Welcome to My World – Natural Remedies to Help Arthritis
Hello World! Do you, or someone close to you, have arthritis? And, do you take any of these natural remedies to ease your pain? I take MSM, Omega 3’s, glucosamine and chondroitin; I have for a long time and I believe they help me. If you’ve read any of my blog posts, you know I am a big believer in natural remedies whenever possible…

There are also essential oils that help you with arthritis: Black pepper oil is one. You’ll see more of this in another post.
Top 7 Natural Remedies to Help Arthritis
Are you suffering from arthritis? There’s a lot of help for this painful condition in the form of natural remedies. Here are 7 of my favorites:
You’ve probably heard of the nutrient known as beta carotene, which is

Oranges are great for you to get beta carotene & vitamin C. Eat the fruit & not the juice as it is healthier for you.
found in many orange, red and green fruits and vegetables like carrots, squash and leafy greens. Beta carotene is one of a large group of nutrients known as carotenoids, which includes another nutrient known as astaxanthin (pronounced as-ta-ZAN-thin).
Both beta carotene and astaxanthin are antioxidants that destroy harmful free radicals before they can cause you further joint and tissue damage; in research by Bob Capelli and Gerald Cysewski in the book Astaxanthin, astaxanthin has been found to be 53.7 times stronger than beta carotene in its antioxidant abilities. Be aware that some forms of astaxanthin are synthetically derived from petroleum products and are not recommended; instead, choose a high-quality astaxanthin derived from algae.
A dose of 4 to 12mg daily is suitable for your treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Start with 4mg daily in divided doses with your meals for a month. If your pain levels have not reduced, increase to 8mg daily in divided doses with your meals for another month. If your pain levels have reduced, continue at this dosage; if they have not, increase your dose to 12mg daily in divided doses with your meals.
Chondroitin as it is frequently called, plays a critical role in the creation of

Do you keep your bones & connective tissue strong & listen to your body?
cartilage. It strengthens yet provides flexibility to your connective tissue found in your joints, acts as a cushion and helps lubricate your joints. Not only does chondroitin protect your cartilage from degeneration, it also blocks enzymes that destroy your cartilage while ensuring vital nutrients reach your cartilage for repair.
Chondroitin sulfate tends to work best in conjunction with glucosamine. Choose a sustainably sourced product because some are derived from powdered shark cartilage; others are derived from the cartilage from cows.
It is not suitable for vegans since I am unaware of any vegan chondroitin products. Chondroitin is chemically similar to the blood thinner heparin so avoid using it while taking this drug or while using other blood thinners unless you are being monitored by a doctor. You may also wish to have your doctor monitor you while taking chondroitin because it may enable you to reduce your dose of blood-thinning drugs. Take 1500mg of chondroitin sulfate once daily or 500mg three times daily with meals, with your doctor’s approval.
Copaiba is a resin from Brazilian rainforests that contains a potent natural

Copaiba comes from the Brazilian Rainforest. Are you familiar with it?
anti-pain compound known as beta-caryophyllene (BCP). BCP is a cannabinoid that has similar potency to other cannabinoids, including those found in marijuana, but unlike marijuana, copaiba and BCP have no psychoactive properties. In other words, it will not make you high.
It is best used as a food grade essential oil. Pick one that qualifies for food grade status by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since most don’t. A typical dose is 2 to 3 drops of the oil in an empty capsule or on the tongue, 3 times daily. A drop or two can be applied to painful areas as well.
Always conduct a 72-hour skin patch test first to ensure you don’t have any allergies to this oil. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the copaiba essential oil in sweet almond or coconut oil first (about 1 drop per 10 drops of carrier oil).
Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a plant that grows in Africa;

