Welcome to My World – A Most Unwelcome Visitor

Hello World!   Well, we still have the most unwelcome visitor here and his name is Harvey. He doesn’t appear to want to leave us. I’d be only to happy to show him the way out. I’m most definitely a “sunshine” type of person, and this is getting to me. Not even my plants are smiling anymore since they are all water logged, but thank the heavens that I have them and they, along with my trees, can absorb some of this water as my backyard looks like marshland. The birds, on the other hand, seem to be enjoying the weather. Many of them sit in my bushes, all puffed out and content. I wish I felt like them 🙂

Not sure what this little guy is, but he is Pretty! He's not one of those in my bushes... I see sparrows, starlings & blue jays mostly.

Not sure what this little guy is, but he is Pretty! He’s not one of those in my bushes… I see sparrows, starlings & blue jays mostly.

The one good thing Harvey brought with him, is cooler temps. It s in the 70’s today and that is unheard of for us in August…

Every time I turn on the TV,

I see and hear horror stories that bring tears to my eyes. I want to donate

Unfortunately, too many streets in our subdivisions look like this today.

to those who are really in need. I have lots of clothes I no longer wear, but I can’t get to where they need to go;  there are areas of the city where there is genuine need. They have nothing left. Boats had to rescue them. It is terribly sad. This won’t away for some time as the rivers will crest and overflow. Thankfully I don’t live near a river or a bayou. Why anyone wants to live on a river here, is beyond me.

As I sit here in my office, typing away at the computer, I just heard another pine branch fall onto my driveway. When I looked out, sure enough, it’s sitting there. It’s the second one to fall since Saturday. Not at all surprised as pine branches aren’t strong. It’ll have to sit there til it stops raining.

I’ve had only a small amount of damage

(just a little water came in from my roof by the front door) and I’m dealing with it. I’ve had this issue before, during Hurricane Ike to be exact. I now officially HATE rain!  But I am OKAY. That is important right now. I think what bothers me most is that I’m unable to help some of those who really need help.

I feel like a trapped animal

as I can’t go anyplace since roads are impassable and stores are closed.

My computer is keeping me connected to the world.

My computer is keeping me connected to the world.

I’m good for food until the end of the week, maybe through the weekend as I stocked up some last Wednesday, when I first heard of Harvey approaching the Texas Coastline. By the time this unwelcome guest leaves us and the water begins to recede (note that I say begins as some areas will be under water for weeks or longer), I imagine stores will be open again on, more or less, regular schedules. If not, I’ll be in trouble, but I’m not really looking that far ahead. I’ve a dental issue to deal with, but the dentist is closed, so that must wait. Thank the heavens that I don’t have a toothache.

My subdivision NEVER had this much water before

and I’ve lived in this house since 2002, and in this area since 1989, so what’s changed. I’m going there in this post as this is what I decided to write about today. This is a departure from my usual posts, but in a way it is related to healthy living.

Our world is becoming an “unhealthy” place to live.

Cities have way too much concrete (especially Houston with all the bayous

Most of our cities have way too much concrete & no place for excess water to drain...

Most of our cities have way too much concrete & no place for excess water to drain…

and rivers running through it), so the excessive water when we have this type of deluge, has no place to go, except into our homes! Not good. Why do they keep building and adding more and more concrete, without building the proper drainage as well???

My answer to this question is plain and simple; in my eyes – GREED.

We really need to start preserving some of the nature that is left.

We can’t survive without it! We need alternative energy sources and less

Our cities need a lot more green space than they currently have. Does your city have enough?

Our cities need a lot more green space than they currently have. Does your city have enough?

destruction of our planet. Folks, it’s the only one we have,  and we are destroying it because we want more and more money. Guess what? You can’t eat money.

Where do we go when this planet no longer works for us? Right now, we have no place else to go. I want to leave a better, not worse, world for my grand kids, don’t you?

I thought “Trumpty Dumpty (as I call him) or our “Tweeter in Chief” (another of my nicknames for him) would have taken more interest in this event (even if feigned) as this is like one giant reality show, which is right up his alley, but beyond his initial comment, he’s been silent (on vacation?). Since I don’t want to make this too much of a political post, I’ll say no more about the “Tweeter”.

I hope you don’t mind the rantings of a granny who’s “stuck” in her house for now. Believe me when I say, I’m glad to have a house to be stuck in; many don’t have that today…

Stay DRY and have a great day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!









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