Welcome to My World – Sleep & Your Brain
Hello World! I know I’ve posted about sleep before but this is one of my “issues” and I’m sure I’m not the only one out there that doesn’t sleep through the night. I’ve no problem falling asleep, but staying asleep is another story. And, of course, once I wake up, I have to go to the bathroom, even if I don’t really, but if I don’t, I won’t fall asleep again. Sounds screwy, doesn’t it, but who said I was normal? 🙂 🙂 🙂 Who else experiences this as well?

do you have the joy of sleeping like a baby? Sunlight may help you sleep better.
How Sleep Helps Clean Your Brain
In addition to your many other health benefits of sleep, it’s been shown sleep plays a role in detoxifying your brain. Researchers believe this may be one of the primary reasons why we need to sleep. Read on to find out why this is important for your health and how you can improve your own sleep to reap the benefits.
What does your brain do while you sleep?
Research published in the journal Science revealed that certain brain cells

I envy the way my cat can fall asleep immediately & then sleep like the dead…
shrink during sleep. This opens up gaps between brain tissues and allows fluid to wash away neurological waste products.
Your brain’s waste removal system is called the glymphatic system, which the study found is actually 10 times more active during sleep.
The fluid that circulates in your brain is known as cerebrospinal fluid. It’s created by your brain in order to bring in nutrients and remove wastes through your blood-brain barrier, a natural wall that exists around your brain to prevent it from directly touching blood and blood-borne pathogens.
An increased flow of your cerebro-spinal fluid will bring more nutrients and clear out more junk from your brain. And all you need to do for these benefits is get some sleep.
What This Means for Your Health
Researchers feel this detoxification is a vital survival function that is not

sleep issues? You should try cherries as they help you produce melatonin.
possible when you are awake. It seems your brain cannot process daily information and carry out cleaning processes at the same time. Your brain needs downtime to cleanse itself properly.
This is consistent with research that shows multitasking in your waking life is also ineffective. Your brain is made to focus on one thing at a time.
Your brain’s cleaning functions could also potentially help prevent certain brain disorders. Diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s are partially caused by a build-up of damaged proteins in your brain. It’s possible getting more sleep could help clear out these damaging waste products.
Researchers recommended further studies on whether or not sleep could provide a protective effect against such diseases.
Not getting enough sleep is also linked to much higher rates of your getting heart disease, stroke, depression, infections and shorter lives. It’s definitely in your best interest to get the sleep you need. (sometimes easier said than done, especially if you’ve lots on your mind.)
Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep
Try some of these suggestions to promote your best quality sleep.
Get on the clock.
Your natural biological clock helps you fall asleep easily and wake up

Sleep when your body tells you too…
feeling refreshed. The best way to support this is for you to go to bed and wake up at the same times every day, including weekends.
Sleep with your brain’s natural cycles.
Your brain naturally moves through 90-minute cycles throughout the night, going from lighter sleep, into dreaming, then a deep sleep state. Try to sleep for either seven and a half hours a night or nine hours to make sure you complete full, 90-minute cycles.
Leave your problems at the door.
Sleeping is a time for you to rest, not a time to solve your life’s problems.

You can use lavender for it’s scent. It’s calming & can help you sleep better, fights depression, (& it attracts bees if you plant it in your yard)…
If you find yourself ruminating too long instead of sleeping, try saying to yourself, “I’m now clear about the problem. I’ll go to sleep and let my inner mind work it out.” Then pay attention to what comes up in the morning.
Eliminate negative self-talk.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, don’t stare at your clock and stress

do you take warm baths before going to sleep? Epsom Salt baths help me sleep better…
about how you’re never going to get to sleep, or how awful you’re going to feel tomorrow. Projecting a negative state into your future will only raise your stress hormones further. Take a deep breath and try to visualize the day you want to have instead.
Look at your day.
Did you not get enough exercise? Did you drink too much caffeine or alcohol before bed? There are many physical issues that can prevent a good night’s sleep. Check out these sleep mistakes and their solutions to see what might be keeping you awake.
I usually read myself to sleep. When my eyes begin to close, I shut the light and I go to sleep. This enables me to fall asleep quickly, but staying asleep is another issue entirely. Please share your experiences with me… What makes you sleep better and how do you stay asleep?
I want to add a note here about a few of the affiliates I’ve posted on the side. The two products from amazon.com are excellent! I’ve used both for some time now and both are natural. Orange Guard is to kill bugs. I use it mainly for ants and flies and it works! Nature’s Miracle is to get rid of pet odors and stains, and it too works! I personally recommend these products.
I also buy all my pets flea meds from budgetpetcare.com. They are in Canada, but have better prices than here in the U.S. Shipping takes a bit longer so you must plan accordingly, but I always get free shipping. I doubt that I’ll go back to buying in the U.S. again. Why pay more if you don’t have to?
Another that I use is Derma E which is a great natural skin care product. Please give these or any of the others a try. You will not be disappointed. You can always contact me with your questions. See ya’ around…
Have a great healthy day!

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