Welcome to My World – Sore Throat – Natural Remedies
Hello World! And a Happy Monday to you! Today I’m talking about a few natural remedies for a sore throat…
Proven Natural Remedies for a Sore Throat
We’ve all experienced the dreaded sore throat—that first sign of some

Sore throat
nasty virus that has invaded our body. It’s that moment we wait with baited breath that it won’t turn into some awful viral infection that takes over our body for days or even weeks. To help you eliminate a sore throat and possibly even kill the viral (or sometimes bacterial) infection behind it, I’ve compiled some of the best natural remedies for a sore throat:
The herb thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is perhaps the best natural remedy for

thyme – heal a sore throat
sore throats, particularly when it is mixed with some raw, unpasteurized honey. But, even vegans can benefit from thyme’s natural throat-soothing and anti-microbial properties. Natural compounds known as flavonoids have been linked to thyme’s natural cough suppressant & anti- inflammatory effects.
To make a sore throat-eliminating tea, add 2 teaspoons of crushed fresh or dried thyme leaves to one cup of boiled water. Let steep for 10 to 15 minutes, strain & drink 3 times daily. You can also mix 2 drops of a high quality thyme essential oil into a teaspoon of honey, combine well, and hold this honey-thyme mixture in your mouth, allowing it to slowly dissolve. Repeat up to 3 times a day, as necessary to soothe your throat.
Oregano oil
The oil extracted from the herb oregano (Origanum vulgare) is highly

oregano – another healer
anti-infectious, and unlike antibiotics that only work on bacterial infections, oregano oil works against both bacterial & viral infections, making it perfect for sore throats of a viral nature or those that are the result of Streptococcus bacteria (think strep throat). In a study published in Biomed Research International, researchers found that both thyme and oregano had significant antibacterial activity against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria linked to sore throats. Both the alcohol extracts known as tinctures and the essential oil of the oregano plant is highly antiseptic, but I find the oil to be the most potent. Mix 2 to 3 drops of high quality, undiluted oregano essential oil intended for internal use in a spoonful of olive oil, swish it around in your mouth and swallow to help ease your sore throats.
The herb lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a potent natural antiviral

remedy backed by research. In a recent study against the bird flu virus H9N2 researchers found that the herb prevented the virus from replicating, which is how the virus spreads and infects people or birds. In this study researchers obtained the antiviral effects from the essential oil of the plant but results can likely be obtained with an herbal infusion (tea), tincture, or essential oil. Make a tea from 1 teaspoon of dried herb per cup of boiled water. Allow to steep for 10 to 15 minutes, strain and drink 3 times daily. Follow package instructions for Melissa tincture. For the essential oil, mix 2 drops of a high quality, undiluted Melissa oil in a teaspoon of honey or olive oil and swish or dissolve in your mouth. Repeat up to 3 times daily.
To this list I want to add honey & cinnamon; as well as a clove of raw garlic (also keeps the vampires away 🙂 ) which works for me every time…

the Honey Bee is our friend