Welcome to My World – Food & Anxiety

Hello World! Do you suffer from anxiety? Or do you eat the foods listed here? I find that there are essential oils like lavender that help me when I feel anxious. What do you do to avoid or alleviate your anxiety?

You can use lavender for it's scent. It's oil wards off mosquitoes & It's calming & can help you sleep better, fights depression, & it attracts bees... You can also use it for cleaning. What more can you want from this pretty plant?

You can use lavender for it’s scent. It’s oil wards off mosquitoes & It’s calming & can help you sleep better, fights depression, & it attracts bees… You can also use it for cleaning. What more can you want from this pretty plant?

Foods To Avoid If You Suffer From Anxiety

Regular exercise and healthy eating can be immensely helpful for some

Exercise helps me get rid of the "Blahs"

Exercise helps me get rid of the “Blahs”

people who suffer from anxiety. If these lifestyle tweaks are not enough, consider how often you eat the following foods. Try reducing or cutting them out completely for a more calm and grounded mind.

If you suffer from regular anxiety that is affecting everyday activities, be sure to consult with your doctor.


It can be easy to reach for the donut or dessert when stress or anxiety set in,

You should avoid sugary foods as they hurt you when you feel anxious & hinder your memory.

You should avoid sugary foods as they hurt you when you feel anxious & hinder your memory.

but do not give in. Even though sugar momentarily makes your body feel energized, after a few minutes, blood sugar levels drop.

When blood sugar levels drop, feelings of anxiety kick in. If you crave something sweet when you’re anxious, eat healthy sweet foods like bananas and strawberries. Avoid table sugar and foods with added sugar.


Caffeine doesn’t just worsen anxiety, it can cause anxiety for folks who

Coffee - a No No before bed... I limit myself to my 1 morning cup.

Coffee – a No No before bed… I limit myself to my 1 morning cup.

don’t suffer from it. In fact, it took me a long time to realize that coffee was the cause of my anxiety. As soon as I reduced my caffeine intake, my anxiety disappeared. Caffeine isn’t in coffee alone. It’s found in tea, energy drinks, chocolate, soft drinks and so on.


There’s so much salt in processed foods that we end up consuming more

Eat less salt/sodium & see a difference in your anxiety levels & your BP

Eat less salt/sodium & see a difference in your anxiety levels & your BP

salt than our bodies need. Eating salty foods raises blood pressure and makes your heart work harder. This causes a frequent release of adrenaline, a stress hormone.

Limit your salt consumption to the recommended 3.7g per day.


If you always grab a glass of wine whenever you’re anxious, you could be

Did you know that wine or any other alcohol is not good for anxiety?

Did you know that wine or any other alcohol is not good for anxiety?

making things worse. Alcohol hinders the production of serotonin, which is responsible for regulating your mood.

Drinking alcohol also causes dehydration, which can cause anxiety. Instead of drinking alcohol to deal with your stress, try other options like deep breathing or meditation.

Trans fats

Most of the trans fats we consume are found in junk and processed foods.

Do you think junk food looks or tastes better than healthy food? I'll take the healthy, please.

Do you think junk food looks or tastes better than healthy food? I’ll take the healthy, please.

Research shows that these fats increase the risk of depression and make your brain more prone to anxiety.

Avoid cooking with trans fats. Cook with any of these cooking oils instead.


1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has a high smoking point and is known to have numerous

coconut oil is one of the good fats for you to use when you're cooking.

coconut oil is one of the good fats for you to use when you’re cooking.

health benefits. Some folks may avoid it due to high levels of saturated fats, but study after study has proven that saturated fats are not bad for your health.

When buying coconut oil, choose virgin coconut oil. It’s organic, has high amounts of antioxidants and it tastes great.

2. Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil has many health benefits, in fact research shows that extra virgin

Did you know that extra virgin olive oil is another of the healthy oils for cooking?

Did you know that extra virgin olive oil is another of the healthy oils for cooking?

olive oil prevents cancer cells from spreading in your body.

Some believe that olive oil is not fit for cooking because of low smoking point but studies show that it has a smoking point fit for cooking.

3. Almond oil

Almond oil isn’t just good for your skin, it can also be used for cooking. It

almond oil: did you know that it was good for you?

almond oil: did you know that it was good for you?

contains high levels of monounsaturated fats and is known to improve your cardiovascular health.

