Welcome to My World – Social Anxiety

Hello World!  Are you a social butterfly? Or have you in the past, or do you now suffer from social anxiety? I know I have throughout my life but I always pushed through it, but now, I don’t seem to care much anymore. I’ve never liked large crowds of people, but now I seem to prefer my animals to most of the people I know. I’ve grown to have very little tolerance for BS and gossip. How do you feel about this? I hope you find this an interesting read…

Are you the proverbial "social butterfly" or have you had to deal with social anxiety in your lifetime?

Are you the proverbial “social butterfly” or have you had to deal with social anxiety in your lifetime?

Things To Know About People with Social Anxiety

Social anxiety, or social phobia, is marked by your extreme self-

do you fear getting close to people? Or do you dislike crowds or social situations where there are people you don't know?

do you fear getting close to people? Or do you dislike crowds or social situations where there are people you don’t know?

consciousness, avoidance and physical symptoms when faced with an uncomfortable social situation. We all get jitters from time to time, but social anxiety is on a whole different level.

The tough thing about your having the condition is it’s difficult to explain to people what it feels like. If you’ve ever found yourself confused as to why a friend cuts a visit short or seems avoidant of social gatherings much of the time, read on and consider whether they might be dealing with something more powerful than simple nerves.

It’s not something people can “just get over”

Just like depression, anxiety is not cured by your old “bootstraps”

Do you enjoy being with friends & family? It may be just what you need.,

Do you enjoy being with friends & family? It may be just what you need.,

argument. It can’t be turned on and off on a whim and can be difficult to manage for most people. Those who struggle with it carry an added burden of dealing with less than understanding responses to their hardship.

Dismissive comments or pleas for people to push through their anxiety are insensitive to what the person is going through. If being in a crowded space or being invited to a get-together triggers an unpleasant feeling for someone, understanding and respect for their situation is your best bet.

It can strike at any time

Anxiety can be an unpredictable foe, even with extensive self-reflection and

It amazes me how many thIs anxiety plaguing you?

Is anxiety plaguing you?

hard work on managing your symptoms. Just when someone is feeling their most comfortable and confident, it can rear its ugly head. It’s important to remember that your recovery is fluid and an ongoing process. If someone seems calm and collected in a social environment one day, this doesn’t necessarily mean they will the next—and someone else’s expectation that they will be shouldn’t be held against them.

People may not know they have it

It’s not surprising the average age of onset for social phobia is 13 years old.

Depression, stress, anxiety... Are you plagued with any of these? Ashwagandha could help you.

Depression, stress, anxiety… Are you plagued with any of these? When did this begin? Ashwagandha could help you.

Think back to that time in your life—was your adolescence filled with ups and downs, awkwardness and tension with peers? You’re not alone. It’s hard enough getting through puberty without a diagnosable anxiety condition;  and it’s easy to see how kids may not know there’s something bigger at play than just their hormones.

According to Erikson’s model of psycho-social development, teenage years are marked by a struggle between your identity and your role confusion. That sense of being hyper-aware of how others may see you, figuring out just who you are and how you fit into your world;  and navigating awkward interactions are hallmarks of this period in your life.

We all wonder if there is something “wrong” or different about ourselves along the way. Social anxiety amplifies this nagging thought, which can easily be dismissed as everyday stress or “just going through a phase.” When someone can put a name to what they experience, a huge burden can be lifted.

Patience and understanding can go a long way

Those of us with significant social anxiety often become frustrated when

people confuse it with everyday nervousness. It’s easy to fall back on defining other people’s experiences based on your own, but the reality is that everyone’s experiences are diverse. If a friend says they are not comfortable in a certain situation, take them at their word. And then try to understand what they are feeling.

Sure, your practicing empathy takes extra work. It can be difficult emotional

Did you know that wine or any other alcohol is not good for anxiety?

Did you know that wine or any other alcohol is not good for anxiety?

labor for you; and we surely cannot be expected to be 100% empathetic all the time. At the same time, we can all improve. And perhaps one way you can start is by opening your minds to appreciating the struggles of others.

This information really hits home for me as I’ve struggled with this most of my life and I doubt anyone knows this as I’ve not talked to anyone about this until now. I know I am not the only one out there with these feelings and issues so if this helps just one other person, then I’m glad I posted this…

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!


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