Welcome to My World – Decompressing Before the Holidays

Hello World! We are here now folks :). The Holidays are upon us.  Do you get stressed at this time of year? I know I do so here are some ways to decompress before you get stressed…

The Holidays are here! Do you get stressed?

The Holidays are here! Do you get stressed?

Ways to Decompress Before Holiday Stress Strikes

Here it comes—the holiday season. The planning. The parties. The family. The deadlines. The bills. The societally-imposed pressure to be in good cheer for nearly a month and a half! And don’t forget the gift buying in crowded stores (or, if you’re like me, you shop online 🙂 ).

Let’s be real—it’s exhausting. Wonderful, yes, but the juggling that happens during the holidays is an annual feat tantamount to an Olympic-style marathon. But the holidays can be as fun as you want them to be. It just comes down to getting a handle on your stress (and boy, is there a lot of it this time of year). This year, prepare yourself for the onslaught with the following self-care techniques that support a decrease in stress and an increase in happiness. That way, you can remain relatively stable and in good cheer through even the most chaotic times.


This is Movement 101. Your neck contains a lot of powerful, spindly

I bet he could do good neck rolls. Well, they can help you too!

I bet he could do good neck rolls. Well, they can help you too!

muscles. When you get stressed and rigid, these muscles become tight and immobile. Doing a few neck rolls when you wake up can prevent major kinks, reduce your pain and tension headaches and loosen trapped fluids. Practice at least 10 slow rolls in each direction.


Your chest, around your sternum, can get tight, compressed and frozen

 I bet he knows how to "open" his chest. Do You?

I bet he knows how to “open” his chest. Do You?

from hours spent hunched over while dealing with your monstrous to-do lists. This is also known as your heart chakra, an area responsible for compassion, openness and love (when functioning properly)—how on theme for the holidays!

Sit in a hard chair (or lay on the floor) with a flat back and press your shoulders/upper arms firmly into the back of the chair. Allow your chest to gently arch and open towards the sky. Lift your gaze upwards if it helps. You may hear some creaks and pops if you’ve been particularly congested in this area. Practice an open demeanor and good posture to keep this area loose.


How often do you actually allow yourself to bend laterally? It’s not a

side bends can be very good for you.

side bends can be very good for you.

movement most of us practice in daily life, which means your muscles are probably craving it. Practice a few deep side bends in a seated or standing position and feel the euphoric release. Stretching this vulnerable area in your body can decrease stress levels and increase your relaxation in a major way. Just be sure to gently pull your belly button towards your spine to engage your core and protect your delicate lower back.


The fact of the matter is you are going to develop knots. You probably

Massage is good for your back & your other aches & pains, & it's excellent for your stress management... I'm a firm believer in natural remedies..

Massage feels good; is good for your back & your other aches & pains, & it’s excellent for your stress management… I’m a firm believer in natural remedies..

already have some knots. So what are you waiting for? Take care of them! Money doesn’t have to be an issue. Although it is wonderful to be pampered, seeing a professional massage therapist isn’t the only option you have when it comes to seeking relief. You can ask a very generous, firm-handed loved one, for instance. Or you can find a tennis ball and massage yourself! Often times, proper use of a tennis ball for an hour can prove as effective and releasing as an expensive professional massage.


Yes, you’re busy. So busy. But you have time for a walk. You do! If you want

Walking in nature with your child or grandchild is more relaxing than a food fix... And it's great for your brain as well.

Walking in nature with your child or grandchild is more relaxing than a food fix… And it’s great for your brain as well.

to do some more intense exercise, have at it. But, in times of stress, excessive cardio only exacerbates the stress on your body. Practicing slower, more gentle, mindful activities like tai chi, yoga, pilates and long walks is a more effective way of releasing stress from your body. It doesn’t matter if the sun is down or the air is brisk. A walk will do you a lot of good.


Don’t let your mental toilet get clogged. Unless you’re a mindfulness

Journaling can help you realize your fears & then take action. When you write it down, you release it from your body.

Journaling can help you realize your fears & then take action. When you write it down, you release it from your body.

master, it’s going to be swirling fast with stressful thoughts and anxieties and worries all the way into the new year. But if it gets clogged and those anxieties block up, you’re in real trouble. Those are the makings for a breakdown. Be proactive; flush your greatest fears, worries and even joys out onto a piece of paper every morning so you can start the day with a clean slate. You’ll be amazed at what a release you feel.


This is a time when you are surrounded by loved ones. If you are upset,

Communicating with your family & friends is so important, especially at this time of year.

Communicating with your family & friends is so important, especially at this time of year.

stressed or need some alone time, don’t hesitate to say so in a kind but authentic way. They’ll still love you. In fact, they may even respect you more for being so open and honest with them. You have to be true to yourself, otherwise you’ll be a frazzled, miserable puddle of stress. During busy times, it is important to practice respect, both to your loved ones and to yourself.


Practice breathwork throughout the upcoming holiday chaos. Deep

Breathe! It is so important to you...

Breathe! It is so important to you…

breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, meaning it decreases the fight or flight response to stress and promotes relaxation. If you find yourself struggling with anxiety about impending holiday responsibilities, take 10 deep 10-count breaths (5 counts to inhale, 5 counts to exhale). Play with alternating between breathing through your mouth and your nose to see what feels best to you. Here’s a favorite: try inhaling through your nose, then exhaling with an oceanic breath at the back of your throat for immediate stress relief.

The holidays can be tough, but don’t lose sight of the pure joy at their core. Take care of yourself by managing your stress and anxieties and you’ll be better equipped to spread that joy and holiday cheer to others.

If you are like me and you get stressed at this time of year, then I hope you got something good from reading this. I do many of the above all year long and it definitely helps to destress. I would also suggest using lavender essential oils to help you relax. It does wonders for me and it certainly can’t hurt you…

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!



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