder if this virus is here as a wake up call for us to start treating the Only planet we currently have better.

Keep our planet healthy by not polluting the air & waters. It’s the only planet we have! And try to see how it is now beginning to heal…
I am so tired of being anxious, depressed, and worried so I decided to make this a positive spin on what the World is going through now…
How our planet is healing
I am sure you’ve noticed that the air is clearer and so is the night sky. With

Will we all end up like these kitties wearing masks due to air pollution? Nope, coronavirus has brought us to this place.
so many less people driving, our planet is healing, and it so needs to do this. This morning on the news they talked about how some companies will give many of their employees the option to continue to work at home. This will mean that there will continue to be less vehicles on the road so maybe, just maybe, the Earth, will continue to heal itself.
Sure this will affect many businesses,

Children taking probiotics are less likely to need antibiotics. Did you know this? If the planet heals, maybe they won’t needs these anymore.
but maybe it is time to stop being so greedy and selfish and start thinking of others and the future. Change can be a very good thing for this world. Will our future be bright and healthy for our kids and grandkids? What will the future look like?
The dinosaurs disappeared and it may be time for “fossil” fuels to do the same, as well as some of the two-legged dinosaurs that insist on

I lived here for a long time & I’m so glad to see they make the clean air list!
preserving the old (out of pure greed), and not embracing the new. It won’t hurt global economy, but in the end, we will all be better off for it. It is long past due time for a change on this planet.
Another Positive change
is that the waters are clearing; fish and other wildlife, birds, etc. are

Clean water means more healthy fish to eat. Eat more wild grown salmon. Your cold water Fish is a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids…
returning. I’ve seen pictures of the Venice Canals with swans swimming in it. Dolphins are returning to waterways previously used by big ships. We don’t need cruise ships cruising through the Venice Canals and polluting the water.
There are animals walking down streets where the people once were. Why can’t we share our planet we all living creatures, big and small? We have become such a greedy bunch. I

Our cities need a lot more green space than they currently have. Does your city have enough?
sometimes wonder about this virus and WHY it is here. Has it been placed here by intelligent beings from another planet to give us a wake up call. If you believe in God, did he or she send this to us? Also a wake up call. Anyway you look at it, it is a giant call for us to do better.
Those of us with yards, have taken to doing more gardening than we did before. We have time now. We didn’t before this virus hit us over the head.
Have You Put Down Your Electronics
more than usual to spend time, and pay attention, to your families? This is

are you reconnecting with family over the diner table?
a good thing. We have become too disconected from those we love because of electronics. People may be social distancing, but they can also reconnect with each other, in ways they haven’t done for so long.
I know some people may not want to hear about “the new normal,” but was the old normal really so great? We need change, without it, we stagnate. We don’t grow as humans. Call it a different normal if you wish. I don’t think the “Old Normal” was so great that we should be excited to get back to it.
The New or Different Normal
Why does saying this anger many people? Why are they so resistent to

Communicating with your family & friends is so important, especially now.
change? If I’ve learned anything in all the years I’ve been on this planet, it is that change is inevitable. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not. It Will happen. Right now we may think this change is not for the better, but for the long haul, I see it as a good change. It is a Much Needed Change.
Have a great healthy day and take the time to smell the roses…

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