Welcome to My World – Toxic Products In Your House
Hello World! Do you ever wonder what products are around you, that you really don’t need to have?

Does any of this stuff on this list make you scratch your head & wonder?
Top 10 Toxic Products You Don’t Need
Advertisers spent an astonishing $144 billion in 2011 to entice you to buy more and more stuff, so it’s not surprising that you have a home full of things you don’t need. Here’s a list of 10 toxic products you absolutely don’t need; you can, and should, get rid of them right away! Not only will your home be less cluttered, your health will improve by eliminating everyday items that contain toxic chemicals that contaminate your air, your food and your body.
Vinyl is the worst plastic for the environment. Banned in over 14 countries

Vinyl Plastic is not only harmful to you, but is also very bad for the environment.
and the European Union, PVC, also known as vinyl, is found in our floors, wall coverings, and toys. Vinyl leaches phthalates (linked to hormone disruption) and lead (a potent neurotoxicant) — contaminating our air, dust, and eventually you.
Go PVC-free by reading packages and avoiding the #3 in the chasing arrows symbol (usually found on the bottom of a product).
Chemical fragrances found in our everyday products like your air

This is your good natural fragrance, not what is in the bottle of air freshener or cologne that you buy.
fresheners, dryer sheets, and your perfumes, can trigger asthma. Some of these chemicals mimic estrogen, a process that may increase the risk of your getting breast cancer.
For example, diethyl phthalate (DEP) is absorbed through your skin and can accumulate in your fat tissue. Phthalates are suspected carcinogens and hormone disruptors that are increasingly being linked to your reproductive disorders. To be safe, you should choose fragrance-free products or use those scented with natural fragrances like essential oils.
It’s probably shocking to find a food item on a toxic product list, but it’s

Do you eat canned food? Not only does it not have any beneficial nutrients for you, but it also contains harmful chemicals that your body doesn’t need.
no mistake. Food cans are lined with bisphenol-A (BPA). Most experts believe this is our main source of exposure to BPA, which has been linked to early puberty, cancer, obesity, heart disease, depression in young girls and much more.
Many food brands have gone BPA free, including Campbell’s Soup.
But beware: some companies have switched to BPS, BPA’s chemical cousin, which has been linked many of the same health effects. To be safe, opt for fresh, frozen, dried or jarred foods.
Admit it: it’s a bit odd to wipe toxic chemicals all over your oven, your

I use baking soda a lot & it works for many types of cleaning. You can mix it with vinegar for an even better clean. This sure beats the toxic chemicals we use.
floors, counters, and your toilets to get them “clean.” Corrosive or caustic cleaners, such as the lye and acids found in drain cleaners, oven cleaners and acid-based toilet bowl cleaners are your most dangerous cleaning products because they burn your skin, eyes and your internal tissue easily. It’s simple and effective to use non-toxic cleaners or to make your own. You won’t miss the toxic fumes in your home either!
This is a huge category of products, but they deserve inclusion in their

Do mosquitoes run away from you? They certainly find me all too often… What do you use to kill bugs?
entirety because of how extremely toxic they are to you. They’re made to be. That’s how they kill things. But, solving your pest problem may leave you with another problem – residual poisons that linger on your surfaces, contaminate your air, and get tracked onto your carpet from the bottom of your shoes.
There are so many non-toxic ways to eliminate pests and weeds. Next time, get on the offense without chemicals.
Americans buy half a billion bottles of water every week, according to the

How much bottled water do you drink?
film The Story of Bottled Water. Most of us buy bottled water thinking they’re avoiding any contaminants that may be present in their tap water. For the most part, they’re wrong. Bottled water can be just as, or even more, contaminated than your tap water. In fact, some bottled water IS tap water – just packaged (in plastic that can leach chemicals into your water) and over-priced.
Also, from manufacture to disposal, bottled water creates an enormous amount of pollution, making our water even less drinkable. Do yourself and the world a favor and invest in a reusable stainless steel water bottle and a water filter.
Can you believe lead, a known neurotoxin that has no safe level of

Do you know what’s in your lipstick? I know I never gave it much thought before. Have you?
exposure, is found in women’s lipsticks? A study by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration discovered lead in 400 lipsticks tested, at levels two times higher than found in a previous FDA study. There is no safe level of lead exposure.
Pregnant women and children are at special risk, as lead can interfere with your normal brain development. To find a safe lipstick, as well as other personal care products like your shampoo and lotions, check out the Skin Deep Database.
Studies show that perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), which make products

Do you use non-stick cookware?
stain-and stick resistant, are linked to cancer and low birth weights. They are incredibly persistent and can now be found all over the globe, including in the bodies of polar bears.
Not only are PFCs found in your cookware, but microwave popcorn bags and pizza boxes, some of your dental flosses, furniture and clothing. To steer clear of PFCs, avoid products made with Teflon or list ingredients beginning with “fluoro” or “perfluoro.”
This antibacterial agent is found in your soaps, toothpastes, mouthwashes, deodorants, and even your clothing. Studies have found triclosan may harm your immune system, which makes people more likely to develop allergies, and reduces your muscle strength in both humans and animals.
The FDA warns consumers to read your labels for triclosan and recommends using plain soap to clean up. Instead of using antibacterial hand sanitizers made with triclosan, choose an alternative made with at least 60% alcohol.
There are 300 toxic chemicals and 150 carcinogens potentially present in

Lead Based Paint anyone? I think not.
oil-based paint, according to a John Hopkins University study. Still interested in coating your walls and furniture with this gunk? I hope not. Look for water-based options – ideally those that are low- or no-VOC. You could also explore natural finishes like milk paint and vegetable or wax-based wood finishes.
What’s at the top of your list of toxic products you don’t need?
Are you surprised at some of the things on this list? I am very guilty of using too much hand sanitizer. I rarely buy bottled water as I know that when some of the bottled water is tested, it tests worse than tap water. And, you do know what Evian spelled backwards is – Naive… 🙂
What do you use that you probably shouldn’t? Love to hear from you so leave me a message below…
Have a great healthy day!

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