Welcome to My World! Clear Out the Mental Clutter – Clear Out the Dead Stuff
Hello World! Hope you are doing well today! I’m not feeling so great this morning, so I’ve had my honey & cinnamon, & my clove of raw garlic with breakfast. This always cures what ails me. I’ve decided to write my post early (& skip today’s walk) so I can go outside & clean up more dead stuff from last weekend’s freeze.
I keep debating about whether to clean it all or leave some of it. My thought is that if I leave some & we have another freeze (especially if it’s a “hard” freeze as was this last one), the dead stuff will protect the tender new growth underneath, if it starts to pop up. It’s ugly to look at the old dead stuff; since one but me sees it so I may only clean up some of it. Do you see my logic?
I thought it appropriate to talk about getting rid of “mental clutter” as well today. Here is more good info that I found online that I want to share with you.
4 Types of Mental Clutter to Clear Out This Winter 
While it might not officially be time for spring cleaning yet, we might be feeling the effects of too much clutter in our lives; &, the thing is, clutter doesn’t limit itself to our homes, our vehicles or our offices. Clutter can spread itself throughout our mind—which is something we carry with us everywhere! This additional disorganization can make everyday tasks more difficult, including the basics of keeping up with daily to-dos & maintaining healthy relationships.
Just like there are ways to clean out the junk from our living spaces, there are also ways to clean out the nooks & crannies of our minds so we can continue being productive. Here are some types of mental clutter to clear out of your brain this season:
- Social media distractions: Social media has given us so much: connection to friends all over the world, up-to-date
news & needed laughs & awe as we work through our daily grind. But, just like most things, there’s a point where it can become too much. If we sit & think about just how much social media keeps us “plugged in,” it’s easy to see how it can create some issues.
Do you have notifications for Twitter or Facebook set up on your phone or laptop? Try turning them off. Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling in your down time? Delete the app from your phone (Ahh! Scary, I know!) or install software that limits your social media time during certain times of day. (Honestly, there is no reason anyone should be surfing the web on the toilet. I mean, come on.) Do you feel like you need social media to keep certain feelings away? It might be time to face that stuff head on—maybe even with a support person.
- Second-guessing yourself: New years come with new resolutions. If
there are certain tasks you want to accomplish in the coming weeks or months… are you holding yourself back? If you find yourself second-guessing your abilities, willingness & drive, then yeah. You are holding yourself back.
That might just be anxiety talking, but it’s worth putting a silencer on those types of thoughts so you can work toward things you want to have in your life. Sure, it might be hard & you might fail—but there is nothing wrong with failure. Be proud of the steps you take & amplify the self-talk that acknowledges your hard work.
- Disorganized to-do tasks: If your plans are just as scattered as an untidy
living room, it’s time to clean that stuff up. How can you competently tackle the things you have in front of you if they are disorganized in your own mind? Prioritize finding a way to organize your thoughts into a to-do list, a series of alarms on your phone, a calendar on your fridge, or a helpful smartphone app & stick to this skill throughout the year. Not only will your tasks likely get done, but you also won’t have to worry about forgetting something along the way.
- Internalized criticism: None of us grow up without being exposed to
some form of criticism or another. We learn how to handle these ideas & what to deem worthy of taking on as our own self-criticism & what to leave behind. But, sometimes those lines can be blurred & we end up repeating to ourselves critiques that aren’t actually helpful.
Take some time to reflect on any thought that comes up starting with “I really need to” or “I should.” Why do you need to do X, Y or Z? Will it truly be helpful to your growth as a person & the growth of those around you? Maybe… or maybe not.
If you’ve been told to not speak up when you feel taken advantage of, that’s a thought worth some extra processing. If you’ve been told you need to avoid dessert for a week, maybe examine where that message comes from & if it truly has your best interest at heart. We pick up a lot of criticism over the years—make 2017 the year you sort out what is truly healthy for you & what is just plainly, simply clutter.
Great info. I am most guilty of #2 & #4! Which one is your nemesis? Please share with me.
Lastly, I want to share my online shops where you can take a look & see if there’s anything you want:

American Mouse

Honey Bear with Custom Outfit