Welcome to My World – 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana
Hello world! I find this to be very interesting information as medical marijuana and CBD oil have many health benefits, with little side effects. It’s pretty safe to say that it is primarily the drug companies, who want to keep us addicted to their unhealthy pills, that have numerous bad side effects, that are against legalizing marijuana. In my opinion, this is solely Greed Driven. They want to create lifetime customers; and they don’t care about your side effects or consequences of prolonged use of many of these drugs. They do Not want to find cures. They want “customers.”
I am interested in CBD oil which does not get you high and has many many health benefits. This should be legal in all states and the Big Pharma companies need to keep their grubby paws out of this product. I’m sure they won’t but they should not be involved in this as once they are, they’ll use pesticides and other harmful chemicals which basically negate the good effects of CBD oil and marijuana. (You can refer back to the post I did about use of pesticides on medical marijuana.)

Cannabis & CBD Oil can help many of us in so many ways.
This is how I feel. and now I’ll get off my soap box 🙂 . Enjoy the read and I really hope you gain knowledge from this.
Marijuana frequently gets a bad rap. But how much of it is deserved?
“Should Marijuana Be Legalized? “
Here is some research to help you understand your benefits and risks of your using marijuana. Here are just ten of your many health benefits attributed to this plant, as well as some of your problems associated with its use.

Can marijuana help you with your tremors?
1. Alzheimer’s
Marijuana may be able to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, according to research by the Scripps Research Institute published in “Molecular Pharmaceutics.”
2. Anxiety
Harvard Medical School found that marijuana may have anti-

Depression, stress, anxiety… Are you plagued with any of these? CBD oil or marijuana could help you.
anxiety effects. Of course, keep in mind that high doses may increase anxiety and paranoia.
3. Arthritis
Marijuana can alleviate your pain and inflammation linked to arthritis. I

CBD Oil & Marijuana can help with arthritis & There are also essential oils that help you with arthritis: Black pepper oils will help with your arthritis. You’ll see more of this in another post.
believe CBD oil, derived from marijuana, and does not get you high, can alleviate your pain from arthritis as well.
4. Cancer
Research published in the journal “Molecular Cancer Therapeutics”

Traditional cancer treatments have so many harsh effects on your body. Marijuana or CBD oil may help you…
suggests that cannabidiol, a chemical compound found in marijuana, turns off the “ID-1″ gene, which cancer cells
use to spread.
5. Epilepsy
Studies conducted by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University indicate that marijuana may stop seizures.
6. Glaucoma
Researchers are working to develop new cannabis-based drugs to treat your

do you take good care of your eyes?
glaucoma pain after determining marijuana’s effectiveness for treating the condition. Glaucoma is a condition that increases pressure inside your eyeball and can lead to your having vision loss.
7. Lung health
Research in the “Journal of the American Medical Association” found that

Do you have healthy lungs?
marijuana can increase lung capacity – not decrease it, as many people have long believed.
8. Multiple sclerosis
A study published in the “Canadian Medical assiciation Journal” found that cannabinoids significantly reduced multiple sclerosis pain.
9. Nausea
Marijuana contains a minimum of 60 cannabinoids. THC is the primary

Miracles of Nature… We have yet to discover all the benefits of medical marijuana… but it does help with nausea.
chemical associated with its mind-altering effects. THC has been used in the treatment of nausea, including your drug- or chemotherapy-induced nausea.
10. Parkinson’s Disease
Research published in “MedPage Today” found that marijuana use eased tremors and improved your fine motor skills in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Despite these health benefits, it’s also important to consider the potential health risks of marijuana use:
• Addiction can cause uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms in people who discontinue their marijuana use.
• In high doses or in sensitive individuals, marijuana can cause you to have anxiety and paranoia.
• Marijuana may impair your memory.
• Mind-altering effects are particularly evident among your young and first-time users.
• One study found an increase in your risk of heart attack within the first hour of smoking marijuana.
There is not much said here about CBD oil, which does not get you high and has many of the same good health benefits as marijuana, without the side effects. I’ll leave that for another post.
Of course, there will be other issues,
which I believe they are experiencing in states like Colorado, where marijuana is now legal, and that is for one, traffic accidents, due to those driving under the influence and these are things that will need to be addressed, and worked on. But when you look at the big picture, it is not much different than alcohol, only it has health benefits, and alcohol does not. So, which do you think is better? I would love to hear from you so please leave a message below with your thoughts…
Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!