Welcome to My World – Inflammation – Natural Remedies
Hello World! Today I’m going to share info about some natural remedies for inflammation. I write about what I believe in and nature is generous enough to provide us with so many natural remedies. I hope you benefit from the read..
5 Surprising Ways to Quell Inflammation

Whether you experience the swelling of a cut or a more serious condition like arthritis, diabetes or cancer, inflammation is involved. While redness, swelling and heat may seem fairly harmless, inflammation has been linked to a growing list of diseases that we get. And, while the process itself may be your immune system’s means of healing the inflamed area of your body, when inflammation becomes chronic, it can also become serious.
Most of us know about rest, ice packs and anti-inflammatory drugs, but what are some of the novel ways to quell inflammation, particularly the chronic variety? Here are some of my favorites:
Frankincense Essential Oil
A study published in the medical journal Current Pharmaceutical Design

Do you have a good source for your essential oils? did you know that frankincense can help with inflammation?
assessed the effectiveness of several natural remedies against asthma, including frankincense essential oil.
The researchers reviewed numerous studies to confirm that frankincense was one of your natural remedies that exhibited several mechanisms relevant to the treatment of respiratory diseases, including effectiveness against inflammation and allergic responses in your body.
In a study published in the online research database ResearchGate, they found that frankincense was effective at reducing compounds known as cytokines that cause inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease (IBS). Frankincense essential oil can be applied to inflamed areas or, in the case of high quality oil that has been FDA-approved for internal use, can be used internally to reduce your inflammation, particularly that linked to arthritis. Be sure the product you choose has been approved for this purpose. Take 1 to 3 drops daily. Follow package directions and do not exceed the recommended dose.
According to the authors of the book The Aspirin Alternative, Michael Loes and David Steinman, said specialized proteins known as enzymes work on inflammation on 4 levels: including:
1) breaking down substances that cause your inflammation;
2) removing the material that prolongs your inflammation;
3) removing excess fluid in your inflamed areas; and
4) counteracting your chronic or recurrent inflammation linked to degenerative conditions.
Some of the best anti-inflammatory enzymes include: protease, papain, bromelain, serrapeptase and superoxide dismutase. You take these on an empty stomach so the enzymes will work on your inflammation, not on the food you eat. Follow package instructions for the product you choose.
Plant-Based Diet
Most of us know that eating a largely or entirely plant-based diet is

Garlic will keep mosquitoes away from you. It’s also an anti-inflammatory & has antibiotic properties for you; & as an added bonus, you won’t have to worry about vampires either!
beneficial to your health, but it can also reduce your inflammation. A study published in the journal Nutrition Research found that vegans, vegetarians and pesco-vegetarians (people who are mostly vegetarian but also include fish in their diet) had a significantly lower Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) than people eating diets that contain meat.
DII is a rating system used to quantify the inflammatory tendency of foods we eat. A zero DII is neither inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, a negative DII is anti-inflammatory, and numbers above 0 are inflammatory. For example: garlic has a DII of -0.412 while saturated fat (like that found in animal protein) has a DII of +0.373, which shows garlic is anti-inflammatory while meat is inflammatory. You should simply eat more plant-based foods and reduce your intake of animal protein.
We know that probiotics contribute to our gut health. We also know that our gut is the source of silent inflammation—the kind that may be stealing your health without your awareness. Research shows that aging is linked to a reduction in certain critical probiotics, especially Bifido-bacteria and Bacteroides. A reduction in these beneficial bacteria can set the stage for incorrect immune sensing by the tissue in your gut known as gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), which leads you to increased inflammation.
The body responds with increased production of inflammatory proteins

did you know that yogurt contains bacteria that is beneficial to you?
that can spread inflammation anywhere in your body. Boosting your intake of probiotics like Bifidobacterium bifidum and others can help prevent your gut-inflammation. Follow package directions for the product you choose.
You can also reap the benefits of probiotics by eating more fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented pickles, yogurt (including plant-based varieties) and others on a daily basis.
Maintaining Stable Blood Sugar
Sugar is one of the worst inflammatory food ingredients we can eat. So,

Walnuts will help you keep blood sugar levels stable.
eating a low sugar diet is essential in reducing inflammation in your body. However, it is equally important to maintain stable blood sugar levels to prevent an inflammatory response in your body.
The best ways to do that include: eating a low sugar diet, eating a small amount of food every 2 to 3 hours, eating healthy fats like flax seeds, walnuts and other Omega 3 fats that, not only reduce inflammation, but also stabilize your blood sugar levels. Research in the journal Nutrition in Clinical Practice found that stabilizing blood sugar levels is key to reducing your inflammation.
I find this to be great basic information to help you know what is good for you and what isn’t. It never stops amazing me how wonderful Mother Nature can be to us, if we just take advantage of what is there…
Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!