Welcome to My World – Neck Pain – Natural Remedies – Relaxation
Hello World! Hope all is well with you today! Everything is fine here. Today I’m going to share some good info I found on relieving neck

Oh, my poor neck…
pain naturally. This is something I’ve had on & off for some time now & I use many of these methods to get relief & they do work! I had an MRI about 15 or so years ago & the doctor told me I had 2 fused vertebrae in my neck (cause unknown) so I know this is the cause of my occasional discomfort.
As long as I can control this naturally, I prefer not to have surgery. I’ve passed the time period when the doctor said I would need surgery. I don’t believe doctors know everything, but I take care of my neck as I only have one :).
Natural Remedies for Neck Pain
Dealing with neck pain—whether it’s chronic or short-term—can put a

Good thing we don’t have necks like a giraffe!
real damper on your day-to-day. These are some of the natural remedies for neck pain that have helped me in the past.
Ever since a car accident in my 20s, I’ve had intermittent neck pain. It tends to flare up when it’s most inconvenient, so having an arsenal of home remedies at the ready is essential. I hope that my tried-and-true natural remedies for neck pain help give you some relief, too!
When to See a Doctor about Neck Pain
Before we get to the natural remedies, though, let’s talk about when it’s not a good idea to treat your neck pain at home. According to The Mayo Clinic, you should see a doctor for your neck pain if:
- natural remedies aren’t helping, even after a few weeks
- the pain radiates down your arms and legs or is accompanied by a tingling sensation
- the pain follows some kind of physical trauma, like a car crash. In this case, see your doctor right away.
- you experience muscle weakness or a high fever—this is a 911 situation.
Natural Remedies for Neck Pain
For most of us, though, neck pain just comes and goes, and these natural remedies can help!
.Exercises for Neck Pain
Simple exercises like neck rolls and certain yoga postures can help

Yoga Forward Pose
relieve neck pain naturally. You can find seven simple exercises for neck pain right here.
Buy a Brace
Often, neck pain is due to overuse, and rest is best. The problem is, your neck has a job to do: holding your head up. A brace can take some of that pressure off, and you don’t have to see a doctor to get one. You can find over-the-counter neck braces at most pharmacies. They’re not the sexiest thing to wear, but it sure beats dealing with pain all day!
Swelling tends to be the root of neck pain, and ice helps reduce

Ice & Cold Packs are your friends…
swelling. You don’t even have to buy anything to use this natural remedy! Just grab a bag of corn or peas from the freezer, wrap in a kitchen towel, and apply to your neck. Even better: do this while you’re lounging on the couch with a book or the TV on. Keep this ice on as long as is comfortable.
You can use heat on its own or alternate a few minutes of ice and a

Nothing like relaxing in a hot bath at the end of the day to sooth an aching neck…
few minutes of heat. A regular heating pad will do, but my husband splurged and got us a special heating pad that’s just for the neck and shoulders. It is one of my first go-tos when my neck pain flares up. The localized heat feels amazing!
Choose the Right Pillow
Sleeping on the wrong pillow can really do a number on your neck, and

The “right” Pillow is important
finding the right one for you is really a matter of trial and error. Every body is different. My husband has a super firm, fancy foam pillow that he loves but tends to makes my neck pain worse; just getting a regular firm pillow helped me. My stepdad, on the other hand, can only sleep on a super soft pillow. Try swapping out your pillow for a different one, and see what works!
Flip Your Mattress
Did you know that you’re supposed to flip and rotate your mattress

Flip it regularly
every three months? Who does that? Certainly not me. But if your spot on the bed is starting to have a you-shaped dent, it’s definitely time to flip. Your neck will thank you!

Oh, my poor neck… I use most of the above; especially ice & heat & exercise. I’m guilty of not flipping my mattress in a long time; & I don’t wear a neck brace.