Welcome to My World – Foods & Herbs with Antibiotic Properties
Hello World! Are you doing great today? All’s well here in my world. It is absolutely beautiful here! Low humidity (rare in SE Texas), sunny & only in the 70’s! It’s hard for me to stay indoors today so I’ll share with you this excellent info I found about foods & herbs with antibiotic properties & then I will probably be heading outside again. I hope you enjoy the read.

My Friend, The Sun is here today!
Foods & Herbs with Natural Antibiotic Properties
In herbology, antibiotic-like foods are called astringent—meaning natural blood cleansers. The word anti (against)-biotic (life) refers to a list of pharmaceutical antimicrobials designed to kill harmful bacteria in your body. The problem is these synthetic forms of antibiotics kill off both your good & bad bacteria leaving your body depleted of living microflora that supports your immune function.
Including foods & herbs that contain antibiotic properties in your diet can support your immune system & help to defend you from certain infectious bacteria, such as Lymes spirochete & Candida Albicans, an overgrowth of yeast. With an increased resistance to pharmaceutical antibiotics in people today, it is wise for you to eat foods that work in your defense on a daily basis.
This is not to imply that you should not take antibiotics when deemed necessary by your medical doctor. However, knowing how to use certain foods as medicine can help you to cut down on over-using synthetic antibiotics for minor health conditions. Naturally, consult your physician before proceeding.
Onions and Garlic
Close relatives, onions & garlic contain antibacterial properties. Both foods have been used to treat everything from minor illness to major disease &

Garlic has antibiotic properties & makes food taste great as do onions…
inflammation, both internally & externally. The sulfur compounds in onions & garlic are the key elements for you to use them as an antibiotic. In one study, garlic was tested on mice against an antibiotic-resistant strain of Staphylococci. The results showed garlic had protected the mice against the pathogen & significantly reduced their inflammation. Both have been used to help fight off the residual effects of colds & flu, while garlic’s antifungal properties help prevent you from getting yeast infections & combat viral conditions, onion’s high phytonutrient content are known to “mop up” free radicals from your body that can lead to cancer.
Honey was used as an antibacterial treatment long before synthetic

Honey is good for you & tastes good too!
antibiotics were developed, in cultures all over the world, for wounds & illness. Honey contains an enzyme, antimicrobial in nature, which releases hydrogen peroxide & prohibits the growth of certain bacteria in your body. In Chinese medicine honey is thought to harmonize your liver, neutralize toxins & relieve your pain. Its antibacterial properties are also effective in your treatment of the bacterium Heliobacter pylori or stomach ulcer.
A member of the cruciferous vegetable family, along with broccoli, kale,

cabbage – another leafy green veggie
cauliflower & Brussels sprouts, cabbage has long been recognized for its healing powers. One reason is the cancer fighting sulfur compounds. Another is that fruits & vegetables high in vitamin C are considered a natural antibiotic & a one-cup serving of cabbage provides you with about 75% of your daily adult allowance. Cabbage juice is highly recommended in your treatment of stomach ulcers. Drink half a cup of fresh cabbage juice 2-3 times a day, between meals for 2 weeks. You add half a teaspoon of raw, unfiltered honey & then you sip slowly, even chewing a bit to get your enzymes going. Topically, raw cabbage leaves applied to tender breasts can relieve your inflammation from mastitis, fibro cysts & menstrual breast tenderness.
Fermented Foods
Today more & more doctors recommend you take a probiotic in

conjunction with your antibiotic treatment to replace the good bacteria, microflora, that is also being destroyed in the digestive system. Fermented foods loaded with microorganisms may prove to be superior to your taking a capsule from your health food store. Raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut (there’s that cabbage again), raw pickles, cultured vegetables, & kimchi are all excellent ways for you to introduce probiotics back into your intestines. Begin with a few teaspoons & increase as desired.
There are many herbs you can use with antibiotic properties, so I listed

Herbs & Spices have many benefits, besides tasting good!
the culinary herbs you might use to cook with on a daily or weekly basis; Continue to enjoy them for their taste, knowing they are supporting your immune functions as well.
- Allspice
- Thyme
- Mint
- Basil
- Cinnamon
- Sage
- Chervil
- Rosemary
- Lemon balm
- Oregano
- Cumin
- Tarragon
- Cloves
- Bay leaf
- Chili peppers
- Marjoram
- Caraway seed
- Coriander
- Dill
- Nutmeg
chili peppers
- Cardamom
- Pepper
- Ginger
- Anise
- Fennel
- Mustard
I found this to be great information with a good list of herbs & foods that are good for you & your family. You can use most of these in your regular cooking. I use garlic, honey & cinnamon daily; as well as some of the others fairly frequently, & I’m not a big cook. I still manage to incorporate some of these into my daily diet & I really like the taste of what I’m using.
Your food can taste good & still be good for you so try more of the herbs on the list than you normally use. Let me know what you’ve tried & how it turned out (Did your family like what you cooked?) by leaving a comment for me… If you use enough of these regularly, you & your family will be healthier while you enjoy tasty food.
Enjoy your day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for Mind, Body & Spirit!