Welcome to My World – My Journey – New Frustrations – Pros & Cons – Work from Home
Hello World! Hope you’re doing well today! All’s fine here… My journey

So glad cursing is good for my health!!!
continues. I am now trying to add new pages to my blog, but seem unable to figure out how to do so. I can create the page, but don’t view it on my post with a link to get to that page. There is something on the side that says “parent” with a drop down menu, but none of these work for me so I’m missing something someplace. I guess eventually this will be another of those challenges that I look back on & laugh at myself. At the moment, I am not laughing. I am frustrated! So glad cursing is good for me 🙂 .
I thought it appropriate today if I share some info I found online about the pros & cons of working from home…
Pros & Cons of Working From Home
Tell someone you work from home & you will probably receive one of two

Work at Home Penguin
responses: “You are so lucky!” or “… Is that even work, then?” The image of working a 9-5 job in an office seems to have taken over our collective definition of “work.” If it doesn’t fit the stereotype, it’s not actually a job, right? Wrong. In 2015, 24% of employed people did some or even all of their work at home, meaning it’s a growing trend.
There are some awesome perks that come with working from home, it’s true. But the other side of the coin can be quite challenging at times. It takes dedication, focus & self discipline to get the job done. Here are some of the perks & drawbacks.
1. Setting your own schedule. If it fits your biological clock better to get up

Set your own schedule
late & work later into the night, working at home can make that happen. Not everyone is made for the 9-5 grind. The ability to create one’s own schedule opens all kinds of doors into increased productivity & better overall health. If you get stiff in your chair after lunch, you can hit the gym for an hour & come back refreshed. Prefer doing errands during the day to beat the traffic? Working from home gives you the freedom.
2. Mixing up where you work. Creating a work space that actually motivates you to get stuff done is its own complicated science. But, being an at-home employee means you don’t have to limit yourself to a cubicle or even your own home office. Take your laptop to the park & use your phone as a wi-fi hotspot. Head on over to the coffee shop for a caffeine buzz or the library for some peace & quiet.
![]() Work in Your Backyard |
3. Extra cuddle time with your companion animals. Perhaps my favorite

Companionship while working
part of working from home is all the extra time I get to spend with my pup. When she curls up on my lap she keeps me nice & toasty. Plus, midday walks around the block!
4. Breaks can be whatever you want them to be. There’s no more being regulated to the

Cup of coffee when you want it
same 12:00-12:30 lunch time break every day when you work from home. Want to sit outside & read a book for a half hour? Do it! Would hitting a noon hot yoga class put you in a better frame of mind? Get it done! How about hiking a trail after lunch? Get out there!
5. Nearly full control of distractions. Working in an office always meant I would have to bring an extra sweater, scarf & pair of socks because some cruel higher-up would set the thermostat too low. When you work from home you control the heat, lighting, music volume, open-window fresh air & flow of coffee!
1. Willpower is a must. The comment I mostly hear about my work

Discipline is a must!
situation is “Wow, I could never do that.” And, honestly, there is a lot of continual growing pains to find that sweet spot of being consistently productive. The nice thing about having a job outside of the home is that there is always structure. Planning out your day or your week all on your own—& sticking to your to-do list—can be daunting.
2. Sometimes going days without seeing people. Every at-home worker

Empowered Woman
has had the thought “Wait… when was the last time I left home?” If you don’t have regular friend meet-ups, a gym to visit, or other social gatherings to attend, working at home can get pretty lonely. Not having everyday chatter with co-workers can be a pro or a con, depending on how much you value it.
3. Work life blends into home life. It’s not uncommon to be pulled away

Set your own schedule
from some work-related task to fold the laundry or clean up the kitchen during the day. Taking 5-10 minute breaks to do this stuff probably won’t hurt—in fact, it can even help relieve the overall pressure of household chores—but, not keeping an eye on the amount of time you spend on these tasks during the day can lead to longer work hours & feeling more drained.
4. People don’t always take you seriously. I absolutely hate explaining

Working from Home – Try explaining it to someone.
“what I do” to people. Because I do many things! Not only are we all conditioned to ask “So, what do you do?”, but we generally want to hear a concise, generally-understood answer. We all have general knowledge of what a lawyer, a teacher or a sales clerk do. But, when you’re a freelancer or have about 8 different positions with 8 different industries/companies… nobody has time to hear or try to understand that.
5. You probably don’t get paid PTO, sick days or health insurance. Ugh. When you embark on a work-from-home lifestyle, you have to be sure you are ready to handle vacations & getting sick. The Affordable Care Act might be on its way out soon, so this raises concern for everyone without full-time (usually in-office) status. It’s also essential to prepare for when you get hit by the flu or want to take a long road trip with friends. That means planning, saving & attention to detail. For some, that’s no problem; for others, it’s a pain.
I found this good info. I guess my biggest issue is self discipline & sometimes feeling isolated. For this reason I walk at the mall every morning. It gives me some interaction with people.

Walking for exercise & social interaction