Welcome to My World – Do Mosquitoes Love You?
Hello World! I found this to be extremely interesting as I never knew mosquitoes have preferences of who they bite (who ‘da thunk it 🙂 ). Even blood type makes a difference! Did you know that? I sure didn’t. When I was a kid, my mom jokingly used to tell me it was because I was sweeter. Right, huh? I guess that was one way to get me out of her hair.
Oh, well, I hope you find this info as interesting as I did. There are so many mosquitoes where I live, especially in the summer after it rains, so I thought this to be an appropriate post for this time of year. When I think back, I don’t remember living anyplace where there weren’t these pesky critters.

I never knew catnip could chase away these pesky mosquitoes!
Why You’re a Mosquito Magnet, According to Science
Mosquitos have lived on earth for around 170 million years, with over 3,000 species identified throughout our world today. With such impressive numbers, it would be logical to assume that mosquitoes simply attack the closest human they can find.
In fact, research is revealing that mosquitoes are downright picky when

Do mosquitoes run away from you? They certainly find me all too often…
choosing who to bite. It turns out there are many reasons why mosquitoes target certain people over others.
Scientists believe that 85% of your overall attractiveness to mosquitoes is based on your genetics. Unfortunately, you can’t change your genes.
But, you can arm yourself with knowledge. The following information can help you narrow down why you might be a mosquito magnet and ways to prepare for your next outdoor adventure.
Skin Bacteria
The bacteria on your skin have a lot to do with how you smell. In fact, human sweat is odorless to other humans if no bacteria are present.
Certain chemicals released by bacteria are what make body odor. And each person has their own unique bacterial mix, which creates their own personal scent.
It’s been found that mosquitoes are attracted to certain bacterial scents more than others. Which means, if you naturally have more of those bacteria on your skin, mosquitoes will pick you out of a crowd.
Also, certain mosquitos prefer different smells
from different parts of your body. Some mosquitoes will bite your feet or

You can treat insect bites with baking soda, but plant lavender in your yard & you can keep away these pesky bugs!
hands, whereas others go straight for areas like your groin or armpits.
Genetics play a significant role in what types of bacteria live on your skin. There may be other factors that influence your skin micro-biome as well, such as diet, although research hasn’t determined exactly what yet.
The best way to keep your delicious scent hidden from attackers is to use strongly scented bug repellants and to cover up with clothing made with tightly-woven fabrics.
Blood Type
Mosquitoes are shown to prefer people with Type O blood. Before they

Did you know that mosquitoes have preferences as to who they bite? Interesting…
take a bite, mosquitoes can taste your skin’s secretions to determine your blood type. This allows them to easily select their favorite victims.
Type B blood is their next favorite, and Type A blood is their last pick.
Carbon Dioxide
Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide. They have specialized receptors that can detect a carbon dioxide source from over 50 meters (164 feet) away. This is not good news for humans because we exhale carbon dioxide whenever we breathe.
This also means anyone who produces larger amounts of carbon dioxide is at a greater risk of being bitten. Evidence shows that people who are larger, such as those who are tall or overweight, will naturally produce more carbon dioxide.
You also produce more carbon dioxide when you exercise, so watch out when you’re gardening, jogging or doing any other outdoor activity.
Using a fan nearby can help break up your exhaled carbon dioxide trail and also physically throw a mosquito off course.
Mosquitoes typically bite where blood is closest to the surface, like your

When you sweat, the mosquitoes will be more attracted to you.
forehead, elbows, wrists or neck. They use your body’s heat to hone in on the best locations.
Be careful during and shortly after exercising. Your body is hotter overall at these times and could attract more mosquitos.
A Sudanese study found that pregnant women are nearly twice as likely to be bitten compared to non-pregnant women. Researchers suggest this may be due to specific pregnancy-related substances that are released in your breath and skin.
Pregnant women also naturally produce more carbon dioxide and their body temperature is higher, which could add to their mosquito attraction.
Beer Consumption
A small study showed that mosquitoes were significantly more attracted

I don’t drink beer & these pesky bugs still like me. Can’t imagine if I did drink beer…
to people who had recently drank beer.
Participants had their attractiveness to mosquitos measured before they drank either one liter of beer or one liter of water. Their attractiveness was measured again 15 minutes after the drinks, which is long enough for alcohol to be present in your blood, breath, urine and sweat.
Researchers did not know why beer made you more of a target. They suggested it may have to do with chemical changes in your blood or body odor.
The beer the participants drank was only about 3% alcohol. Research needs to be done to determine if stronger alcohol will make you even more attractive.
Lactic acid is a key component of your sweat, and it’s shown to attract

Sweat will attract mosquitoes to you.
mosquitoes. In addition, sweat that has “aged” for a day or two has been found to be even more appealing to these pesky critters.
Researchers suggest that day-old sweat has higher amounts of natural bacterial growth from your skin. The smell from the bacteria is likely what attracts mosquitoes in higher numbers.
So, make sure you shower after periods of exertion and sweating. It will help keep the bugs away, and perhaps even better, will also improve your popularity with people. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Good information! I just finished mowing my yard and that means lots of sweat so I become a mosquito magnet. Such fun!
I knew much of this info, but had no idea about blood type making a difference. Do you attract mosquitoes? I know I do…
There are also some essential oils that will help repel these pesky vampires. They don’t like pepperment oil or lavender oil, and they don’t like garlic, but I will save this for another post this summer…
Have a great healthy day!