Welcome to My World – Day 3

Today my patience, which is in short supply these days, is being tested. If you ever have to transfer your domain name from one site to another, you will need a world of patience as no one explains that nothing happens for 5 days from date of transfer, as that is the time by some federal law that one has to change their mind if they want to & remain with the old host company. Then when that time passes, there is another 1-3 days for the domain name to propagate with the new host. That is a total of 6-8 days. I’d have felt much better if I knew in advance that it would take so long. It would have been much easier, & less frustrating, if the tech people that I talked to (& there were quite a few so far & I’m probably not done yet) told me this, but no one did. It would’ve been easiest to simply choose a new domain name & get started immediately.

I am telling you this not to simply vent, but to, hopefully, help someone else from going thru the same stuff. Maybe you can avoid this frustration & I am happy to help you do so as the “tech” people at these hosting companies aren’t as tech savvy as they think they are, or they don’t talk about what they take for granted; stuff we don’t know about .

Enough about this little tidbit of information. Hope this aids another to avoid these frustrations. I doubt you’ll read about this in another blog. I know I haven’t yet, & I need all the help I can get. I will pass along any of these pieces of info that come my way. If you are brand new to an endeavor, I don’t understand why the person at the other end of the phone doesn’t realize there are things we don’t know yet. Nothing should be taken for granted as, at some point, we were all newbies.

img_8782 Just thought I’d lighten the mood with a pic of a cute kitten. This is Neville Longbottom when he was a kitten 5 years ago…

Enjoy your day & I’ll talk to you again soon…

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