Welcome to My World – Nutritional Deficiencies & Anxiety & Depression

Hello World!   Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Did you know something may be lacking in your diet that causes these conditions?  And correcting these conditions naturally, is so much healthier for you in the long run…

Do you have headaches? Are you feeling the stressed or anxious?

Do you have headaches? Are you feeling the stressed or anxious?

Nutritional Deficiencies Associated with Anxiety and Depression

How often do physicians and other health professionals explore the possibility of nutritional deficiencies as a cause of your anxiety or

Have you ever suffered from, depression? Do you think social media helps or hurts this?

Have you ever suffered from, depression? Do you think your diet or social media helps or hurts this?

depression before they pull out their prescription pad? It’s no surprise that diet and nutrition are overlooked as a cause or contributor to these common mental health issues.

All you have to do is see and listen to the endless commercials about prescription medications for anxiety and depression with their rhetoric about how the advertised drug can put a smile back on your face, a jiggle in your walk, and restore loving harmony between you and your family. You are urged to “ask your doctor” about how you can get this medication. Hmmm, are we brainwashed yet?

What if all you need to effectively manage your anxiety or depression is to identify a nutritional deficiency (or more than one) and then take natural steps to remedy it?

What if one of the first questions a doctor or psychiatrist asked you when you are seeking help for depression is, what is your diet like? Followed by “I’d like to do a blood test to identify any nutritional deficiencies.”

I’ll go on my soapbox here for a minute because I believe doctor’s are brainwashed by Big Pharma…  For that reason, I rarely go to doctors (right or wrong solution, but it’s mine)

The truth is, there are numerous nutrients that can cause or contribute to your anxiety or depression when they are in low supply or deficient. Here are nine you should consider exploring if anxiety and/or depression are a part of your life.


The B vitamins that can be instrumental in your brain function and your

bananas are rich in potassium & Will help protect you from air pollution as they contain B vitamins & iron.

bananas are rich in potassium & B76 & Will help protect you from getting osteoporosis, & air pollution as they contain B vitamins & iron.

mood are vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. In fact, one study found that more than 25% of severely depressed older women had a B12 deficiency. To be sure you get enough B6, focus on leafy green vegetables, bananas, eggs, organic soybeans, brown rice, and whole grains such as oatmeal and wheat germ. Vitamin B12 is found primarily in animal foods such as fish, shellfish, poultry, and eggs, although you can take a vitamin B12 supplement to help ward off any possible deficiency.


Although folate is a B vitamin, it deserves to be highlighted because of its

Avocados not only taste great, but they are healthy for you...

Avocados not only taste great, but they are healthy for you…

unique contribution to your depression. One interesting thing about folate is that individuals who are low in this B vitamin have only a 7% response to antidepressants, compared with a 44% response among those with a high folate level. Adults need at least 400 micrograms daily, and you can get all or much of that requirement from foods such as asparagus, avocado, beans and legumes, beets, broccoli, citrus fruits, dark leafy greens, and seeds. You also can consider taking a folic acid supplement or a multivitamin with folic acid.


These essential fats, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and

Eat more salmon. Your cold water Fish is a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids...

Eat more wild grown salmon. Your cold water Fish is a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids…

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), play an important role in your brain function, including your depression, mood, memory, and your concentration. Since these omega-3 fatty acids are found primarily in fatty fish such as herring, salmon, and tuna, with another omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid, ALA) found in lesser amounts in walnuts and flaxseeds, it can be a challenge to get enough of these healthy fats unless you take fish oil or algae supplements. You can also add these omega-3 rich plant-based foods to your diet.


Many experts, including Mark Hyman, MD, who wrote ”The Ultramind

vitamin D may help you prevent cancer. It also aids your body to digest calcium that your bones need.

vitamin D may help you prevent cancer. It also aids your body to digest calcium that your bones need.

