Welcome to My World – Peanut Butter Vs Almond Butter – Bougainvillea
Hello World! How’s your Monday? Hope it’s great! Sun still not out & I’m hoping it comes out soon. I need some sunshine! Today’s topic is peanut butter & almond butter. Which is healthier? And lastly, I’ll share with you how to make bougainvillea cuttings as spring is approaching…

Peanut Butter vs Almond Butter
Peanut Butter Vs. Almond Butter: Which is Healthier?
Peanut butter has been a staple in the American diet for decades. And it’s no wonder! Peanut butter is delicious, filling and a wonderful source of protein, iron and healthy vitamins.
It can even lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes!
But lately, some other types of nut butter (mainly, almond butter) have been gaining popularity, at twice the price. Does that mean it’s healthier?

Almond butter
Let’s take a look.
With so many options available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. This little guide will help break down the nutritional value of both options, so you can make an informed and healthy decision.
Both peanut butter and almond butter are excellent sources of heart-healthy fats.
“The typical 2-tablespoon serving of peanut butter has 3.3 grams of

Healthy human heart
saturated fat and 12.3 grams of unsaturated fat.” says Dr. Walter C. Willett, nationally known nutrition expert. However, almond butter is a slightly better source of good fats, with 5 grams of monounsaturated fat (versus peanut butter’s 3.3).
Either way, you’re on the right track to lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease. Just don’t overdo it.
In this category, almond butter is the clear winner in vitamin and mineral content. Almond butter contains nearly 3 times as much vitamin E, 7 times more calcium and twice as much iron than peanut butter.
That vitamin E content can really make a difference in your health! As an antioxidant, vitamin E helps protect your cells against free radicals, protecting you against diseases like cancer.
This doesn’t mean peanut butter is lacking exactly. But if you’re out to get the best nutritional value, go for almond butter.
Almond butter and peanut butter are essentially equivalent in terms of calories per ounce. 2 tablespoon servings of each account for just under 200 calories. No need to worry on that front.
Protein is where peanut butter really stands out. While both are an

peanut butter
excellent source of vegetable protein, peanut butter has more to offer. There are 6.7 grams of protein in a 2-tablespoon serving of almond butter, but 7.1 grams in the same serving of peanut butter. This is nearly equivalent to the protein content of one large egg!
Fiber helps make you feel full faster, which can help you maintain a healthy weight. Lucky for you, all nuts are full of fiber, which makes nut butters a wonderful pantry staple for those looking to lose a few pounds.
Between almond butter and peanut butter, almond butter is the better choice. A 2-tablespoon serving of almond butter has roughly 3.3 grams of fiber, while the same serving of peanut butter has only 1.6.
In the end, both almond butter and peanut butter are standout foods. You

almond butter vs. peanut butter…
can’t really go wrong! But if you’re really getting down to the nitty gritty, almond butter takes the cake. It’s rich in micro nutrients that will keep you healthy and it has a rich, natural sweetness that you really can’t compete with.
However, it’s crucial that you buy unsweetened, natural, organic nut butters to get the full effect. Commercially-made options are often stuffed with added sugars and oils, which equals unhealthy in a heart beat.
This is very interesting information. For me, I believe that if almond butter costs twice as much as peanut butter, I’ll stick with peanut butter. I know I like it as I’ve been eating it all my life. I buy natural peanut butter
As an added bonus today, for the gardeners out there, I’m going to share with you how to make bougainvillea cuttings…
- Cut at least 3 to 4 inches of stem off your plant. Dip the end of the stem in rooting hormone product, which you can purchase at local nurseries or other gardening stores.
Place the cutting in a pot full of sandy soil. You can also enrich the soil

with mulch. Keep the cutting in a shady area for about 3 months, until it forms roots. If outside temperatures are particularly cold, bring the cutting inside as they freeze easily.
Replant the shoots in dry conditions, between April and June, when the cutting is 6 to 12 inches long. Be sure that the soil in which you replant the shoots drains easily, and plant the shoots in sunlight and warm weather.
Bougainvillea don’t need much water & if you fertilize, it’s best to use an

acid fertilizer (i.e.: azalea fertilizer is good). If you use a fertilizer like Miracle Gro, you’ll get nice green leaves, but no flowers… I’ve learned this from experience. The less I do to my bougainvillea, the better they grow!
I have pink flowers with the variegated leaves & they are lovely when they bloom. If they die back in winter, they’ll come back from the ground. Mine are already growing again. Bougainvillea are very pretty but they have no scent. Many tropical plants don’t have a scent…

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