Stress & Anxiety: Relief with Valerian & CBD
Hello & Welcome to My World! I hope your world is treating you good today, and you aren’t feeling stressed or anxious as many of us do at times.
It is winter again here – only in the 60’s for a high today. It was in the upper 40’s when I woke up; That’s Winter here, but it will warm back to the 70’s tomorrow. Nothing like schizophrenic weather in Texas… 🙂

Do you ever feel like this Winter tree?
Today I’ll share with you some info about stress and how to relieve it naturally. I’ve been feeling a lot of stress lately, and I believe I may have tried this many years ago, for sleep, but it didn’t work well enough for me to pursue it for sleep back then. I do use it now from time to time when anxiety and stress hits me. If you try this, please let me know what you think and what results you’ve gotten…
The Natural Stress, Restlessness & Hyperactivity Remedy

Are you Stressed or Anxious?
Twenty-four years ago I owned my own health food store. An herb product sales representative thought that a product called Nerves & Stress might be a good one to carry. So after trying it I decided to stock it in my store. The key ingredient was Valerian, which was known to relax your nervous system and alleviate your tension that is linked to stress. Many of my customers who complained of high stress levels reported excellent results thanks to this herb.
As more exotic herbs from faraway lands have gained popularity in North

How is your stress & anxiety levels…
America, Valerian has been somewhat forgotten; except by herbalists who have experienced its benefits firsthand. But a growing body of research is starting to validate what herbalists have been saying for hundreds of years: that Valerian is a great natural herb for relaxing your nervous system, regardless of whether you are suffering from hyperactivity, restlessness, anxiety or other nervous system issues.
Reducing Anxiety:
The anti-anxiety effects of Valerian can be attributed (in part) to the

What do you do when stressed?
compound valerenic acid, which is naturally present in the roots of the plant. Researchers who assessed a combination of valerian root extract and lemon balm extract to reduce restlessness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness in elementary school children found that the blend was effective and also significantly improved concentration after only seven weeks of treatment.
Ritalin vs Valerian:
The herbal medicine may offer an alternative to the use of ritalin,

Have you ever tried Valerian Root? These are the flowers.
which has been shown to increase risk of depression and anxiety in adulthood in those who took the drug as children. Some scientists believe that Ritalin alters your brain’s chemical composition so it has a lasting effect on your mental health. Because a child’s brain is growing and developing, the result could be irreversible brain damage.
In animal research scientists found that short or long term use of Ritalin caused free radical damage, reduced important brain protecting enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), and resulted in significant change in energy metabolism in the brain in healthy animals.
Drug Interactions:
While the internet if full of misleading information about adverse effects

mental health is a serious issue for many of us these days.
of this herb with many drugs you may take, no drug interactions have been reported by the German Commission E, a world authority on the use of herbs. Having said that, I recommend not combining benzodiazepines, a class of drugs used as antianxiety medications (such as Valium), anticonvulsives used in epilepsy, or muscle relaxants, with valerian as both the drugs and the herb have similar medicinal effects on your body, albeit different modes of action and actually work on different sites in your body, according to research in BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine. Never discontinue any medication without consulting your physician.
Valerian Root:
can be taken in an extract form (alcohol based tincture) which tends to

valerian root is a great natural remedy. Have you ever tried it?
effectively extract the medicinal properties of the plant. Follow package instructions for the product you choose. Alternatively, you can boil 2 quarts of water with 3 tablespoons of dried Valerian root. Once it starts boiling, reduce the heat to low and cover the pot. Allow to simmer for 45 minutes to an hour. Strain and then drink 1 to 3 cups daily, storing the remaining tea in your refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Valerian can induce sleepiness or drowsiness, but these are typically the intended effects. As a result, it’s best to avoid operating a vehicle or heavy machinery after Valerian use. In extremely rare instances, people have the opposite reaction to Valerian, finding that it actually has a stimulating effect. If you discover that you’re one of these people, discontinue use.
I’ve recently tried CBD Oil
(with no THC) along with the valerian root and I find the two together work well for me, especially when it comes to sleeping better at night. I have osteoporosis that didn’t bother me until recently. My back bothers me often, and I’ve been anxious and depressed as a result. I find that this combo helps me.
I hope this helps someone out there as it did me. Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!