Solution”, believe that a vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression. He and some of his colleagues state that individuals should be getting 5,000 to 10,000 International Units of vitamin D daily. To boost your vitamin D levels, you can expose your untreated (i.e., no sunscreen) skin to sunlight for about 20 minutes daily four days a week, you can take a vitamin D supplement, and/or you can consume more foods rich in vitamin D, such as canned tuna, egg yolks, herring, mushrooms, oysters, salmon, and shrimp.


The mineral magnesium has been praised for its ability to relax your body.

Epsom Salt baths help you get your magnesium. Deficiencies can be mood altering as well as have other bad effect on your body.

Epsom Salt baths help you get your magnesium and they are so relaxing for “ME” time. Deficiencies can be mood altering as well as have other bad effect on your body.

Yet we often deplete our body of this mineral from the use of antibiotics and/or diuretics as well as intake of excess coffee, sugar, alcohol, and/or salt. Ways to restore your body’s healthy levels of magnesium include practicing stress management techniques daily, eliminating or significantly reducing intake of salt, sugar, and alcohol, and your eating more foods high in magnesium, such as avocados, dark chocolate, dark leafy greens, nuts, seaweed, and seeds.[Editor’s Note: If you think you are magnesium deficient, you may need to supplement. Pure Essence has a great magnesium powder you can add to water for a magnesium boost that is balanced with other minerals.]

I take Epsom salt baths to replenish Magnesium in my body because from everything I’ve read, your body absorbs magnesium easier than your swallowing a supplement…


About 20% of all women and 50% of those who are pregnant have an iron

Were you aware that beans may help keep away mosquitoes? And they help to build muscle? And add rice to your beans & you have a complete protein.

Were you aware that beans may help keep away mosquitoes? And they contain iron, & they help to build muscle? Add rice to your beans & you have a complete protein.

deficiency. Low levels of iron have been associated with depression, brain fog, irritability, and your fatigue. Foods that provide an excellent to a very good supply of iron include beans and legumes, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, shellfish, and spinach. If you elect to take an iron supplement, discuss the options with a knowledgeable physician, as iron supplements can cause significant side effects, including chronic constipation, nausea, and headache.


The link between zinc and depression lies in the association between food

aThe mighty egg is healthy to your body as it provides nutrients you need to prevent hedpression or amxiety.

The mighty egg is healthy to your body as it provides nutrients you need to prevent hedpression or amxiety.

allergies and your mood. Zinc stimulates your digestive enzymes that break down food as well as help prevent food allergies. Since food allergies can trigger depression in some people, getting more zinc may help you manage it. Foods richest in zinc include shellfish (including oysters), pumpkin seeds, beans and legumes, nuts, eggs, and whole grains. Zinc is also available as a solo supplement or in vitamin/mineral or mineral-alone products.


A poorly functioning thyroid can have a significant impact on your

Tuna salad is good for you, If you don't add mayo. Instead make your own dressing.

Tuna salad is good for you, If you don’t add mayo or store bought dressing. Instead make your own dressing.

metabolism, immune function, energy, and your brain performance (e.g., concentration, memory, awareness), and one major reason for this problem is iodine deficiency. Iodine is abundant in iodine-enriched salt as well as dried seaweed, cod, shrimp, tuna, and prunes. If you significantly limit your salt intake, there is a possibility you may be iodine deficient.


This mineral and antioxidant is essential for your proper thyroid function

Brazil nuts are great fro your body & You can make a black walnut salve to help your fungal infection.

Brazil nuts are great fro your body & You can make a black walnut salve to help your fungal infection.

and your fighting cell-damaging free radicals. Recent research also names low selenium levels as having a role in depression. Brazil nuts rock when it comes to providing selenium, which is also found in mushrooms, beans, eggs, oysters, brown rice, and sunflower seeds.

This is great information for anyone suffering from anxiety or depression. Big Pharma has so many brainwashed that the only way to go is a popping pills, but there are other, natural, things to do, like eat right, to help alleviate these issues. I am a big believer in Natural First…

Let me know your thoughts on this. I’d love to hear from you about natural vs. pills…

Have a great healthy day!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature. Great for Mind, body & Spirit!

Enhance Your Life with Mother Nature! Great for your Mind, Body & Spirit!

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