Welcome to My World – Natural Remedies – Food
Hello World! Hope you’re all doing well! Today’s post is about food & it’s natural healing powers. Hope you enjoy the read. Please tell me if you have a favorite food remedy that you use or that has been passed down in your family…

chicken soup: a cure all or feel better soup in my family for years…
Simple Ways to Feel Better with Food
We already know the impact of a healthy diet on major things

Healthy Brain
like inflammation, brain health, and heart disease, but we can also reach for a food-based solution when we’re feeling under the weather instead of traditional medicine.
Heal a headache naturally
The next time your head starts to hurt, make sure

Healthy water! Do you drink enough?
you’re fully hydrated and drink one to two glasses of water. Robin Foroutan, a nutritionist in New York and a spokes woman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told Consumer Reports that “dehydration is a common cause of headaches, so water may address the pain right away.”
A decrease in blood sugar could also be the culprit, so eat something with carbs, protein, and healthy fats. You can also try using essential oils like peppermint before reaching for the painkillers.
Tame your tummy
If you’re struggling with nausea, try ginger instead of an anti-nauseant. A

Tame Your tummy
2016 study found ginger to be effective when dealing with nausea associated with pregnancy and chemotherapy. According to the study, “Ginger is an ancient herb used widely for its natural medicinal properties and particularly as an antiemetic. The best available evidence demonstrates that ginger is an effective and inexpensive treatment for nausea and vomiting and is safe.”
Tackle heartburn and insomnia with fruit
A 2016 study found snacking on kiwi or drinking tart cherry juice an hour

Adjust your diet
before bed helped people fall asleep, potentially thanks to the serotonin and melatonin they respectively contain. If you suffer from heartburn, a banana may be able to provide as much relief as an antacid. Another study found cutting back on sugar and carbs can help prevent it from happening altogether.
Upgrade Grandma’s chicken soup
The next time you come down with a cold, make sure you add lots of

Comfort Food – Hot Soup
veggies to your broth. A study found chicken soup that also contained onions, sweet potato, parsnips, turnips, carrots, celery stems, and parsley, helped relieve symptoms. The ingredients are neutrophil inhibitors, which simply put means they discourage the mucous production that makes colds so uncomfortable.
I find this very interesting as I’m sure we all have “food” remedies in our family. Chicken soup was a staple in mine. My ex is Asian & rice soup was to his family what chicken soup was to mine… 🙂 What did you eat as a child that your mother told you would cure just about everything? 🙂
Have a great day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for Mind, Body & Spirit!