Welcome to My World – Mind-Body Solution to Chronic Pain

Hello World!  Well, I haven’t posted for a few days and this seems appropriate as I’ve pretty much been laid up with a pinched nerve in my neck. I was only able to sit at the computer for short periods of time so I couldn’t post a blog. I am an active person so this has been driving me crazy. I exercised as much as I could but I had to be careful. UGHHH!

Do you ever have neck or back pain?

Do you ever have neck or back pain?

I had this last year and took muscle relaxers and Aleve that got rid of it in about two weeks. Well, I had a few muscle relaxers left so I took them and Aleve, but I ran out of the muscle relaxers so I switched to Valerian root, which I can only take at night as it makes me sleepy, but it seems to do the same thing as the prescription muscle relaxers. I also cut back on Aleve and for the past two days have not taken Aleve, only Valerian root when I go to sleep.  It seems to be healing now.

Unless you’ve had a pinched nerve,

you cannot imagine what it feels like. Since it’s in my neck, it shoots into

Do you do any neck exercises?

my head and I get a headache, but this time it seemed to go down my back as well so I felt as though I had a “stitch in my side” that just wouldn’t go away. It HURT! I was about ready to buy stock in the company that makes ICY HOT and I used lots of cold packs on my neck and back.

I tried Salonpas but they fall off.  I was beginning to wonder if it would ever go away so life would go back to normal. It isn’t much fun when you are uncomfortable sitting, standing and sometime even lying down; and a side effect for me is that I get GROUCHY when I hurt so I tend to be alone more so as not to inflict ME on others…  Now that may be self defeating but it is what I do.

So, as a result, I thought this post may help others who have chronic pain and there are so many out there that do. All I can say is thank the heavens that I don’t have this all the time, but I have a new appreciation for those that do. You look like everyone else; no one would know you were in pain, but…

The Mind-Body Solution to Chronic Pain You Haven’t Tried

According to the 2015 National Health Institute Study, chronic pain affects

did you know so many people suffer from chronic pain?

did you know so many people suffer from chronic pain?

over 25 million American adults. To be clear, chronic pain was defined for that survey as pain every day for the preceding 3 months. Ouch. That’s a lot of people in a lot of discomfort.

And while over-the-counter pain relievers can provide temporary relief, few people actually know how to take action on addressing their chronic pain beyond drugs. That’s where Feldenkrais comes in.


Developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, an Israeli physicist, the Feldenkrais Method is conceptually similar to Alexander technique in that it is a body reintegration technique used to retrain your body’s basic movement patterns both kinesthetically and neurologically. It’s all about teaching your body how to move in an easier, more efficient way by taking advantage of the wonders of gravity and human kinesiology.

While there are certain activities that we may blame for our pain—like

Walking your dog outdoors is great. No dog, just get out there & walk anyway & be aware of your bodies basic movements.

Walking your dog outdoors is great. No dog, just get out there & walk anyway & be aware of your bodies basic movements.

dancing, old sports injuries, lifting that bag of rocks incorrectly last weekend—Feldenkrais operates under the theory that how we hold ourselves day in and day out is what causes us the most pain and damage.

You know, overuse and misuse in all those little movements you don’t think about: sitting down, standing up, bending over, looking at your phone, walking, running, making coffee, you name it. Through body awareness techniques, muscular release and retraining exercises, the goal of Feldenkrais is to establish new neural pathways in your brain to encourage easier, less bound ways of moving through daily life. And the result? Less pain.

Acccording to Feldenkrais “If you don’t know what you are doing, you can’t do what you want.”

Many of us unknowingly use excessive force to perform even your

Sitting at your computer can be harder on your body than you think.

Sitting at your computer can be harder on your body than you think.

simplest movements. For instance, when I am writing with a pen and paper and I am on a roll, I hunch my right shoulder to my ear, roll my left shoulder way forward, and clench my tongue and jaw muscles. For an activity that really only requires subtle motion from my wrist and lower arm, it should come as no surprise that I tend to suffer from a lot of shoulder tension and headaches when I am doing a lot of long form writing. Same thing happens to me when working on the computer for long periods of time. 

