Welcome to My World – Natural Mosquito Repellents
Hello World! A few days ago I posted about why mosquitoes like some of us better than others, and today’s post is about natural ways to repel those pesky mosquitoes. Who else, besides me, is bothered by these little vampires, especially in the summer?

I never knew catnip could chase away the mosquitos!
Ways to Repel Mosquitoes Without Putting Anything on Your Skin
Mosquitoes don’t love humans – they love our carbon dioxide, sweat, and body odor that we exude. If you want to prevent mosquito bites, there’s not much you can do about how much carbon dioxide you give off, since every breath you take releases CO2. But you can change the amount of skin you expose, and how much you smell. Here’s how.
1. Cover up.
First and foremost, make it hard for mosquitoes to find your skin. If you’ll be

do you cover up in summertime to keep mosquitos away? I find this difficult as I feel too warm.
gardening, mowing the lawn, or taking a walk in a park, wear long-sleeved shirts with high collars so you can protect your neck; gardening gloves; long pants; socks with shoes; and a baseball cap or hat with a brim. You can find lots of lightweight clothing that will be comfortable to wear but still keep your skin away from a probing insect. BONUS: The clothes will protect you from ticks, too. If you’re sitting on your porch or patio, drape a light cotton shawl or scarf over your legs and feet.
2. Spray your clothes, not your body.
If you don’t like skeeters swarming around you at all, lightly spray your clothes, rather than your skin. Some summer clothes come pre-treated with insecticides. I certainly wouldn’t want to wear those, but I do occasionally treat my clothes myself with a very light, non-toxic to people spray when the bugs are really biting.
3. Wear lighter-colored clothes.
Some research claims lighter-colored clothing is not as attractive to mosquitoes as dark colors. See for yourself if this makes a difference to you. Lighter clothing will certainly be cooler in the summer.
4. Avoid your yard at dawn and dusk.
There always seem to be more mosquitoes out in the early morning and early

I find it hard to avoid my yard early or late in day as that is when it is the coolest in the summer.
evening than during the day, though some species of mosquito are active all day long. I personally avoid working in my yard early in the morning or when evening comes, as I seem to get bitten then more often than not. Again, notice what happens in your own yard. If mosquitoes are more active when the sun is rising or setting, it’s probably best to stay indoors at those times. (and if you live in a very hot summer climate, this is difficult to do as these are the times when the temperature is lower so you don’t sweat as much when doing yard work. Kind of a “catch 22” here.)
5. Use citronella.
The smell of citronella can mask the smells your body gives off, but only if the

You can plant citronella or use a diffuser.
mosquitoes can actually smell it. Unfortunately, some citronella candles don’t work all that well because they don’t actually contain citronella oil. Also, because they’re designed to create a flame, they might contain volatile chemicals that are very flammable and emit sooty particles that you don’t want to breathe and that pollute the air. One alternative is to use a citronella reed diffuser, which you can find online. Another is to make your own candles out of natural soy wax and citronella essential oil. (Why not simply plant a citronella plant in your yard?)
6. Turn on a fan.
Keep a couple of small rotating fans on your porch, deck or patio if you want to sit

If you use a fan, it’ll help repel mosquitoes. I guess it “literally” blows them away.
out in the evening. The fans will help blow the mosquitoes away and keep you cool, as well. NOTE: If you’re using fans, don’t light citronella candles, too, since the fans will neutralize the effect the candles would otherwise have.
7. Drink less beer.
The Gaston Gazette reports on a couple of studies showing that more mosquitoes

If you skip the alcohol, you won’t attract as many mosquitoes.
landed on people after they drank beer, than before. Evidently, the ethanol in alcohol is secreted in sweat, acting like a mosquito magnet. Of course, if you drink enough beer, you might be oblivious to mosquitoes, whether they’re biting or not. 🙂
How do you deal with mosquitoes?
There are also some plants (see my previous post) that you can plant in your

You can plant peppermint in your yard to ward off those pesky bugs & It also smells great!
yard to ward off bugs. A few of these are lemon grass, citronella, clover, catnip, peppermint and these are just a few. I’m not going into detail here about these plants as I’ve talked about them before.
You should try planting one or two of these and see what happens. Mint smells lovely as well as keeping away the pesky bugs. I used to have mint in my backyard, but I have no idea what happened to it. I hadn’t even thought about it until recently, and we have loads of mosquitoes in Texas… Do you have any of these in your yard?
Have a great day!

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