Coffee & Parkinson’s Disease
Hello World & Welcome to My World! Here is some interesting info about coffee and Parkinson’s, and how you may benefit from your cup of joe…

For me, nothing beats the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. It is very relaxing.
Can Coffee Protect You from Parkinson’s Disease?
The debate about your coffee’s brain health benefits have been underway for decades. But, new research may end the argument for good. And, coffee lovers will have yet another reason to celebrate over their cup of joe. The study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that coffee may help prevent brain disease.
According to scientists,
there are 2 compounds in coffee that work together to reduce the

Keep your brain young & healthy! Drink coffee or tea & Take nature walks to reduce your negative thinking.
substances in your brain that are linked to Parkinson’s disease (known as alpha-synuclein). You’ve already heard of one of the compounds—caffeine. But, chances are you’ve never heard of the other one: eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide (EHT). And, don’t worry if you can’t remember its name. You don’t need to recall its complex scientific name to start benefiting from its brain health properties.
In the past, caffeine has gotten most of the credit for java’s brain health benefits, but people who drank decaffeinated coffee often had similar benefits as those who opted for coffee with caffeine. While coffee has hundreds of phytochemicals, which are literally plant-based compounds that offer health benefits, the new study shows that EHT may be one of the main ones involved in your beverage’s brain benefits.
EHT is found in the naturally-occurring waxy coating on coffee beans.
It is a fatty acid derivative of the brain messenger chemical known as

Coffee – a No No for me before bed… I limit myself to my 1 morning mug.
serotonin. Earlier research published in the journal Neurotherapeutics found that it protects your brain cells and has anti-inflammatory properties as well.
Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of your nervous system that affects movement. The condition develops gradually and usually starts with barely noticeable tremors in one hand. Tremors are the most known sign of the disease, but the condition also causes stiffness or slowing of movement, lack of expression and slurred speech. While there is no known cure for the disease, diet and lifestyle may help you slow the condition and improve your quality of life if you suffer from this disease.
And your daily brew
might not just help protect your brain, other research supports its anti-cancer benefits, too. According to a study published in the medical journal Scientific Reports, your daily cup of joe may significantly reduce your cancer risk. The scientists discovered that those of you who drank coffee on a daily basis had a reduced risk of seven different types of cancer, including: oral, pharynx, liver, colon, melanoma, prostate and endometrial cancers. And, coffee even reduced the risk of liver cancer by a whopping 50%.
To truly benefit from coffee’s brain health effects you’ll need to make sure

Are you eating way too much sugar? Do you know what it is doing to you?
you choose organic beans or blends since many of the pesticides sprayed on coffee have neurotoxic effects (they are poisonous to your brain cells). You’ll also want to stay clear of the artificial sweeteners since they have been linked to a whole host of health problems. And, forget loading up on sugar, trans-fat-loaded creamers and flavored syrups as they simply negate many of coffee’s benefits.
So, it is time for you to stock up on the organic blends
for your best health results. Good old pesticides have a way of destroying everything they touch just to give things a longer shelf life. Unfortunately, they are not giving us a longer shelf life … To me this is a sad fact that is done in the name of greed by the big manufacturers of these products… You Must care about your own health and the health of your loved ones as none of these companies that sell these products will care.
I’ve no plans on going on my soapbox today, but I did want to share this valuable information with you. Let me know what you think about this; You can leave me a message below. I look forward to hearing from you.
Have a great healthy day!

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