Welcome to My World – Essential Oils for Arthritis – Healthy Living – Clove – Lavender – Etc.
Hello World! Hope you’re great today! I’ll be sharing info about arthritis &

Holistic Health
using essential oils to help you… This is more great info about how we can turn to nature for help with no ugly side effects of prescription drugs.
Please note that I don’t advocate making changes without consulting with your doctor first, but you may also want to talk to a naturopathy as well. You can also add natural products to your routine without changing anything else. I believe that many doctors are brain washed by pharmaceutical companies who are only in it for the money. (the more people they get addicted to their drugs, the more money they make!) I am also not saying that there aren’t some good drugs out there because there are, but for many things (especially non-life threatening), we really need to look first to natural remedies for help…
Essential Oils for Arthritis
Most people think that aromatherapy is all about bath and beauty

Back Ache – arthritis
products, but it’s so much more than that. I’ve used aromatherapy for many different health conditions with great results for over 25 years. Here are some of my preferred essential oils for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout (a form of arthritis in the big toe) & fibromyalgia, which is technically a form of arthritis that affects the muscles and soft tissues of the body:
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)
Use diluted in small amounts topically for healing joint pain. Black pepper

black pepper
essential oil provides a pleasant warming effect on the joints while its analgesic compounds go to work reducing pain. Because it is so strong, it can be a bit harsh on sensitive skin, so be sure it is well diluted—no more than 1 or 2 drops per teaspoon of carrier oil.
Clove (Eugenia carophyllata)
This highly effective natural analgesic oil works on most types of pain,

clove oil
including both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, as well as gout—a type of arthritis of the big toe. Because it is extremely potent, use only one drop to one hundred drops, or about one teaspoon of carrier oil after first conducting a skin patch test. Avoid using if you have extremely sensitive skin.
Ginger (Zingiber officinalis)
Ginger essential oil brings a soothing warmth when applied to arthritic

joint, but it is also great for easing the muscular pain and stiffness of fibromyalgia. Use 2 – 3 drops in a teaspoon of carrier oil and apply topically to affected joints.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Both a pain reliever and nervous system relaxant, lavender is good for

lavender is such a pretty flower & it can be medicinal as well…
easing joint and muscle aches, as well as easing stiffness. If pain is keeping you awake at night, lavender essential oil is also great for sleep, particularly if a drop or two of the essential oil is rubbed on the soles of the feet or palms of the hands before bed. While most essential oils need to be diluted, lavender can often be tolerated neat (undiluted) by most people. However, if you have extremely sensitive skin, dilute two drops of lavender in about 4 drops of a carrier oil like fractionated coconut or apricot kernel oil.
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
Lemongrass oil is useful for toning the connective tissues and can be

helpful when the tendons no longer hold the joints with precision. Dilute in few drops in a teaspoon of carrier oil.
Marjoram (Origanum majorana)
Marjoram oil can be used for easing muscle aches and stiffness along with

helping to heal bruises and joint sprains. It is a good choice for topical use for those with fibromyalgia, which is a form of arthritis. It helps with pain but also alleviates muscle tightness. Avoid marjoram essential oil if you have epilepsy.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Peppermint contains analgesic compounds that reduce pain and

inflammation. Like lavender, it can usually be tolerated on the skin in its neat form (undiluted) to help reduce pain. A little goes a long way as this oil leaves an intense cooling sensation on the skin. Use one drop and massage into painful or inflamed joints. Wash hands immediately and avoid eye contact.
Such good info! It never ceases to amaze me what nature can do for us. We really shouldn’t depend on big pharmaceutical companies that are out to make money & make us dependent on their drugs when their are so many wonderful things in nature to help us…

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!