Welcome to My World – Sleep – Health – How Do They Relate to Each Other?
Hello World! Hope you are well today! Nasty & drizzly here, but it’s still going to be mid 70’s so I won’t complain about our weather when I know so many of you are having ice storms. Stay safe & warm!
Today I am going to share info with you about a topic I have issues with & that is “Sleep”; Or the lack of it… Does it affect our health? I can’t remember the last time I slept thru the night without waking, at least, once, & usually, twice, during the night. I’ve gotten used to this. It’s the night’s that I seem to awaken every hour or two that really bug me. & 8 hours sleep, what’s that?!? I can’t remember the last time I got 8 hours sleep. I usually sleep about 6 1/2 – 7 hours per night & that feels like it’s enough for me. Oh, how I wish I could sleep like my cats; plop down & pass out!
Here is some good info I found online about sleep & sleep deprivation.
Is Sleep Loss Affecting Your Health?
Everyone has experienced the effects of sleep deprivation at some point or another: fatigue, brain fog, memory lapses & general malaise. Most people don’t give the loss of sleep too much consideration until the problem occurs on a regular basis & disrupts their ability to work or aggravates any health conditions they may have. But, research shows that not getting enough sleep may be doing more damage than most people might think.
In a new study, published in the medical journal Molecular Metabolism, researchers assessed healthy men of healthy weight to determine whether short term sleep partial deprivation had any effect on their gut health. For 2 nights the men slept for just over 4 hours, between the hours of 2:45 am to 7:00am. For 2 additional nights the men slept normally, which in the study was defined as 8 1/2 hours between 10:30 pm & 7 am. They found that short term sleep loss alters gut microbes, in terms of the ratios between different varieties of bacteria. Some strains increased while others significantly dropped. The microbial changes were comparable to changes linked to metabolism disruptions.
Additionally, the researchers found changes in insulin sensitivity, which is a factor in diabetes, metabolic syndrome, & obesity. Sleep deprivation, even for such short times, resulted in a 20 percent reduction in sensitivity to the hormone insulin. Insulin is a hormone which regulates blood sugar levels in the body. When blood sugar levels increase after eating, insulin ensures that the levels drop back down. When the body stops responding properly to insulin, the results can be damaging. When this impaired sensitivity to insulin happens over long periods of time, insulin resistance can result. Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body no longer responds properly to the natural compound secreted by the pancreas in response to sugars.
Because the research was preliminary, it’s not clear whether longer term (beyond 2 days) sleep deprivation might result in insulin resistance, but the 20 percent drop in insulin sensitivity is definitely cause for further studies into the effects of sleep loss.
While the research continues, you don’t have to lose more sleep worrying about the effects of sleep loss.
6 Strategies for Better Sleep:
There are some excellent natural options that can help, including:

a “no no” in the afternoon!
- Skip caffeine after 3pm.
- Avoid eating at least 3 hours before bedtime.
- Try to go to bed at the same time each night to help your body adjust to this pattern.
- Avoid blue light emitting technologies within a few hours of sleep. These include:
computers, televisions & cellphones.
- Have a bath before bedtime to help you relax; better yet, add some lavender essential oil to the bath. Lavender has been found to calm the entire nervous system within one minute, helping people to feel more relaxed & sleepier.
- Stop working at least a few hours before bed. ——————————————
I’ll admit, I’m very guilty of #4 as I read myself to sleep before bed with my IPad. I don’t feel like I slept any better when I read “books” instead of using my IPad to read. The biggest disadvantage I find with my IPad is that when I start to fall asleep, it sometimes falls on my face; & that HURTS! I don’t see other side affects. 🙂
Now, please check out my web sites to see what I have for sale. If you see something you like & have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon…
- Vintage 1980’s Scrap Crafts Book for sale in my store
- Vintage Vogue Sewing Book
- Wooden Bead Necklace
- Brown Necklace with Matching Earring (Pierced)
- Vintage gold tone choker with green stone
- Vintage 1970’s Long Metallic Backless Evening Dress – excellent condition
- American Mouse
- White Bear with Custom Outfit
- Vintage 1970’s Green Frog Avon Bottle
- 2 VINTAGE 1970’s Deer Avon Bottles
- DG955 Fashion sunglasses
- Black Fashion Sunglasses
- Vintage 1970’s Red Flower Hair Comb
- New Aqua Straw Hat with Silver Threads
- New Striped straw Hat