Welcome to My World – Surprising Memory Boosters

Hello World!  How good is your memory? Or are you like me and misplace things at times? I once found my keys in the frig 🙂 …

If you're trying to do too many thing at once, there's no telling where you'll find some things.

If you’re trying to do too many thing at once, there’s no telling where you’ll find some things.

Surprising (And Easy) Memory Boosters

The key to remembering where you put your keys? It could be as easy as these simple tweaks to your daily routine.


Go thank Mom for nagging you to sit up straight—standing and sitting up straight and tilting your chin up boosts blood and oxygen flow to your brain by up to 40%, making it easier to recall memories.

Keep your brain young & healthy!

Keep your brain young & healthy!


We’re talking typeface—researchers have found that using an unusual font on study materials can help you remember the content better. Does this mean Comic Sans for your next work presentation?


Learning ability, recall, and visual recognition all improved among a group

You can watch funny cats or dogs. The laughing helps relieve your stress.

You can watch funny cats or dogs. The laughing helps relieve your stress.

of elderly individuals who watched a funny 30 minute video, one study found. Chalk it up to the stress relief, researcher Gurinder Bains, M.D. says. “With aging, the damaging effects of stress can impair your ability to learn and sustain memory,” he explained. “Humor and the associated mirthful laughter can reduce your stress by decreasing your stress hormones, including cortisol and catecholamines.”


Over 60 years old? Light and moderate alcohol consumption in older adults has been associated with larger volume in your hippocampus and better episodic memory (the ability to recall events).


The hippocampus—your brain’s memory center—shrinks as you age, but

Walking in nature is relaxing & you can become aware of how your body moves.

Walking in nature is relaxing & you can become aware of how your body moves.

research has found that older adults who go on walks actually gain volume in their hippocampus.


Prefer to hit the gym? One study had participants lift weights while looking

Do you want to lose muscle mass? If so, then skip the strength training. I find dumb bells very beneficial to me & I only use 5 lb. each. Weight bearing exercise will help prevent osteoporosis as well.

I find dumb bells very beneficial to me & I only use 5 lb. each. Weight bearing exercise will help prevent osteoporosis;. And it may give you a better memory. Win win to me.

at a series of photos. Two days later, those who strength trained remembered about 60%, while those who didn’t remembered 50%.


It doesn’t get easier than this. Chewing gum has been shown to increase your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood flow to your brain, giving you a 15 to 20 minute window of improved memory.


Taking notes in a meeting? Bring a notebook, not a laptop. Writing things down instead of typing them was found to help you with active listening and retention.

This is interesting information and it is a short easy read that I hope you found beneficial to you…

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!


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