Have you heard of devil’s claw? It grows in Africa & can also help you with arthritis.
Namibia in particular, and gets its name from the large fruit that grows in the shape of a claw-like hand. Devil’s claw has a long history of efficacy when used for arthritis when you take it as an herbal tea, in capsules or tablets, or as an ointment that you rub on painful areas.
Dozens of studies cite its effectiveness against both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis but research in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology also shows that the effectiveness drops when extracts of specific compounds found in devils’ claw are used. Although devil’s claw contains many active compounds, including harpagide, harpagoside, kaempferol, chlorogenic acid, cinnamic acid, luteolin, oleanolic acid, among others, it is best to take capsules of devil’s claw rather than specific compounds found in the plant on their own.
A typical dose for for you, if you are an arthritis sufferer is 2500mg daily, in divided doses. You can take this supplement with food or on an empty stomach.
Some people find that taking any supplements on an empty stomach causes stomach upset; if you experience stomach upset when you take supplements, simply take this herb with food. Devil’s claw might increase the effects of medications used to reduce blood clotting, such as warfarin, so be sure to work with a knowledgeable doctor before taking these medications together.
Other medications that may interact with devil’s claw include ibuprofen, diclofenac, meloxicam, piroxicam, celecoxib, amitriptyline, glipizide and iosartan, so check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any of these drugs. Avoid using devil’s claw if you are pregnant or have gallstones or an ulcer.
Glucosamine sulfate is known as an amino sugar, a type of compound that

Glucosamine will help you maintain healthy cartilage and bones. I now know how important it is to protect our bones when we’re younger. Did you know this?
naturally occurs in your body and is used to build tissue rather than as a source of energy like other types of sugars. It is particularly involved in maintaining your healthy cartilage and bones. If you have arthritis or other joint disorders, you tend to be deficient in this compound, which naturally diminishes with age and as your body attempts to deal with arthritis. Supplementing with this nutrient can help cartilage formation while reducing pain levels.
Glucosamine has been proven in many tests to alleviate your pain of joint inflammation when taken consistently for a minimum of two weeks to two months. In some studies it is more effective than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It works to halt the deterioration of your joints and even to rebuild your joints when taken in dosages of 1000 to 1500mg daily. According to Phyllis and James Balch, authors of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, it has been proven in over 300 studies to build your joint cartilage.
It is not a quick fix. It takes weeks or sometimes months to really notice the improvement. Because glucosamine sulfate is usually derived from shellfish, you should avoid it if you are vegan or if you are allergic to shellfish.
Methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM as it is more commonly known, is a

How aware of your body are you? Is your body being depleted of MSM?
naturally occurring sulfur compound that is found in many foods. It is also naturally found in your body, but sometimes the amount is insufficient to overcome the inflammatory foods in your diet and our stressful lives, as well as any damage to your joints from injuries. It is therefore a good idea to supplement with this nutrient.
Not only does MSM improve the health of your joints, it also helps to restore an imbalanced immune system, making it a beneficial nutrient for any type of arthritis, including both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well as fibromyalgia. Take 2000mg daily in divided doses; for example, take 1000mg with breakfast and 1000mg with dinner. MSM can boost detoxification in your body too, so it’s best to start with 1000mg total per day and build up to 2000mg. daily. Because it has blood-thinning properties, avoid using MSM if you are taking pharmaceutical blood thinners, including acetaminophen.
Essential fatty acids are critical to balancing inflammation and pain in your

Flax seed or oil is also good for you & your arthritis.
body because they’re the precursors of inflammation-regulating chemical messengers known as prostaglandins. They are made from omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Both types of essential fatty acids are required, but the ratio is what matters most.
The majority of our population is deficient in omega 3 fatty acids, which can cause inflammation to go unchecked in your body. Omega 3 fatty acids are primarily found in the oils

Eat more salmon. Your cold water Fish is a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids.
of cold water fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and anchovies, as well as nuts and seeds like flax, hemp and walnut. Add flax oil or flax seeds to your salad dressings, organic popcorn, oatmeal, smoothies or other foods you eat on a daily basis for best results.
I find this to be very good information; and as I already mentioned I take four of these things mentioned above. What do you take for your arthritis? Let me know by leaving me a message below. I look forward to hearing from you as I’m always interested in learning new things…
Have a great Healthy Day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!