Welcome to My World – Vitamin D – Reasons to Love It!
Hello World! Hope your world is treating you well today! The sun is shining here (great source of vitamin D) & I’m going to talk about Vitamin D again & why it’s so good for you…

My Friend, The Sun has come back!
Reasons to Love Vitamin D
Most of us know that vitamin D is important to keep our immune system

vitamin D
strong, but few know that there are many other health benefits of getting enough of the “Sunshine Vitamin.” Vitamin D can help your health in many ways, including:
Preventing Seasonal Flu: In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers studied school children to determine whether vitamin D reduced their incidence of flu. After assessing 167 children who participated in the study, scientists concluded that vitamin D3 supplementation reduced their incidence of flu.
Protecting Your DNA: Vitamin D is involved with at least 2,000 genes in your body, so getting adequate amounts helps to ensure that your genes function properly & are protected from potential damage.
Better Muscle Function: Research shows that there is a link between your intake of vitamin D & muscle function & your recovery from your daily

Good muscle function with vitamin D
activities & exercise. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked with your muscle fatigue. Additional research on adolescent girls found that vitamin D supplementation improved their muscle strength.
Reduced Risk of Multiple Sclerosis: A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found a connection between your blood levels of vitamin D & the risk of your getting multiple sclerosis (MS). While there was no significant association between MS & vitamin D levels among blacks & Hispanics tested, there was a significantly decreased risk of your getting the disease in white people with high levels of vitamin D. This is especially true among individuals younger than twenty.
Reduced Risk of Heart Disease: In a study of 1739 people published in the

Healthy human heart
medical journal Circulation, researchers found that a vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of your getting heart disease. Correcting the deficiency may help you prevent heart disease.
Protects Lung Function: A vitamin D deficiency is linked to a rapid decline in your lung function if you’re a smoker, according to research published in the American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine. The researchers explored the relationship between vitamin D & smoking, lung function & your lung decline in 626 men. They found that vitamin D had a protective effect on their lungs & the rate of their lung function decline.
Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Children: A study published in The

children playing
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found a link between a vitamin D deficiency & childhood obesity, as well as increased risk of type 2 diabetes later in their life. Researchers followed almost 500 obese & non-overweight children to determine the factors that are involved with them getting diabetes in later years. They identified a connection between low vitamin D levels & insulin resistance & an increased likelihood of their experiencing type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependant diabetes) later in their life. They also found that vitamin D levels were lower in children suffering from obesity compared to their thinner counterparts.
Reduces Appetite: Vitamin D has been shown to activate the production of your hormone leptin, which is a hormone that signals your brain & stomach that you’re full.
Lessens Obesity: In a study at Aberdeen University of 3100

Overweight due to vitamin D deficiency?
post-menopausal Scottish women over 2 years scientists found that women with the highest body-mass index (BMI) also had the lowest blood levels of vitamin D, suggesting a correlation between your obesity & your vitamin D deficiency.
Improved Insulin Resistance: In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that women who received a daily dose of 4000 IU of vitamin D3 had improvements in their insulin resistance after supplementing with the vitamin for 6 months. Insulin resistance is a condition in which your body’s cells aren’t responding properly to the hormone insulin, secreted by your pancreas in response to sugars & starches in your diet. The study suggests either improved insulin sensitivity or insulin secretion (BJN).
Lowers Blood Pressure: A study presented at the European Society of Hypertension found that if you supplement with vitamin D, you can reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension (high blood pressure). An earlier study conducted by the American Heart Association found that a vitamin D deficiency in premenopausal women increases their risk of experiencing high blood pressure even many years later (AHA).
To Supplement or Not
While many health practitioners still advise their patients that sunlight is

vitamin D
sufficient to obtain vitamin D, the National Institutes of Health recommends your getting vitamin D from 3 sources: moderate sunlight exposure, food sources & supplements. Fish, liver & egg yolks are your primary food sources of vitamin D.
Supplementation with D3, known as cholecalciferol, the type of vitamin D that has been used in most studies showcasing the vitamin’s benefits, is recommended. However, it is usually sourced from fish so you may wish to choose synthetic vitamin D2, ergocalciferol, if you are vegan. Most health professionals recommend 800 to 2000 IU daily; but you should stick to the lower dose if you choose synthetic vitamin D2.
I’ve shared what I think is more great information with you, but remember that there is such a thing as “Too much of a good thing.” (I talked about this in a post last week.) Don’t overdo it. I was taking 5200 iu’s of D3, but have since cut back to 2200 iu’s. For a week or so, I only took 200 iu’s but, maybe it’s in my mind, I thought I felt a difference in my body so I upped the dose to 2200 iu’s. The only reason it is 2200 & not 2000 iu’s is because my calcium supplement has 200 iu’s & I take an additional 2000 iu’s of D3 (1 per day in the morning)…
I hope you get something positive out of this info as I know I did & please enjoy the rest of your day! Let me know what you think, including whether you think this is an easy read, by leaving me a comment below…

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