Welcome to My World – Feeling Funky?

Hello World!  Are you ever in a funk? Feel yucky and hard to figure out why? I have this issue from time to time and here’s what to do about it.


Do you swim? swimming & water exercise are low impact, & still good for you…

How to Get Out of a Funk and Feel Better

We’ve all been there. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed. When I was a kid, my mother would tell me I got up on the wrong side of the bed whenever my mood wasn’t right. 🙂 It’s rainy outside. And your mood is as sour and bitter as expired yogurt. There may be a legitimate reason, and if so, it deserves to be honored. But other times, you might have no clue why you feel the way you do. Yet, you still have work to do and people to see, so there’s no time to wallow in sour feelings.

Here are 5 ways to kick the funk:
*Define Your Routine

Routine may very well be the most boring word in your dictionary. It implies a lack of spontaneity and fun. But it’s a good routine that gives you the structure you need to feel supported, calm and on purpose.

Imagine waking up every single day leaving all your plans to inspiration

some morning stretches will get you up & about & feeling good.

some morning stretches will get you up & about & feeling good.

and going with the flow. You could be waiting around a while for inspiration to kick in as you sit on the couch watching TV or scrolling through Facebook.

If you did this day-in and day-out, you wouldn’t be fulfilling your purpose in life, which leads to feeling funky and bad about yourself.

You have to have some kind of direction or guidance,

even if it’s only small plans that sprinkle your schedule throughout the day. Like a set time to take a walk, check your email or complete tasks for work. Even steady routines, like going to work five days a week, can be jazzed up with your personal routines before and after work.

It’s these small plans and accomplishments that give you a sense of purpose and get you out of your funk. Stick with them.

*Set Solid Wake Up and Sleep Times

Our bodies are like dogs when it comes to sleep. You can train your body

Sleep when your body tells you too, but go to sleep & wake up the same time each day...

Sleep when your body tells you too, but go to sleep & wake up the same time each day…

do this cool trick of waking up at the same time every day but you have to go to sleep at the same time every night.

But when you mess with your circadian rhythm, your body doesn’t know what to do. You say sit when your hand signal says speak. The dog doesn’t understand, and the result is confusion.

Similarly, when you continually change your sleep/wake times your body gets groggy. You unintentionally deprive yourself of sleep. And you end up in low moods.

We can’t all get the schedule right 100% of the time. But we can get close enough that our bodies get the gist and our minds feel less funky.

*Eat Low-Inflammatory, Nutritious Foods

In your body, inflammation signals cell injury. It’s your body’s attempt to

To me, healthy food is much more appealing to the eye than junk food, and some will even help lower your BP

To me, healthy food is much more appealing to the eye than junk food, and some will even help lower your BP

clear away damaged cells and rush supportive cells to the site to start your healing process. Unfortunately, too many people these days are in a constant state of inflammation from an over-consumption of processed and refined foods.

A couple studies show that an inflammatory state increases your risk of depression and low moods. But you can shift your body into a happy state by eating more low-inflammatory foods that are nutritionally dense.

As you may already know, the best low-inflammatory foods are whole, unprocessed foods that are high in antioxidants, healthy fats and fiber like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish and minimal amounts of red meat.

*Get Into Your Body

You’ve probably heard that regular exercise leads to consistently elevated

You can choose from many types of exercise...

You can choose from many types of exercise…

mood and energy levels. It’s a win-win because you stay in great physical shape while keeping your emotions and mental state in good condition too. But when was the last time you went for a walk when you felt bad?

When you’re in a low mood you’re more likely to want to sit on the couch in a stupor. It’s when you’re least motivated to hit the gym. And it’s easy to justify why. But sitting around keeps you down. You begin to wallow in self pity if you’re not careful. I know as I’ve been there and done that, and it isn’t fun.

Some funks are purely mental.

And when you get exercise, you drop out of your mind and into your body.

Keep moving! Exercise helps me get rid of negative thoughts

Keep moving! Exercise helps me get rid of negative thoughts

At the same time, you pump those feel good chemicals to your brain.

If it was a brain fog, then it’s sure to lift with a boost of endorphins. But if it was a mental, old frustrations surfacing, then the mind-body connection will recharge your vitality for clear thinking and a better mood.

*Do Something Fun

Get your mind off the funk and onto the fun. It doesn’t matter what it is

More & more people, are using alternative natural health remedies, Are you one of them?

More & more people, are using alternative natural health remedies, including exercise & fun activities, Are you one of them?

as long as you’re having fun. It most likely will depend on the day of the week and your responsibilities.

If it’s a work day and your sloshing through a rough day, then pull up the website with auto correct fails and have a good laugh. If you’re like me, you’ll be laughing so hard you cry in about two minutes.

If it’s the weekend, then you have no reason to not get out of the house for a fun activity like spending time with friends or family, playing games, creating art or cooking.

Similar to how exercise gets you out of your head and into your body, doing something fun will re-focus your attention on to something more exciting. It’s when we wallow in our funk that we feel more stuck than ever.

Ultimately, it’s your choice. You have the power to get unstuck from your funk. Put these practices into action next time you can’t shake your funk and watch the magic happen.

Do you ever feel funky? What do you do about it? I exercise. It works for me…

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!




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