Welcome to My World – My Journey – Feeling Stuck – Dreams – Dream Catchers
Hello World! Hope you’re doing well today! All’s well here. Do you ever feel stuck? Do you wonder where your dreams went? I am going to share my journey with you today – a journey that is winding & traveled on foot. I’m definitely not on an airplane yet 🙂 …

My Journey
It is one of those days where I am feeling “stuck“. I know I need to go beyond my comfort zone again & need to decide what to do next. I’m just not sure what it is I should do next. I know my readers are out there, but I’m not reaching nearly enough of you, so it is time to do something new. Something must be added to the mix.

Where Do I Go Next?
Affiliate Programs: I’m using a few affiliate links in each blog post, but if not enough people are seeing these, it doesn’t do anyone much good. I’m trying to add affiliates that I care about – that I use or have used, & that are appropriate for my posts. I don’t affiliates that are meaningless to what I write or that I’ve not used myself.
Yoast SEO: I added Yoast SEO but still have to learn more about it. For instance, I don’t know why it considers some of my posts as need improvement, others are ok & others are a good read. I don’t entirely agree with this assessment, whether I’m right or wrong, I just don’t know.
Reaching Out: One of my hardest endeavors is reaching out to others for help.

Sometimes I feel like this traveling frog… Where am I going?
In this case, it would be other bloggers. The few Facebook groups I’ve joined for bloggers, gives me little help. I’d like feedback about my blog, but don’t get it when I ask. It seems most people only want to promote their own blogs on some of these sites – not all, but most, so maybe I’ve joined the wrong groups.
Questions: I’m still fairly new at this so I may

Questions & Light Bulb Moments
be asking the wrong questions or I need to find more beginners groups. I began blogging mid Nov. 2016, but the first month was pretty much taken up with “tech” issues due to me being “tech challenged”. Now I write daily, but would love to know someone is reading what I write. I want to know what my readers think of what I write.
I need more “light bulb” moments as they make me feel good. It’s great when I finally figure something out & move another

Am I The Thinker?
step forward with a feeling of accomplishment.
Newsletters: It may also be time to start a mailing list so I can send out emails to direct people to what I am writing about, but I am not sure how to do this – something else to figure out.
I use Pinterest more than I did, but still not enough. It is time for

Pin it!
me to find other people’s boards to post my stuff on – it is definitely time to reach out. It seems like there is an endless list of what I need to do. Doing this alone makes it harder as I have no one to bounce ideas off of & to get opinions & feedback from.
Dreams: Another thing that I feel is important in my

journey is learning how to dream again. I seem to have lost that capacity somewhere in this journey called “life“& I must find it again. I used to be the “eternal optimist”, but somewhere that part of me got lost. Life happens & at times I allow it to get the best of me.
Life sometimes has a way of beating me down, but I always brush myself

I Need a Dream Catcher!
off & pick myself up again – maybe somewhat battered, but I keep going. Now is one of those times, but I won’t give up. This is too important to me so I will keep going no matter how rough the trip gets…
Lastly, I want to share a few items (my teddy bears) I am selling at:

American Mouse

Honey Bear with Custom Outfit

Baby Blue Bear with Custom Crocheted Outfit