And that’s the point. Our unaddressed movement patterns and the misuse of our natural biomechanics in daily life are the under-appreciated sources of most of our chronic pain.


If you want to move easier and with less effort and pain, Feldenkrais is

Do you keep your bones strong & listen to your body?

Do you keep your bones strong & listen to your body?

worth a shot. Chronic pain is often the result of years of misuse of your body. The goal of Feldenkrais is to encourage the stacking of the skeletal structure in such a way that you don’t need excessive muscular tension to keep it in place, i.e. anatomical balance. When your anatomical structure is sound, gravity begins to work in your favor and muscles can release their death grips. Regular movement becomes a lot easier and less painful for you because you aren’t asking your body to do anything it is not designed for. But be aware, there is a lot of mental work that goes into this training.

Don’t be surprised if side effects of Feldenkrais training also include enhanced mental balance and resiliency.


While Feldenkrais is not Alexander technique, they do both rely heavily on

How aware of your body are you? Do you keep your bones strong & listen to your body?

How aware of your body are you? Do you keep your bones strong & listen to your body?

increasing body awareness. Upon my initial training in Alexander technique, I was shocked at how little I actually knew about my body. I was in the habit of standing with a subtle torque in my hips, my weight pushed into my left hip. I also spent more time on my left leg than my right, which begins to explain why I suffered from SI joint pain and shin splints on only my left side. Throughout my training, I learned to acknowledge these quirks without judgement before working to let go of them as unnecessary kinesthetic accessories.

But that’s the key: the first step is acknowledging your quirks and understanding what your body is currently doing. Here are two brief exercises that can help you begin to understand your own body with a bit more clarity:

  • Walking rhythm

    Find an open, relatively flat space. This could be along a quiet road or your

    Walking in nature i relaxing but you should become aware of how your body moves.

    Walking in nature i relaxing but you should become aware of how your body moves.

    large living room. You want to be able to take at least 20 steps unencumbered. Now, walk. Listen to your footsteps. Are they like a metronome? Or do they swing the beat towards one side? Most of us are in the habit of spending more time on one leg than the other, meaning our walking rhythm will swing slightly. Listen intently but without judgement and without overthinking to figure out what leg you tend to favor.

  • Sit or plop?

    How did you sit down in your chair? Did you allow your body to mindfully

    Are you aware of how you sit & how you stand up?

    Are you aware of how you sit & how you stand up?

    cascade towards the seat? Or did you just plop. Interesting. Next time you stand up, be conscious of both feet on the floor and come to standing. Are you using your hands a lot? Does your weight shift more into one foot than the other? Does your neck crick backwards as you jut your chin forward?

Try imagining a loop at the very top of your skull

and a hook steadily drawing that loop higher and higher up towards the ceiling. In fact, it pulls upward so much that you are brought to standing with barely any effort. Give both ways of standing a try; your unmindful way and the anatomically stacked way. This can be a tough thing to experience, so don’t be hard on yourself. Stop trying so hard. Just keep imagining and practicing in order to experience the contrast. It’s incredible how much excess energy we actually use to do something as simple as standing up!

If you discovered some eye-opening information through these exercises and would like more information on finding a local Feldenkrais class or practioner,  check out the Feldenkrais Method Website.  And in the meantime, it is probably good advice for all of us to work on releasing what no longer serves us, both physically and mentally.

Here is the link I found to the Feldenkrais Website:  https://www.feldenkrais.com/ 

*Please note that this is not an affiliate link. I am only trying to help someone who may have chronic pain.*

I will definitely check out this website as this information couldn’t have come to me at a more appropriate time. What do you think about this? Your thoughts would be appreciated;  you can leave me a message below if you like…

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!

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