Welcome to My World – Antibiotic Properties in Food – Heal Naturally!
Hello World! Today I’m sharing info about foods and herbs that have antibiotic properties for you to take advantage of so you can heal naturally. There are so many and I’m only sharing a few with you today.
I’d love to hear from anyone that uses any of these foods to help you heal, as well as enjoying them as food. I’ve done other blogs about the healing properties of herbs, and this goes hand in hand with your healing foods so I hope you find this informative and useful to you…

Garlic will keep mosquitoes away from you, has antibiotic properties as well, & as an added bonus, you won’t have to worry about vampires either! 🙂
Foods & Herbs with Natural Antibiotic Properties
In herbology, antibiotic-like foods are called astringent,
meaning they are natural blood cleansers. The word anti (against) and biotic (life) refers to a list of pharmaceutical anti-microbials designed to kill harmful bacteria in your body. The problem is these synthetic forms of antibiotics kill off both your good and your bad bacteria leaving your body depleted of living microflora that supports your healthy immune function. (not so good.)
Including foods and herbs that contain antibiotic properties
in your diet can support your immune system and help to defend you from certain infectious bacteria, such as Lymes spirochete and Candida Albicans, an overgrowth of yeast. With an increased resistance to pharmaceutical antibiotics in many of us today ( due to overuse), it is wise for you to eat foods that work in your defense on a daily basis.
This is not to imply that you should not take antibiotics when your doctor thinks it necessary. However, knowing how to use certain foods as medicine can help you to cut down on over-using synthetic antibiotics for your minor health conditions. Naturally, consult your doctor first.
Onions and Garlic

Garlic has antibiotic properties, makes your food taste great & will help you lower your BP… I eat it daily.
Close relatives, onions and garlic both contain antibacterial properties. Both foods have been used to treat everything from your minor illness to major disease and inflammation, both internally and externally. The sulfur compounds in onions and garlic are the key elements for use as an

onions also have antibiotic properties to benefit you. I can’t eat onions anymore as they don’t like me… (give me indigestion), but if they agree with you, eat them! They are good for you.
antibiotic. In one study, garlic was tested on mice against an antibiotic-resistant strain of Staphylococci. The results showed that garlic had protected the mice against the pathogen and significantly reduced any inflammation. Both have been used to help fight off your residual effects of colds and flu, while garlic’s antifungal properties help prevent yeast infections and combat viral conditions, onion’s high phyto-nutrient content are known to “mop up” your free radicals that can lead to cancer in your body.
Honey was used as an antibacterial treatment long before synthetic

Honey is good for you as an anti-bacterial & tastes great too! And, of course, we need bees for this wonderful food! Mix it with cinnamon & you’ve got a great healing combo!
antibiotics were developed, in cultures all over our world, for wounds and illness. Honey contains an enzyme, antimicrobial in nature, which releases hydrogen peroxide and prohibits the growth of certain bacteria. In Chinese medicine honey is thought to harmonize your liver, neutralize toxins and relieve your pain. Its antibacterial properties are also effective in the treatment of the bacterium Heliobacter pylori or stomach ulcer.
A member of the cruciferous vegetable family, along with broccoli, kale,

cabbage – another leafy green veggie; & this one has anti-bacterial properties to help you heal.
cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, cabbage has long been recognized for its healing powers. One reason is the cancer fighting sulfur compounds.
Another is that fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C are considered a natural antibiotic and a one-cup serving of cabbage provides about 75% of your daily adult allowance.
Cabbage juice is highly recommended in your treatment of stomach ulcers. You can drink half a cup of fresh cabbage juice 2-3 times a day, between meals for two weeks. Add half a teaspoon of raw, unfiltered honey and sip slowly, even chewing a bit to get your enzymes going.
Topically, raw cabbage leaves can be applied to your tender breasts to relieve inflammation from mastitis, fibro-cysts and your menstrual breast tenderness.
I find this is great information for all of us, and it’s only the tip of the iceberg as there are so many other foods and herbs we need to be aware of with wonderful healing properties. Nature never ceases to amaze me!
Unfortunately, we are trained
(brain washed?) that “unnatural” antibiotics, created by the Big Pharma companies (from which they continue to grow richer and richer), is the only way to go, when in reality, it isn’t the only way for you to heal. It is so much healthier for you, with many less side effects, for you to heal naturally, than by taking prescription antibiotics for every small ailment you may have. Why do you want your body to become “used” to them? If you take them too often, then when you really need them, they may not work for you…
One that deserves a mention is cinnamon as it goes great with honey. They are both rich in sulfur and as a result helps heal many things. I eat honey and cinnamon every morning as it gives me energy. I find it works even better than my morning coffee! Do you use any of these foods to help you heal? Or do you just enjoy eating them? If so, that’s great!
I certainly hope I’ve given you something to think about… Enjoy your day!

You should be like this honey bear & enjoy your Honey & it’s healing properties!