Welcome to My World – My Journey – Brick Walls – Inspirational Reading
Hello World! Today I want to talk about my journey. I normally talk about healthy living thru exercise, food, etc., but I consider one’s well being part of the entire journey into a healthy existence – both physically & mentally.
I get frustrated sometimes, as I thought I’d be further along in my blog by now. It’s been more than a month (actually going on 2 months (late -January). I am writing daily & enjoying it, but my efforts at monetizing my blog seem to be going no where as I’m not driving nearly enough traffic here. At times, I feel like no traffic is coming here. I feel as tho I’ve hit a brick wall & I must break thru, but not sure how… It’s only been 1 1l2 months so I don’t want to undetermine myself either, so I need to give that wall a good strong kick & punch a hole in it! I’m using Pinterest but I know there’s more I need to do there; there’s still so much of Pinterest that I don’t understand & I don’t find it user friendly. I’ve sold on eBay for quite a few years & never found it hard to figure out but Pinterest is an animal of a different color.
I use Facebook, but I don’t know what else I should be doing there. I’ve joined a few blogging groups; as well as starting my own group for beginning bloggers but that isn’t going anyplace very fast; in fact, I know I need to do more, but not sure what. Should I be advertising myself on these blogger group sites? Some specifically forbid it, but others don’t.
I am not tech savvy; in fact, I am truly “tech challenged” so many things take me longer than it would someone else. I know much of my first month was spent on tech issues (& writing) so I need to take that into account, but I really thought I’d make even a small amount of money thru my blog by now. So far, that hasn’t happened. “TRAFFIC” that is what I need!
TRAFFIC! TRAFFIC! TRAFFIC! Did I mention that I need to drive traffic here???You can probably hear my frustration. I needed to vent & I do appreciate your listening. I know some of you have these moments as well. I want to share my journey so you know you aren’t the only one, & you aren’t out there alone.
It can get lonely sitting in front of the computer, wondering if anyone is out there? I’d love some feedback on what you think of my blog – content, etc.? I can give you feedback as well, if I know you are out there. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? I will make this work!
I know crappy weather & being cooped up inside doesn’t help my attitude, but today the sun is shining & it’s going to be 50! I got out for a while & trimmed back some plants that don’t do well in the cold. It was 23 this a.m. Tomorrow will be a high of 68 so we’re heading in the right direction… &, best of all, there’s no foreseeable freeze in this area anytime soon!Now I want to share some good inspirational reading (found online) for this year… I want to read some of these & share my insights after. Hope you’ll do the same.
Books to Read for Spiritual Growth
in 2017
Finally, 2017 is here, & many of us (me included) are hoping for an enlightening, positive year. After ridding ourselves of all the negative energy that followed many of us in 2016, we’re focusing on personal & spiritual growth. What better way to improve our mindsets than by reading thought-provoking books that help us see the world differently? Here are top choices for spiritual literature, all of which are appropriate for people of all religions & backgrounds.
“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle: “The Power of Now” offers a new perspective for how to look at your life. This N.Y. Times bestseller is a favorite of many, & has helped readers learn how to live their lives in the present moment rather than focusing on shortcomings & creating painful thoughts & situations for themselves.
“Women Who Run With the Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes: “Women Who Run With the Wolves” takes a closer look at numerous mythological stories, examining them through an “eco-conscious lens,” according to Fractal Enlightenment. The book focuses on how these human stories reflect one ultimate truth: That we are all connected. The book is a must-read for men & women alike.
This book takes a closer look at many mythological stories, examining them thru an “eco-conscious lens,” according to Fractal Enlightenment. The book focuses on how these human stories reflect one ultimate truth: That we are all connected. The book is a must-read for men & women.
“The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have” by Mark Nepo: Cancer survivor & philosopher Mark Nepo penned “The Book of Awakening” with the goal of showing readers how to focus on what’s most important in life. Filled with inspirational quotes from Nepo (you’ve probably seen many of them on calendars or social media), the book is a fantastic source of motivation & positive thinking.
“The Art of Happiness” by the Dalai Lama: The Dalai Lama is obviously a spiritual inspiration for many, & in his book “The Art of Happiness,” he sits down with Psychiatrist Howard Cutler to discuss his philosophy on happiness. He shares how living compassionately & disciplining one’s mind can lead individuals toward happiness & away from negative distractions.
“Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives” by Dan Millman: This a story about champion gymnast Dan Millman. In the book, Millman meats a 96-year-old mentor named Socrates whose insights help him to see light differently. Like many of the books on this list, Millman’s book is an international bestseller.
“Light on Life” BKS Iyengar: Yoga practitioners in particular will appreciate the late BKS Iyengar’s book Light on Life. In his book, Iyengar discusses how yoga & yogic principles inform the way we look at our lives, & how they can help us reach a state of enlightened thinking & consistent happiness. It all begins, according to Iyengar, with learning to discipline both the body & the mind.
“The Alchemist” By Paulo Coelho: The only true fictional story on our list, The Alchemist tells the tale of a shepherd boy named Santiago. Though Santiago yearns to travel the world, he must first learn to listen to his heart & get to know himself. The story of his personal journey offers many nuggets of wisdom for readers of all ages.
This is a good list for those of you out there who are readers. I am, & there are a few I want to read in this list. Let me know which ones you like; or if you’ve already read some of these, what you think of them… Look forward to hearing from you.

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