Welcome to My World – Cabin Fever – My Website – And More
Hello World! Do any of you get cabin fever in the winter? I do. I love being outdoors & I love the sunshine! I thrive in the sun. (Of course, that’s not always so healthy as I’ve had one basil cell skin cancer removed this past year.) But my “mental” health is so much better when it’s dry & sunny.
I went outside this morning to rake my yard, but it was too wet to do much raking so I left most of the leaves where they were. They are good mulch anyway. I swept some of them into a flower bed & raked some around a couple of trees, but left the rest. This was in my backyard. I already have 3 garbage cans full of leaves from my front yard & they were still falling on me as I raked & swept… I guess they’ll keep the grass greener.
And if you’re wondering where I am that the leaves are still falling, well I’m not where we get much snow, but we’ve had 2 mornings so far in the low 30’s. (Cold to me :)) “Texas Snow” in southeast Texas is rain & leaves falling! Welcome to my world! But it is better than shoveling snow any day…
I came across this interesting info online about how to combat “cabin fever” that I want to share with you.
The darker, chillier months tend to inspire daydreams of living life as another kind of animal… perhaps a bird who migrates south, a bear who hibernates all winter or a hermit crab who stows away in their shell. Unfortunately, we humans have to keep up with our routines even when it’s gross outside.
Cabin fever can strike at any time, but when the sun sets early & we need to pile on blankets to keep cozy, it can be quite a powerful force. Maintaining our usual self-care, work schedule & household tasks become more difficult & it’s tempting to just take a nap instead. There are ways to make this time of year more manageable, however. Try out these tips to regain control of cabin fever symptoms & have a more productive season.
1. Reimagine your living space
Whenever we spend a long amount of time in one setting, our senses adjust to our surroundings. We no longer feel the intrigue of walking into a new space, which can make the space we are in feel pretty old & boring. Tackle this problem by jazzing up your environment a little bit—whether it’s your living room or your cubicle. Rearrange some furniture. Paint a wall. Turn on some tunes. Change out your artwork. Light a scented candle. All of these subtle changes will pique your sensory interests & make the day to day a little less of a drag.
2. Start a goal-oriented project
With nice weather comes a multitude of possibilities. Everything from a simple walk around the block to relaxing with a picnic or starting a couch-to-5k program feels more accessible when the weather is agreeable. Conversely, when we feel tied to our homes without the luxury of comfortably stepping outside, our options become slim.
Instead of lamenting this shift, think & come up with a goal-oriented project you can work toward. Hitting the gym with a weightlifting goal is one option, but maybe you’d prefer challenging yourself to take up knitting. Perhaps deep cleaning your closet will give you satisfaction or learning a new language. Start a new book trilogy,
organize family photos into an online album, volunteer at an animal shelter once a week, start an indoor herb garden—whatever your poison, pick one that will leave you feeling accomplished by the time spring rolls around.
3. Check your vitamin D
If you aren’t getting 15 minutes of direct, sunblock-less sun exposure every day, chances are you’re at risk for a vitamin D deficiency. It’s okay—up to 42 percent of U.S. adults are deficient in this key nutrient. What’s not okay is doing nothing about it. Not getting enough can put you at risk for poor bone, heart & circulatory health. Here are 5 ways to increase your vitamin D intake.
4. Schedule weekly excuses to spend time outside the house
If you only leave the house for work & errands, you might begin to associate venturing outdoors with “ugh, not again.” Make it a point to schedule yourself time outside of the house that is enjoyable, as well. Prioritize it like it’s an important errand. Spend a Saturday morning at the coffee shop. Take some photos of a snowy park. Walk your pup down the street. Meet up with a friend for lunch. Visit a museum. Not only will this boost your mood, it will also make you feel less isolated & stuck at home.
5. Keep moving
While it may be tempting to camp out on the couch until May, this isn’t the best option for our mental & physical health. This time of year is not only accompanied by this sluggish temptation, but also the allure of rich holiday foods; that combination can lead to problems down the road. Make sure you’re still keeping your body mobile through walks, visits at the gym, at-home workouts, or even strolls through the bookstore. Find something you enjoy doing, so your mind will benefit as much as the rest of your body.
And there’s nothing wrong with being a “kid” again! Go out & play in the snow… Key word here is play – not shoveling snow – enjoy yourself; make it fun!
Lastly today I want to share some things from my website: http://www.bonanza.com/booths/allix999
- Vintage Vogue Sewing Book
- Vintage Singer sewing Book
- Vintage Salvador Dali Book
- Small White Patriotic Bear with Custom Outfit
- Honey Bear with Custom Outfit
- Brown Bear with Custom Outfit
- 2 VINTAGE 1970’s Deer Avon Bottles
- Fashion Sung;lasses
- Vintage 1970’s Green Frog Avon Bottle
- New Aqua Straw Hat with Silver Threads
- Vintage 1970’s Red Flower Hair Comb
- Black Vintage 1970’s Straw Hat
- Copper, Brown & Silver Signed Necklace
- Gold Tone Pierced Hoop Earrings
- Pink & White Bead Necklace
- 2 Gold Tone Bangle Bracelets
I hope you will take a look at some of my things & tell me what you think of them. I’d love the feedback from you! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!!!