Note that some types of almond oil are not fit for consumption. Look for oils labeled, ‘for culinary use’ or ‘foodgrade’.

4. Clarified butter (Ghee)

The fear of saturated fats has made many people avoid butter. But research shows that processed margarine is the problem, not real butter.

Real butter has a low smoking point so it’s best you use ghee. Which is also good for folks who are intolerant to lactose.

5. Avocado Oil                                                                                                                                

Avocado oil has a smoking point higher than any other plant oil (520 degrees). So it can be used in high heat cooking like pan-roasting or grilling. In fact, avocado oil can be consumed cold, so feel free to add it to your salads and soups.


Some people who are intolerant to gluten experience anxiety when they consume gluten-rich foods. Many of these people walk around with an undiagnosed gluten intolerance. Here are signs of gluten intolerance to look for.

If you’re gluten intolerant, cutting down on wheat products can reduce anxiety.


Gluten can make you feel fatigued even if you get enough sleep and don’t

Do you often feel tired? Dragging your feet all day? Are you Fatigued?

Do you often feel tired? Dragging your feet all day? Are you Fatigued?

overwork. If you feel fatigued whenever you eat gluten, you may be intolerant. And every time you eat gluten your body has to work hard to get rid of it, and it can cause actual damage to your brain.

It’s normal to experience fatigue every now and then if you lead a busy life. But feeling fatigued all the time is not normal. Eating a gluten free diet can help eliminate fatigue.


Eating gluten can cause acne, rashes, itchiness and other skin problems. The parts mostly affected by rashes and acne are your neck, elbows, knees, back and buttocks.


Gluten intolerance causes a lot of digestive issues;  Constipation, gas, bloating and diarrhea are the most common cases.

Keep a food journal if you have frequent stomach upsets. Write down all the foods that cause your digestive problems and see if they have gluten.


Getting rid of depression can be as simple as eliminate gluten from your

It amazes me how many thIs anxiety plaguing you?

Is anxiety plaguing you?

diet. Research shows that gluten can cause anxiety and depression.

Some of the signs that you’re depressed are anger, loss of appetite, low energy, hopelessness, change in sleeping patterns and so on.


This study found that gluten may contribute to mental fogginess. The effect gluten has on your brain may vary depending on your intolerance. You may experience migraine headaches if your intolerance is high.

Use the food journal to identify the foods that make you lose concentration.


This is especially true for women. Naturally, women experience more hormonal changes than men. And eating gluten can cause more hormonal problems, which can affect your mood and weight.

Doctors also say that gluten intolerance causes infertility due to inflammation, which affects reproduction.


Does your mouth form round sores on the inside of your cheeks or lips? A study conducted in 2009 found that there is a link between mouth ulcers and gluten sensitivity.


A weak immune system will increase your risk of getting sick. If you catch colds and flus frequently, gluten may be to blame for this.

As a study explains, when you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, the antibodies levels go down, so it becomes harder for your body to fight disease.


WebMD explain that the inflammation caused by gluten intolerance can

Do you get stiff joints?

Do you get stiff joints?

lead to joint pain and muscle ache. Knees, wrist, shoulder, hips and back are your joints most likely to be affected.


Instant change in weight without changing eating habits or workout routine is an indicator of health problems. Gluten can cause these unexpected weight changes.

Well, there’s no cure for gluten intolerance. The best option is to reduce gluten intake or eliminate it from your diet.

Note that these symptoms could can be signs of other health problems. See a doctor if you experience them.

Fast food

Fast food contains additives, chemicals, preservatives and many other

Here's a plate of pure junk for you: french fries & mayonnaise.

Here’s a plate of pure junk for you: french fries & mayonnaise. Wonder why you have aches & pains?

ingredients that cause inflammation. Consequently, inflammation causes your mental state to decline and makes it hard for your brain to manage anxiety.

Try avoiding these foods if you suffer from stress and anxiety. Food won’t fix everything, but it often has a huge impact on your mental health. Try pairing a healthy diet with exercise and meditation to stay calm when eating the right foods just isn’t enough.

This post turned out longer than I’d planned but it is packed with great information for you and I’d love to hear your thoughts about this. Do you watch what you eat and feel better because you do so? Leave me a message below and let me know…

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!


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