Welcome to My World – Dreams – Lottery Winners – Sunglasses – Jewelry – Straw Hats
Hello World! Hope you’re doing great today! All’s well here. Yesterday I

picked out my next couple of blog subjects, but when I woke up this morning & turned on the TV while I was getting dressed, I found “How The Lottery Changed My Life”. This got me thinking – why not write a fun post so I’ve decided to tell you what I’d do if I won the lottery (or PCH)! It’s a fun post that allows me to dream which I’ve talked about before. We all need to have dreams, & use our imaginations. I guess the old adage “Use it or lose it” is true. Don’t ever lose your dreams or your imagination.
With this said, I NEVER buy lottery tickets, but I do enter PCH daily :)… It’s

Celebrating Man
Free & it only takes a minute to do, so why not? There’s nothing to lose. Someone’s gotta’ win!
Well, here goes. Laugh if you want, but this is my list – my dreams – my imagination…
- Pay off all debt (which I’ve got up the ying yang)!
- Pay off my mortgage, or if I won enough, buy a new house, or both.
- If I bought a new house, I’d want an out building, like a barn, so I can retrofit it for the cats. I have so many great ideas!
- I could finally start a real “NO KILL cat rescue“. I’d call it “ALLIE’S CATS“. Considering that I’ve found homes for countless cats over the years that I’ve lived here (has to be about 50), I could finally have every one of the outside neighborhood cats fixed & get everyone in to see the vet. I love these guys & it breaks my heart when one doesn’t make it. This could be a whole other post so I won’t go into details about this now.
- Of course, I’d leave something to my grandkids, but I’m not worried about
I drive an SUV, but this is a cute car!
them. They have great parents & are well taken care of.
- Of course, I’d buy a new car. Mine is old. I was going to say “getting old”, but I’ll be real, it is old.
- Have some major dental work done that I can’t afford now.
- Have a face lift – not crazy about unnecessary surgery, but I don’t like
Empowered Woman
looking at myself in the mirror anymore. Where did all those wrinkles come from? Sometimes I feel like a young person trapped in an old body, but this is supposed to be light & fun so no dwelling here…
- Get someone to help me with the tech stuff of my blog so I’d have traffic reading what I write.
- Take a few trips. There are still some places I’d love to see that I haven’t been to yet.
I know there is more that I’d do, but these are the ones that come to mind now. Why not share what you’d do if you won the lottery. I’d love to hear from you… I guess this is sort of like a “bucket list”, but it doesn’t make me feel as old 🙂 …
Now I’m going to share some of the items (sunglasses, straw hats, costume jewelry plus many other things) I am selling online at

DG955 Fashion sunglasses

Black Fashion Sunglasses

White Fashion Sunglasses

Aqua Straw Hat with Silver Threads

Striped straw Hat

Black Vintage 1970’s Straw Hat

Copper, Brown & Silver Signed Necklace

2 Gold Tone Bangle Bracelets