Welcome to My World – How to Grow Turmeric

Hello World! Have you ever thought of growing your own herbs? I’m going to show you how to plant and grow your own turmeric which is a very healthy herb, but if you choose not to plant it, buy organic…

Here's another pretty & very healthy plant for you to grow either in your yard or indoors.

Here’s another pretty & very healthy plant for you to grow either in your yard or indoors.

How to Grow Your Own Turmeric

Learn how to grow turmeric, when and how to harvest, and get some delicious ways for you to use this beneficial root.

The turmeric plant (Curcuma longa) is native to southern Asia, where the

I buy organic turmeric online.

I buy organic turmeric online.

roots have been used for over 4000 years in medicines, food, and dyes. Turmeric is proven to have many health benefits, and the spice lends a distinctive flavor to your curries and other dishes.

Fresh or powdered turmeric is available commercially, but it may not be very fresh, and organic turmeric can be hard to find (I buy mine online) or quite expensive.

Growing your own turmeric is an easy way to get high-quality, organic turmeric with all the health benefits and without the cost.


The easiest way for you to start a turmeric plant is to buy a piece of fresh

Have you seen turmeric root in your super market? I never have.

Have you seen turmeric root in your super market? I never have.

root. Turmeric root is available in many of your grocery stores or online, and you should buy organic turmeric roots when you can.

You should look for roots that are firm, plump, and free of mold; Roots that are at least 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 centimeters) long are best, and get a few just in case they don’t all sprout.

If you get a root with many branches on it, you can cut it into smaller pieces with a clean knife and plant each piece separately.


Turmeric can take from 7 to 10 months from planting until harvest, and it

Turmeric Plant in a pot. I may give this a try.

Turmeric Plant in a pot. I may give this a try.

can’t tolerate temperatures lower than 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius). This means you’ll have to grow your turmeric indoors for most of the year if you live in a colder climate.

Even if you live in an area warm enough to grow turmeric outside, it’s safer to start your plants indoors. Turmeric will typically produce best if you plant it in late winter, regardless of whether you grow it indoors or outdoors.

Plant your roots

about 2 inches (5 centimeters) deep in a well-draining potting soil, with

Maybe you can put this pot on your bathroom window sill as it is more humid & warmer.

Maybe you can put this pot on your bathroom window sill as it is more humid & warmer.

the roots lying flat on the soil. Make sure your potting mix is fairly rich. You can buy a soil that’s made for vegetables or add some compost to a regular potting mix.

Put your pots in a warm area of your home. Temperatures around 86 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit (30 to 35 degrees Celsius) are ideal. If you don’t have anywhere this hot, you can get a heating pad from your local garden center to place your pots on.

Shoots should start to come up in about a month. You can plant them outside once they’re a few inches tall, or leave them inside in a hot, sunny window. The mature plants will be over 3 feet (1 meter) tall, so make sure they have room to grow.

Whether grown indoors or outdoors,

turmeric plants will benefit from regular feedings with a liquid organic

Here you can see what a baby plant looks like.

Here you can see what a baby plant looks like.

fertilizer about every month. When grown outside, you can also mulch with additional compost throughout their growing season.

In colder climates, containers can be put outside during summer as long as night temperatures are warm enough.

Keep the soil evenly moist

as your plants grow. Excessive watering can cause rot, and drought can also hurt turmeric plants. The plants will also enjoy being misted periodically for extra humidity. (If you have a bathroom window, it sounds like the perfect place for these plants to grow. 🙂 )

Don’t be alarmed if your plants flower at some point. This won’t have any effect on the quality of your final harvest.


Turmeric plants will naturally start to die back when they’re ready to harvest. The leaves and stem will turn brown and become dry.

At this point, you can dig up your turmeric plants. Shake all the soil off the roots and cut off the stems, leaving about 1-inch (2.5 centimeter) stubs.

Rinse your roots off well, but be careful not to damage them. Any scratches or nicks will shorten their storage time. Remember to set aside a few roots to replant for next year’s harvest.

Roots in good condition

will last up to 6 months in your fridge, and they can also be frozen for longer storage.

In addition, you can make your own dried turmeric powder by boiling some fresh roots in a pot with water for 45 to 60 minutes, and when you can pierce your roots with a fork, they’re done. You can dry them out and later grind them with a spice mill or a coffee grinder.

Do you want to grind your own turmeric? Your coffee grinder will work for this task.

Do you want to grind your own turmeric? Your coffee grinder will work for this task.

Is this a project you want to try this winter? I’d sure love to hear from you if you do. What results will you have?

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!


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